Expedition Everest effects status watch


Well-Known Member
Rode it last week, no steam, no water, no bird, but the yeti was upright and could clearly be see with the strobes. He seemed to be looking right down at the train. Best i have seen him in three years.


New Member
Long time lurker, very infrequent poster, former Cast Member. Just came back from WDW. Complained about Disco Yeti to Guest Relations at AK. They told me that a permanent solution to the Yeti problem has been found and that he will be fixed this year. Were they just trying to get rid if me or are they telling the truth?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Long time lurker, very infrequent poster, former Cast Member. Just came back from WDW. Complained about Disco Yeti to Guest Relations at AK. They told me that a permanent solution to the Yeti problem has been found and that he will be fixed this year. Were they just trying to get rid if me or are they telling the truth?
I think that the idea that they have found a permanent solution is plausible. However, I doubt that it will be done in the next year unless the permanent solution consists of more strobe lights and bigger fans.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I took a 4 day vacation in December and voted this issue with my pocketbook. Spent a day at Epcot, a day at the Studios, a day at the Magic Kingdom and a day at Islands of Adventure.

Fix the yeti!


Well-Known Member
I think that the idea that they have found a permanent solution is plausible. However, I doubt that it will be done in the next year unless the permanent solution consists of more strobe lights and bigger fans.

Actually, I heard the same thing from a CM friend. That the yeti would be fixed this year. I was joking with her about Disco Yeti and she said the first time she'd heard that phrase was when it was being explained by someone on this tour and they said it would go down for rehab to fix it.

Taken with a grain of salt, but would be nice to have a functioning yeti and not a Disco Yeti turned Saturday Night Fever Yeti.


Actually, I heard the same thing from a CM friend. That the yeti would be fixed this year. I was joking with her about Disco Yeti and she said the first time she'd heard that phrase was when it was being explained by someone on this tour and they said it would go down for rehab to fix it.

Taken with a grain of salt, but would be nice to have a functioning yeti and not a Disco Yeti turned Saturday Night Fever Yeti.

I also heard the same thing from a former CM member that knows a few managers, it's very complicated but will be fixed, too be not in time for my vacation :mad:


Well-Known Member
Long time lurker, very infrequent poster, former Cast Member. Just came back from WDW. Complained about Disco Yeti to Guest Relations at AK. They told me that a permanent solution to the Yeti problem has been found and that he will be fixed this year. Were they just trying to get rid if me or are they telling the truth?

I don't think we will ever see the yeti in full A mode again only because they will never shut Everest down long enough to do a full repair. I wonder what else they could possibly do that they would consider a "solution"? I'll be there in October so perhaps I will see the "solution"...

Mansion Butler

Active Member
I guarantee you Everest will some day go down for a long enough repair, it just may not be any time soon. Plenty of major attractions have gone down for long periods of time before, and plenty more will in the future. Everest will one day most likely be one of those rides. The question is if they even bother to restore the Yeti to its original glory when that happens, and when it happens.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee you Everest will some day go down for a long enough repair, it just may not be any time soon. Plenty of major attractions have gone down for long periods of time before, and plenty more will in the future. Everest will one day most likely be one of those rides. The question is if they even bother to restore the Yeti to its original glory when that happens, and when it happens.
Not until AK gets a ride good enought to replace Everest while it's down.


Well-Known Member
Rode on Friday. The usual. No waterfalls at all, no steam, disco yeti.

Here is one amazing thing that happened, though.

As we got to the top, I looked for the oft-maligned "bird on a stick", and he was not there, but as we sat at the top, THREE ACTUAL BUZZARDS flew out from behind the peak and circled us!!

What an amazing moment, lol. I had no one to share it with without a long explanation of "bird on a stick".

Maybe Disney has figured out how to train actual birds, or they're flinging rotting meat out on the mountain peak to plus the attraction, lol.


The Andrews

New Member

We were there in December and I dont remember there being steam, but I do remember the bird. We were told that all of these variables were hit and miss, (this included the yeti) unfortunately.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Was there the weekend of the Marathon in January. On Saturday, rode Everest twice - steam was working at the queue line/loading area. Didn't take notice of the bird, but waterfall was working. Yeti looked much better than it had in previous years - it was not moving, but was re-positioned with the hand reaching out towards the train and was a little better lit.

Doea anyone remember the special when they showed the construction of Everest? Didn't they account for mainteneance on the Yeti structure as part of the design?


Well-Known Member
Was there the weekend of the Marathon in January. On Saturday, rode Everest twice - steam was working at the queue line/loading area. Didn't take notice of the bird, but waterfall was working. Yeti looked much better than it had in previous years - it was not moving, but was re-positioned with the hand reaching out towards the train and was a little better lit.

Doea anyone remember the special when they showed the construction of Everest? Didn't they account for mainteneance on the Yeti structure as part of the design?

Ya I was there Jan.21-24 and the Yeti did look good. I told my girlfriend that something was different he looked more lit up to me. Before I could barely see him.


Beta Return
Ya I was there Jan.21-24 and the Yeti did look good. I told my girlfriend that something was different he looked more lit up to me. Before I could barely see him.

I asked my wife again, and she said that she did notice he was lit better this time - she actually saw him. They still strobe, for effect.


Active Member
From many of these responses, it seems that each day is a different experience. Sometimes there's steam, sometimes there's no bird, or whatever. Only thing that stays the same is Disco Yeti...

The CM news about Disney finding a solution, if true, is VERY exciting!!

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I wrote in another thread that maybe the solution to the Yeti would be to simply disable the grabbing arm, anchor it to an overhead rafter, and just have the head and mouth move (to roar at the guests). Surely that would reduce the stress a fully-functioning Yeti seemed to exert on the AA's foundation.

I dunno, I just want the darn thing to actually MOVE! :shrug:

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