Ever had a Chat / Interaction with a Character?


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Most of our interactions have been with Chip and Dale. My daughter has danced with them several times. She played hide and seek with them once and then one time we did the hokey pokey with them..


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The Halloween dd was 5 we went to MNSSHP, she dressed up as a genie. During the parade Jasmine and Aladin spotted her and came over to tell her how great she looked. She had her picture taken with them and was grinning from ear to ear. The parade was awesome with these dancers scraping the ground with their shovels and creating sparks, it was just a really memorable experience for the kids and so much fun!


Well-Known Member
Last trip we were at MK on Father's Day. When we made our way up to Ariel, my daughter was supposed to ask her what she got King Triton for Father's day, but she froze up. So I asked for her and Ariel was quick with a reply of "Oh, I made him a sponge cake...It's his favorite." Then Ariel asked my daughter what she got her dad. A great little moment.

Also on another trip, we waited in the line for the Free Visa Photo in Epcot, but the little guy was tired and fell asleep in the stroller just before we got in there. No way we were waking him up, so we brought him in and figured my daughter would have her own session with Mickey, Minnie and Pluto. We were wrong. They grabbed the stroller and insisted that we get him in the pictures too. There are several of each character kneeling down at the stroller while he slept. I was hoping he didn't wake up to have a huge mickey head in his face. He did sleep thru it all, but had a blast.

The last one is probably 3 years ago. We were at Epcot and there really wasn't anyone around in the photo area, so we got a bunch of time to spend with the characters. Minnie was awesome with my DS. He was about 2 and she got down on the ground with him and just played with him. They hugged and danced around a little...never rushing at all. It was truly magical.


Well-Known Member
One time on the drive down I told my kids that this trip I was going to get a kiss from Minnie. They laughed and said no way. While at EPCOT when we walked up to Minnie the first thing she did was pass the kids and kiss me on the cheek, like she was in on it. The kids where stunned. It was great!


On my honeymoon in September 2003, DH and I went into the Judge's Tent to see Eeyore. We walked into the room and no else was there. I yelled Eeyore and he came running over and started to dance with me and gave me a big hug. After also taking pictures with Pooh and Tigger my DH was showing me the pictures off to the side. I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Pooh wanting to see the pictures! Was the best time with characters I think we've had. :)


Well-Known Member
We had a couple good character interactions on our Dec. 08 trip. At the Princess dinner in Norway, Ariel noticed my niece's light-up tennis shoes, and made a comment about having to get a pair for herself now that she had legs instead of fins, and that led to a fun girly discussion about our favorite shoes and shopping in general.

Also, at the Christmas party, we ran into Alice and the Queen of Hearts by the teacups. When the Queen knelt down to get a picture with my niece, I commented on her fancy heart printed bloomers. Well, she started lifting her skirts and dancing around showing off her underwear. We were all laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. The CM attendant kept trying to get her to put her skirt back down, but she just kept making that "Off with her head!" motion, and went back to showing off her bloomers.

Then, when my niece asked Alice if she could please have her autograph (I had been stressing that we were to ask, not just shove the autograph books into the characters' faces), Alice comment what a polite little girl she was, and did she learn her lovely manners from Mary Poppins. Hannah was just so tickled to be noticed and complimented by Alice - she still talks about it.
We had a breakfast reservation for Cape May Cafe at the Beach Club. We ended up getting there late -- just as breakfast had ended. However, they let us in and we were the only two dining. Minnie, Goofy, Chip & Dale joined us and spent about 20 minutes with us! We have some GREAT pictures from that day.


New Member
I have one that is not a character interaction but something happened back home with Disney magic and Santa Claus.

This past Christmas we took my 4 yr. old daughter, Michaela to the mall to see Santa. he was horrible. All my daughter wanted was Woody from Toy Story. She tells Santa, " I would like Woody." Santa, you would like a wooden what?", Michaela, " I want Woody from Toy Story." Santa, "what kind of wooden toy?" Michaela" Woody, the talking cowboy from toy Story." Santa, "OK you want a talking wooden cowboy toy." My poor daughter looked so confused and upset. so we told her come on let's go. We told her that wasn't the real Santa. And we went to another place called Kelly's Country Store. We didn't go there to begin with because its a local candy store and old fashioned counrty store. Wonderful place, but usually has huge lines for Santa. Well, we get there no line. 2 kids in front of us. So, she sits on his lap and tells him "I would like Woody from Toy Story." Santa" Ok, but have you ever been to Disney World to meet Woody? I have." Her eyes lit up because not only did he know what toy she was talking about but Santa had been to Disney World. She said "yes, I saw him in the parade but I didn't meet him." Well, we spent a good 1/2 hr. talking with this Santa about our recent trip in March to Disney World. Nobody was in line behind us. the best Santa ever.

If anyone here lives in Buffalo, NY, after this experience it is the only place I will ever take my daughter regardless of line and the only place I will ever tell anyone to go.:xmas:


Active Member
On a trip a couple years ago, I took my then 4 yo son and 6 month old daughter to see Aladdin and Genie at the Morocco Pavillion. Well, Genie was making such a fuss about my daugher. He was playing peek a boo with her and just trying to get her to smile, really paying a lot of attention to her. During this, Aladdin turned to me and said Genie loves babies, Jasmine does too. She keeps bugging me to have a kid. I didn't know what to say. I think I just smiled at him and thought oookaaayyy.


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Back in '06 we were on a Grand Gathering trip. One night at dinner we were at 1900 Park Fare. We had spent the day in the parks and it was "Cardinals" day for our group of 13. All of us were in some type of St. Louis Cardinals shirts (even though we're all from Illinois). We were seated in the booths that were along the wall. Pretty soon another group gets seated to our left. They were in Cubs shirts. So we joked around a bit. Then a few minutes later another group is seated to our right...and they are in Mets shirts. So we were all joking around about the chances of such a thing happening. Well, the mice come over for photos first and they see that we have 3 different groups in 'rival' tshirts, so the mice leave for a few minutes and come back with the other characters and the 'step mother' comes over and lectures us about playing fair, making us shake hands and get along and then all the characters get us up for a big group photo.

Walt Disney1955

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In Animal Kingdom last year we went to the Africa section and stopped in and saw some characters near the petting zoo. My wife wanted a picture with Rafiki. He hugged her when she approached him. I jokingly pretended I was "watching" him after that and after I snapped the picture he started to walk away with my wife as if he were running off with her. He wanted me to chase him around a tree so I did. It was fun. We always will remember the funny story behind that picture
Back in 2004 we were in line to see Lilo and Stitch at DHS and for whatever reason suddenly Lilo grabbed my husbands hand and took off walking with him. She then walked over to Chip and Dale and "introduced" him to them but then Chip and Dale started fighting over Lilo and Stitch had to get involved and so on. Oh my God we were laughing - the problem was there were long long long lines of people waiting to see Lilo and Stitch AND Chip and Dale - the CM's with them kept telling them they needed to get back to their spots. But for some reason they were having a great time playing with my husband.

Earlier this year in Epcot we came upon Marie and Baloo by the Fountain of Nations - neither had any line. My daughter wasn't afraid of Marie but was a little intimidated by Baloo because of how tall he was. So she wouldn't hug him but would give him a high - 5. As my daughter turns to walk away Baloo started chasing after her. Oh my God my daughter SCREAMED! She still talks about how the "bear chased me!"



Original Poster
One time on the drive down I told my kids that this trip I was going to get a kiss from Minnie. They laughed and said no way. While at EPCOT when we walked up to Minnie the first thing she did was pass the kids and kiss me on the cheek, like she was in on it. The kids where stunned. It was great!
Do I sence ESP in that moment? lol


On a trip in 1999 we were at a character breakfast at the floridian. We got talking to Mary Poppins about us living in Boston. While, she started talking about the subway and that she used it in London. this went on for a good 5 min.. Once all the kids left a few of the adults were still talking to her and we actually got her to come out of character. She ended up only living 15 to 20 min. from us.


Well-Known Member
Way back in 2002 my friend and I were drinking around the word and Eeyore was I think outside Germany and my friend wanted a pic with eeyore. He had a drink in his hand of beer and eeyore was shooing my friend away and crossing his arms until he put the drink down and then Eeyore clapped.


A few years ago, I was sitting in the fragrance garden at the French pavilion, on the phone with my boyfriend. The backstage door in front of me opens and who walks in but Beast. He took one look at me on the phone and promptly tackled me, giving me a big hug. My poor boyfriend about got his ear drum popped with the way I started screaming with laughter. Beast has a special place in my heart now.

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