I hate that people keep throwing this statement around as if its fact. It doesn't even make sense that TDO would fight any sort of expansion or upgrades. "NO, WE DONT WANT ANYTHING OVER HERE! WE JUST WANT OUR PARKS TO BE STAGNANT!!" Its such a ridiculous statement and you guys need to stop using it. If anything, the higher ups would be the ones halting projects, not TDO.

And don't give me the excuse that they just want to look good for the higher ups by not spending cash, cause thats ridiculous as well. New attractions bring people back who will thus spend money, and the idea is to always make more than last year. If TDO was trying to impress their bosses, they would want new stuff in the parks to drive business to continually beat the previous years income.
Also, I dont know why people keep complaining that the FLE is too princess driven. Why does it matter? Those classic movies are unisex. I am a 31 yr old male, and I prefer Beauty & the Beast over say Monsters Inc or the Incredibles. I dont know why some keep thinking about the FLE expansion in terms of "its too girly". It just means that you don't like those franchises, but those movies that are being portrayed in this expansion are enjoyed by guys and girls alike.