Energy Refurb May 1-14


Park History nut
Premium Member
Frank Stallone said:
and the third may reach its demise within the next few years (depending on whether or not they green-light the "walkway" from the entrance of EPCOT.


Pardon moi?


Well-Known Member
I don't see how people can say that the UOE is boring or a "snooze fest". This is one of my all time favorite attractions and I always try to do it everytime I go to Epcot. While its not as great as the UOE we could have had, its still good.

I personally enjoy the Edutainment aspect of it, and I love the fact that Bill Nye is in it, Epcot seems like a really good place for him. I like Ellen being in it too, her and Bill Nye make a good team IMO. And, you can't forget the beautiful score to the UOE, I always have it playing on my computer. Its length is another good thing, people complain that it is too long. So your saying you would rather wait in line for a few hours for a 2-3 minute attraction?

I loved the original UOE and I love this version of the UOE and I will miss it sadly when its time does come. But for now, I enjoy this great ride everytime I go to Epcot.

Frank Stallone

New Member
marni1971 said:

Pardon moi?

It's a rumor that's been going around for a little while. Some executives want Test Track/Mission Space to be closer and more easily accessible from the front entrance.

Personally, I say let the people walk the extra 5 minutes.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Frank Stallone said:
It's a rumor that's been going around for a little while. Some executives want Test Track/Mission Space to be closer and more easily accessible from the front entrance.

Personally, I say let the people walk the extra 5 minutes.

Some executives need their bumps feeling, as we say over here!

Why not make it real easy and also get rid of the 2 support legs of SSE that are also in the way??

I thought Pressler and Harris were long gone. Obviously not. They`ve just changed coasts.


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Original Poster
The SSE supports aren't in the way...

Anyways - the Walkway by Energy's postshow, that shoots right out into Future World East, is big and could easily become a walkway to Guest Services. There's actually a little CM path that connects the two right by the old WorldKey kiosks. The ground however is not level and it goes right through some backstage areas for things like Electric Umbrella.

It could open without making any difference to Energy, though I do admit they'd need to look into better signage for the exit to assure no one wanders in the backside. Usually it's kept clear because CMs don't let anyone wander back there in passing.


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Original Poster
If you look at this...

Energy's "go away green" park gate is right where the hedge ends at the blue-green panel. Guest Services is the cut-out in the trees facing SSE's post show of the Electric Umbrella and Innoventions building.

Right now, it's just some trees on a hill and gress, parking for some high-lifts, and little foot stones bought from home depot so the CM's was walk through there. A little concrete and planning, and you'd have the path easily.


New Member
Frank Stallone said:
It's a rumor that's been going around for a little while. Some executives want Test Track/Mission Space to be closer and more easily accessible from the front entrance.

Personally, I say let the people walk the extra 5 minutes.

No offense, but I don't really believe that. I mean, I'm sure it was an idea at one point, but I don't think it lasted long.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Frank Stallone said:
And you don't have to worry about it being replaced with a new attraction. Eventually it (and perhaps Wonders of Life as well) will be torn down to create a walkway from the entrance of EPCOT towards the Mission:Space and Test Track Pavilions. Though I have to admit, how appropriate would it be if the Universe of Energy was turned into a walkway to attractions that actually attract crowds.

That's one of the most moronic "rumors" I've ever seen written on these boards. Of all the fake rumors ever written, this is the last one on the "list of possibility." Not sure who you heard that one from, but they took you for a ride.


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Original Poster
I tried to point out..

Yes, there has been talk of the need for a walkway right there.

No, there is no reason to tear down Energy to make said walkway.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
I tried to point out..

Yes, there has been talk of the need for a walkway right there.

No, there is no reason to tear down Energy to make said walkway.
Understood, just pointing out that HIS rumor involved leveling two huge buildings and wasting space which = insane and pointless, which = never happening.


Well-Known Member
Horizons, Universe of Energy, and World of Motion, all have one thing in common: small crowds. That is why two of the three have already been replaced, and the third may reach its demise within the next few years (depending on whether or not they green-light the "walkway" from the entrance of EPCOT.)

Agreed except for Horizons - From what I have found it was one of the parks most popular rides untill the day it closed. However it hardly ever had a line to the continuous loading and unloading. Just like almost all of the old attractions.

Now all we get are 3 minute rides with 60 minute waits.


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Original Poster
Horizons was dead before it died - I know CMs who closed it. They stood there for ages with no one coming into the building.


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
Horizons was dead before it died - I know CMs who closed it. They stood there for ages with no one coming into the building.
Most of the old EPCOT attractions were dead when they were finally removed. What's scary is that so many seem to want to have a seance and try to revive the dead and departed.


New Member
Scary, huh? To paraphrase a line from The Sixth Sense: "I see dead attractions..."

Or, maybe to steal from Billy Joel, "Only the good die young."

Why does it bother you so much that some of us actually CARE about attractions that once were? There are plenty of attractions throughout the Parks that have little to no line. Usually those are the ones with the highest guest capacity - the omnimover-style atttractions, for example. These were the bulk of the original EPCOT attractions, and hence could knock down a line faster than the so-many-every-four-minutes attractions of today.
More than anything, I'm upset because those attractions didn't have to die. Attractions could have been ADDED to the Park, and the originals could have been kept with upgrades done every so often. Soarin' really should have been a World Showcase attraction (or at least given an entrance from the main path between Imagination and the Land...Food Rocks! did not deserve to become a queue), Test Track really shouldn't have been built (yup, MY OPINION), and Mission: Space could have perhaps taken over the Odyssey building. And for Disney to leave entire pavilions like Wonders of Life intact but always closed is just unforgivable. Keeping something closed because the sponsor pulled out is lame. I'm guessing if Spaceship Earth hadn't been front and center they might have done the same to it when AT&T pulled out, too. I can only say, "Thank you Siemens!" for saving one of the last true EPCOT attractions; I hope that maybe someone else will step in and say they'll take over sponsorship on Wonders of Life, and keep at least two of the attractions as is. If only I had a few million to throw around...
Allow those of us who felt EPCOT was almost perfect once upon a time to believe that it could happen again...and that the best way to do it would be to, as you say, "have a seance and try to revive the dead and departed."


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Original Poster
We don't like it because you persist in nay saying EVERYTHING new at Epcot even though nothing in the park is the same from opening, and you just happen to convienently "forget" the Land was made over before you fell in love, Energy too, and even SSE has changed multiple ways multiple times. Epcot changes - that's how it works.

Lets add in you've got yuor facts wrong - Horizons wasn't lineless because it ate people. Horizons was lineless because no one went into the building. Abandoned is the best way to desribe it. You can beleive what you want but the truth states otherwise. I guess we're just trying to save you from being dellusional, but maybe it's not worth the effort.


New Member
Look, while I like some of the current attractions, they COULD have co-existed with what was. And, maybe you didn't get this, I don't mind change, if it is somehow BETTER than what was. The current Universe of Energy is vastly improved over the long-winded snorefest that used to be there. This was always, in my mind, the biggest sore thumb of the original EPCOT attractions. The infusion of a plot and a lot of humor helped the medicine go down, and I don't feel like I'm being hit over the head with a sledgehammer about energy...the information sinks in and I don't realize it until it's all over that I was just taught something.
Yes, Spaceship Earth was changed, too...but not drastically. The building was not gutted and turned into a thrill ride (though not for lack of trying, or so the Timechasers rumors went) or reduced in length. And I think the Land changes were for the better until Soarin' happened (love the attraction, but it's plotless, and has no educational value beyond "this is what California looks like." At least Food Rocks! talked/sang about good nutrition). I can't say I ever truly got into Kitchen Kabaret...the music just wasn't as memorable, with the possible exception of "Veggie Fruit Fruit." And "Circle of Life" does exactly the same thing as Ellen's Energy Adventure - it teaches without being beyond preachy.
Let me make a different point, when I was last at Walt Disney World, the ONLY attractions that had more than a ten minute wait were Peter Pan, the Jungle Cruise, and Winnie the Pooh. This is for all Parks, mind you. Now, while this was before Mission: Space and Soarin', it was not before Tower of Terror, Rock n' Rollercoaster, Test Track, or Splash Mountain. All were practically walk-ons. Granted, this was in February, and therefore the "dead" season, but even the so-called "most popular rides" has little to no wait. I'd love it if it were always like that, but that's neither here nor there. What I'm trying to say is even the favorites can be as dead as you claim the EPCOT attractions were before they got the ax (yes, I know, summer and holidays are different animals).
Maybe you're right. Maybe those of us who want those attractions back ARE delusional. Or maybe because the last time I went on Horizons there was a line, and that makes me delusional (it was definitely not empty). That's fine by me. I'm tired of feeling like the most intelligent Park in Walt Disney World is being dumbed down for the lowest common denominator. When EPCOT challenges me and inspires me again, I'll truly be a happy camper, but with schlock like Test Track and Journey Into Your Imagination with Figment, I'm just not seeing it. And no insult from someone who wants to tell me I'm a fool for living in the past can make me feel otherwise. This is a forum for all of us to express ourselves. While you're welcome to express your opinions, allow us to express ours without telling us we're wrong to feel that way.

I wanted to add a small addendum regarding Horizons. In my rush to type, I neglected to mention that my last and only time to ride it was in 1996, shortly before it became a "seasonal" attraction. The line I mentioned was only ten minutes, but there was a line at that time. To think it could have died so completely that no one was riding it and it was "abandoned" seems impossible to believe. My guess is this is wild exaggeration, of course, but I seriously doubt "no one went into the building." People will usually check out something they haven't seen before, if it looks like it is open. And there were/are enough fans who would go in. To say it was empty and lineless just doesn't ring true.


Well-Known Member
I would like to start off by saying, I miss the old UoE. I'm a big fan of it. I remember it very fondly. 2nd, I like Bill Nye. I like the concept of the UoE as it stands today. I, personally can't stand Ellen. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. But that's MY OPINION. I miss Horizons. I was sad to see it go. I know many people who miss it. I like the fact that on mission space on the gravitiy wheel we have the logo. But it was time for a change. And Horizons just wasn't pulling them in any more. And right now neither is EEA. The numbers are droping. Slowly, but droping. The building though, it'd be a tough one to pull out. So, redoing the insides would be more praticial.

Now, Main Street, I take offense to your comment. I'm a young person. I enjoy the classic side of EPCOT. I like the educational value of it, and if I could have children, I'd show them how to appreciate it too. As it is, I show my friends how to love the park the way it is and use to be. I don't like Ellen because the person she is does not entertain me PERSONALLY. I like the idea of the ride taking 15-40 minutes because it teaches me the importance of things. EEA is an idea that was executed in a hasty manner. The higher ups needed a fast and witty way of updateing the ride. And they pulled it off, just a little to fast and not thinking of the rides' lenght and enjoyablity to all.

My beloved (before she passed) said that EEA was a great ride and just needed somthing extra to draw more in. I tend to agree and we just need a re-imagined ride for UoE. I don't want to see it go. And I want to see the WoL building be picked back up and reinvigerated. Back in I Sept. of 05, we had a Showcase in the WoL building. It was sad to see it in the state it was in. I really want UoE and WoL to stay, but just re-imagined. And updated.

But don't knock me because I'm young. I've been through alot and you don't know all young people. Don't generalize. I'm a person, I respect my elders. But respect is earned (as my grandfather told me), not given.

Frank Stallone

New Member
Main Street USA said:
That's one of the most moronic "rumors" I've ever seen written on these boards. Of all the fake rumors ever written, this is the last one on the "list of possibility." Not sure who you heard that one from, but they took you for a ride.

It was an imagineer. Would you like their number? Lol.

Again, I doubt they would do it, but I'm sure it would crush a lot of hearts if they got rid of such a popular attraction.

*ends sarcasm.

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