Ever had a Chat / Interaction with a Character?


Original Poster
Once in a while, we have moments to where we can chat with the characters, or in some cases, interact with them, I.E: dancing with them.

My personal experience is one time, at Cinderella's Royal Table Lobby, I was talking to Cinderella, until my mom somehow drop the small camera pin (since it had a touch screen) and we all, including a CM, went looking for it. It took 10 mins but we found it. :ROFLOL:

What are you experiences with characters?


We've had several more "personal" interactions (i.e.not just a wave/hug/picture/signature).

Most recently, we wer on our trip last July and we were in the first (7am) breakfast seating for Chef Mickey's. Now, all of the characters were extra fun that morning since there were at most 8 to 10 tables at the time. They were all very attentiv, fun and very interactive.

The best that day was Goofy. He just started outsaying "Hi" and hugging everyone, but then he saw our food and rubbed his stomach to tell us he was hungry too. Well, there were 3 of us at a table for 4, so we invited him to eat with us. Well, he pulled out that extra seat,grabbed a napkin and silverware and waiting for food of his own. He noticed I was drinking some coffee, and motioned that he wanted some too. We called over the waitress and ordered for him. I said, "Goofy wants a coffee..." to which he motions his hands to show the size... "yeah, Goofy wants a really BIG coffee." the waitress reminded Goofy that the last time he had coffee he couldn't take his afternoon nap because he was so awake, and asked himif tats what he wanted. Thats when Goofy hung his head low, shook his head "no", put the napkin and silverware down and begrudgingly got up from the table.

He had to be sitting with us for over 5 minutes just having a "conversation" over our meal. It was such a great time, so funb, and was a perfect first thing on our first morning.

Times like this are why we go back to WDW year after year.

Magic is for kids of all ages, for those who choose to believe in it. Thats why a 31, 29 and 28 old can sit and have a meal with a Disney character and have a little talk over some coffee. It was our little family there, and Goofy was just as much a part of it as the rest of us.

Wish I could meet Goofy's friend to thank him for that time, and helping reset our ages back to childhood for the beginnning of the trip

i'll se if I can find the pictures. AND try to think of others...the many many others.....


Well-Known Member
Last December my partner and I were at The Studios when me met "Honey Darling" and "Harold Hayseed". We usually wear matching shirts at the parks but this trip I had my arm in a cast. Honey and Harold began to play "What's different between these two guys". They had a group of Guests all around us playing. It was quite fun.

Then of course we always have a wonderful time chatting with "Victoria Throckmorton" at The Studios, considering we are the founding members of "The Victoria Throckmorton Adulation Society":lol:


I've had a few different ones.

the first was when I was just 14 and a (very) moody teenager. I think I was in a bit of a strop and we bumped in to all of the 7 dwarves. Grumpy came and stood next to me with his arms folded, just like me, then one of the others (I forget which one as it's 10 years ago now!) grabbed me and started dancing with me and they all had a turn. By the time they had finished, I couldn't even remember why I was in a strop! I think we have it on video somewhere. That was so cool as I love the dwarves!

I also love the Chipmunks and everytime I have a meet and greet with them, they either try to run off with me together, or, like last time, end up having a tug of war with each other and me in the middle!. Captain Hook has also tried to run off with me, which I found absolutely hilarious and when I was laughing, he then decided to threaten me with his hook instead!

I love interactions with characters. WHen Donald blew me a kiss during one of the parades, I was just beaming for hours after!


Well-Known Member
I've had many fun interactions with the characters. Here's a few:

-Riding the Magic Carpets with Aladdin at MVMCP 2006. We rode 5 or 6 times in a row.
-Riding the Tea Cups with the Mad Hatter and Alice.
-Riding the Magic Carpets with Wendell at MVMCP 2007.

I was in line to see Chip n Dale just a few weeks ago. I was wearing a Shawn Michaels shirt. He's my favorite wrestler. After seeing my shirt they decided to have a wrestling match right there near the hat at the Studios. It ended up with Chip pinning Dale and getting the 3 count.

The Mom

Premium Member
Once upon a time, many, many years ago (circa mid to late 1980s) ALL of Epcot opened at the same time. There was always a crowd near SSE, etc, so my daughter and I (she's now 24) would head straight to WS.

One morning, we stopped at the CS restaurant at AA for either breakfast or an early lunch. Mickey came out, and we were literally the only people around, so he sat down with us for about 10 minutes. I wish I had had a camera with me; my husband is the photographer, and we went so frequently (my daughter was still very young) that I got tired of seeing photos of the same things.

We finally had to leave HIM so we could continue on with our day. I felt terrible to leave him alone. :(

I have many, many pictures of my preschool aged daughter sitting on various benches, etc snuggled up to various characters.

I assume that this "emptiness" was the reason WDW started the staggered openings.


I've had many conversations with characters. But I know some of their friends.
The best was at MVMCP '07. My friend and I got a picture with Scroge (sp?) when my other friend told us that the Tweedles were over by the Mad Tea Party and I hadn't seen them since I'd gotten to Disney for my CP. Kelly & I ran over there but they were walking toward the ride. We caught up to them and asked if we could ride with them thinking it would be kelly and 1 tweedle in one cup and me and the other tweedle in another cup. Nope not at all. All 4 of us squeezed into one cup! I had to stand on the seat to open the door to get out!
That night we got scolded by Goofy for not coming to see him at the dance party in Cosmic Ray's. After our conversation we realized how many guests were staring at the two of us an Goofy carrying on a conversation.
I also got mad at Goofy in AK when he wouldn't sign my autograph book. Finally he signed "To Kate, your pal Goofy." My favorite autograph ever!

Hopefully Goofy & I will have more conversations when I go back Spring Break!!!!


Active Member
Wow, I think there's too many great interactions to mention. Chip and Dale have been many of them. Most recently in California Adventure (not WDW, I know) they danced with my daughter for a good 5 minutes. My favorite for the kids was with Mickey. We went to Toontown on a day when it wasn't so busy. He met the kids at the door and took my children by the hands and walked with them. I've seen other characters come out in the hall, but there was just something about that time. It was a magical moment. My personal favorite was when I got Buzz to audibly laugh. :D


New Member
Chip and Dale seem to interact alot. On our last visit my step-son was 14 and we were having breakfast at Chef Mickey's. When chip came over he took my step-son's sun glasses off of his head and put them over his nose. He walked around for the next half hour with those glasses on. He kept coming back to our table and pointing his finger to the glasses and then waving his finger to my son to let him know that he was not getting his glasses back. We were actually done eating for a while and had to wait for him to come back to us to give him his sunglasses. I just laugh thinking of all the tables he went to and all the pictures he took with those sun glasses on his nose. :lol:


New Member
Chip & Dale seem to be the best for interaction including reacting to your shirt like Drew said. (note: Drew I'm a big HBK fan also) I was watching S&MC @ DHS one of the last times I was down & when Chip & Dale passed me & saw my HSM shirt they pointed at it & than broke out in a few of the moves from "We're All In This Together" right in the middle of the parade route. Of coarse the other best interaction is at AC even if I never seem to get picked on for a show.


Well-Known Member
We have found that we have the best interactions with goofy and tigger.

We have had so many neat interactions with goofy that my kids seem to think that he is part of the family and often talk about what it would be like to have goofy for a dad. :lol: They got this idea because goofy proposed to me and told me to get rid of the jerk. :lookaroun We also had a nice interaction with goofy at cape may cafe where he wrote on the table to converse with us and told us how sad it was that we had to go home to the snow. He must have wrote back and forth for a good 10 minutes. No wonder my kids think they know him personally. :lol:

Tigger has also been very playful. In dl, at the plaza inn, he was telling off his helper and refusing to go where she told him. He basically motioned for her to get lost so he could play with the kids. Another day, he was pretending to step on the kids toes and ended up falling on the ground and pulling the kids down with him. they goofed off on the floor for a little bit then I told the kids to help tigger up, so they pulled him to his feet. They thought it was the neatest thing ever.

There are so many great character friends out there that we really have to be thankful for because they provide us with such great memories!


At last year's Halloween party I was dressed as Jim Henson with a Kermit puppet. On the way into Fantasyland we passed by Alice and the Walrus going the other way who both stopped to have a conversation with Kermit. Alice thought he was a rather curious creature. She asked him if he bites. Of course Kermit said no, but while he was answering the Walrus stuck his finger in Kermit's mouth. Suddenly accused of being a biter, Kermit had to quickly defend his actions. :) Also, later in the night Kermit and my family all ended up performing with the pirate band in Adventureland for a few songs.


New Member
At Liberty Tree Tavern, Goofy sometimes likes to walk up behind you, position his nose right beside your head, and then tap you on the shoulder.
When you turn around you are staring right into Goofy's face.
Surprise !



Active Member
During my childhood, me and Goofy waged a personal "war" at Chef Mickey's. I just dug out the photos, so I'll let them do the talking:

I first laid eyes on Chef Goofy in '97. His hatred for me was at once clear:

Whilst the initial assault was a success...

Goofy pulled back and won:

We stopped back at Chef Mickey's in '01, and the grudge continued. That's right... it's:
Goofy Fight 2: The Goofening!

This skirmish ended badly for me too:

Aah, what fun. If I stop by the Contemporary this year, I'm bringing a shotgun. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
My favorite part about working with our wonderful characters is that now when I visit them as a guest, they either give me giant hugs as if they haven't seen me in a while or they speak to me by name..."gorjus, it is so nice to see you again. Are you taking time off from your royal duties?" (face). Goofy practically tackled me the other day. Donald got down on one knee. Ariel and I had a lovely chat while the photographer changed his flash batteries. We told each other mermaid jokes.

Of course the opposite is a bit more unnerving...when they are having a bit of time off. What appears to be a total stranger (one of our friends incognito) comes up to you while you are working and says "hey gorjus, how are you? Thanks for the other day. We had so much fun." I'm thinking who on earth are you? Then I check out their height, how pretty/handsome they are and try to figure it out. Actually, all I have to do is wait till they smile because everyone has their own distinct smile; especially Goofy:D.


Well-Known Member
My favorite part about working with our wonderful characters is that now when I visit them as a guest, they either give me giant hugs as if they haven't seen me in a while or they speak to me by name..."gorjus, it is so nice to see you again. Are you taking time off from your royal duties?" (face). Goofy practically tackled me the other day. Donald got down on one knee. Ariel and I had a lovely chat while the photographer changed his flash batteries. We told each other mermaid jokes.

Of course the opposite is a bit more unnerving...when they are having a bit of time off. What appears to be a total stranger (one of our friends incognito) comes up to you while you are working and says "hey gorjus, how are you? Thanks for the other day. We had so much fun." I'm thinking who on earth are you? Then I check out their height, how pretty/handsome they are and try to figure it out. Actually, all I have to do is wait till they smile because everyone has their own distinct smile; especially Goofy:D.

Same here! It's so much fun. I love interacting with the characters. My most memerable one was when Mickey got down on his knee and "proposed".:D


17th June 2007 - Tomorrowland - Stitch

It was my birthday and I was standing in the queue as normal for autographs and photos with stitch. He noticed it was my birthday and he pointed it out and he gave me a hug and a kiss. The CM said "If you ask her nicely she might take you to her birthday dinner" so stitch started pointing at me and then at him and then pointed at his stomach, so I said yeah of course you can and then he started hugging me and kissing me even more. Then he linked arms with me and he gave me his autograph and we got lots of photos taken. He linked arms with me and then motioned food and that he wants some dinner, so he walked off with me waving at all the other kids. Then the cm told him off and he walked back sulking, he waved at me and give me a kiss and we walked off.

Best birthday ever haha


Well-Known Member
One of the funniest interactions I have ever witnessed is a little girl who came up to Snow White and proceeded to share with her the intimate details of the correlation between what she consumed and the consistancy of her bowel movements. And it all started with Snow White asking "How was your day? Have you had any adventures?"

If you only could have seen Snow White's face. It was a long tale so Snow White had to act very interested for a bit of a time while at the same time she was hysterical inside not to mention at a loss for words when the tale was over and it was time to transition to "would it be alright if we took a portrait?"

I don't think even the Step Sisters would have a response for that one.


Well-Known Member
I was at 1900 Park fare for the first time last September and here are some of the highlights:

-Tigger sitting down at our table (there was only 3 of us) putting on his napkin and wiping my grandmother's face.
-Mary Poppins explaining to me how to take a "proper" picture
-The Mad Hatter asking if I flapped my wings down to Florida
-All the characters liking the pictures I drew of them. During my entire trip I showed all the characters I wanted to greet with pictures of them and they all thought it was neat


Well-Known Member
One of the funniest interactions I have ever witnessed is a little girl who came up to Snow White and proceeded to share with her the intimate details of the correlation between what she consumed and the consistancy of her bowel movements. And it all started with Snow White asking "How was your day? Have you had any adventures?"

If you only could have seen Snow White's face. It was a long tale so Snow White had to act very interested for a bit of a time while at the same time she was hysterical inside not to mention at a loss for words when the tale was over and it was time to transition to "would it be alright if we took a portrait?"

I don't think even the Step Sisters would have a response for that one.


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