Energy Refurb May 1-14

Frank Stallone

New Member
Pirate665 said:
I would like to start off by saying, I miss the old UoE. I'm a big fan of it. I remember it very fondly. 2nd, I like Bill Nye. I like the concept of the UoE as it stands today. I, personally can't stand Ellen. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. But that's MY OPINION. I miss Horizons. I was sad to see it go. I know many people who miss it. I like the fact that on mission space on the gravitiy wheel we have the logo. But it was time for a change. And Horizons just wasn't pulling them in any more. And right now neither is EEA. The numbers are droping. Slowly, but droping. The building though, it'd be a tough one to pull out. So, redoing the insides would be more praticial.

Now, Main Street, I take offense to your comment. I'm a young person. I enjoy the classic side of EPCOT. I like the educational value of it, and if I could have children, I'd show them how to appreciate it too. As it is, I show my friends how to love the park the way it is and use to be. I don't like Ellen because the person she is does not entertain me PERSONALLY. I like the idea of the ride taking 15-40 minutes because it teaches me the importance of things. EEA is an idea that was executed in a hasty manner. The higher ups needed a fast and witty way of updateing the ride. And they pulled it off, just a little to fast and not thinking of the rides' lenght and enjoyablity to all.

My beloved (before she passed) said that EEA was a great ride and just needed somthing extra to draw more in. I tend to agree and we just need a re-imagined ride for UoE. I don't want to see it go. And I want to see the WoL building be picked back up and reinvigerated. Back in I Sept. of 05, we had a Showcase in the WoL building. It was sad to see it in the state it was in. I really want UoE and WoL to stay, but just re-imagined. And updated.

But don't knock me because I'm young. I've been through alot and you don't know all young people. Don't generalize. I'm a person, I respect my elders. But respect is earned (as my grandfather told me), not given.

Good post. I must say I'm really enjoying this debate. Two days ago, I could have cared less about Ellen's Energy Adventure. Now, here I am, arguing about an attraction that is on its last legs. But I love every minute of it. We all have opinions, and we have a great time sharing them and mocking others. We have that right. Just like I picture Main Street USA as Archie Bunker in an SUV complaining about "kiddies", he may envision me as a spoiled ignorant brat that loves to spout half-baked rumors. Or maybe John Stamos. He may think I am John Stamos.

Even if that is the case, I still love debates like this. It's not going to stop me from enjoying an apple danish from Norway tomorrow, just like I'm sure it won't stop Main Street USA from paying $12 for his favorite TinkerBell Balloon.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your kindness. IMO the only thing I want to see EPCOT really do is remain true to it's original goal. And as it moves steadily away from this, it pains me, but I can see the reasoning behind it. I just wish that I could get one last ride on the old UoE and Horizons. And maybe open the WoL for a little while so I can hold onto that too.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Well, I'll reply in general to the past few posts directed at me...

I haven't been offended once by any of your posts, and the fact that anyone is offended by mine is pretty funny. I merely made a generalization which is generally true. If you don't fit into the mold of the general teenage "kiddie" I described, then good for you. You're a unique individual and you should be proud of that, regardless of the fact that you don't comprehend the english language in it's written form all that well. just relax. I was kidding. Deep breaths. :)

Also, I like Tinkerbell, but not in balloon form. She shrinks too fast. I tend to spend my pocket money on delicious pastries, as well, and of course, the occasional beverage of my choice.


Well-Known Member
But, you see, it's not generally true. You generalization is uninformed and based off what you see on TV. Don't believe everything you read or see. Do the fact finding yourself.

EDIT: I can see where you're coming from, esp with SOME of the crowds that attend Universal mostly. But the fact is that, most teens like being well informed and don't mind learn-based rides, as long as it doesn't bore them, is interactive, and creative. Just like the song says: "Man has a dream, and that's the start..." it takes creativity to spark that dream... That's why I look forward to future Imagineers. They'll be even more creative, and it's because of edu-tainment.


CThaddeus said:
And I think the Land changes were for the better until Soarin' happened (love the attraction, but it's plotless, and has no educational value beyond "this is what California looks like." At least Food Rocks! talked/sang about good nutrition).
First of all, Soarin' "happened" at the same exact time as the changes. Secondly, while all the scenes happen to be in California (thanks to it's various climates), the attraction teaches us about earth's various Biomes. You learn facts in the queue & you actually see the various biomes in the attraction itself. As for the plotless point, many WDW rides are plotless but still classics (BTMRR, Space Mountain, Astro Orbiter, etc).

What I'm trying to say is even the favorites can be as dead as you claim the EPCOT attractions were before they got the ax (yes, I know, summer and holidays are different animals).
The attractions you stated had lines simply because they were slower boarding attractions. Peter Pan especially is extremely slow moving, as are most of the dark rides. Attractions like ToT & M:S board faster thanks to preshows & more than one area to board.



Park History nut
Premium Member
mousermerf said:
The SSE supports aren't in the way....
That was a joke.
wannab@dis said:
Most of the old EPCOT attractions were dead when they were finally removed. What's scary is that so many seem to want to have a seance and try to revive the dead and departed.
What is scary is that the majority of recent attractions - some of which are very good in certain areas - have no heart, soul or emotion like past ones did.


Park History nut
Premium Member
askmike1 said:
First of all, Soarin' "happened" at the same exact time as the changes.

As for the plotless point, many WDW rides are plotless but still classics (BTMRR, Space Mountain, Astro Orbiter, etc).

I think CT was reffering to the orignal Land makeover of 1994?

BTMRR has plot, Space Mountain too. Not as perfect as others but there are storylines there (granted Space is just a space ride but you have a launch to a space station, Mission Control give you a main launch command, off you go for a quick trip then you re enter teh atmosphere to land)

BTMRR? The Thunder Messa story (original version) - Old mine. Closed down due to natural disasters. Reopened for tourists after locals saw potential in ore carts being used as transportation. The natural disasters are back - Tumbleweed in flash flood, geysers errupting, earthquake. The mountain is roaring (hence the name) due to it`s gold being removed.


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
What is scary is that the majority of recent attractions - some of which are very good in certain areas - have no heart, soul or emotion like past ones did.
Your opinion... I do not agree.


Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
I think CT was reffering to the orignal Land makeover of 1994?
No, he specifically bemoaned the loss of Food Rocks due to the addition of Soarin. If you can't consider THAT an upgrade, then I'm not sure what could possibly make you happy.

marni1971 said:
BTMRR has plot, Space Mountain too. Not as perfect as others but there are storylines there (granted Space is just a space ride but you have a launch to a space station, Mission Control give you a main launch command, off you go for a quick trip then you re enter teh atmosphere to land)

BTMRR? The Thunder Messa story (original version) - Old mine. Closed down due to natural disasters. Reopened for tourists after locals saw potential in ore carts being used as transportation. The natural disasters are back - Tumbleweed in flash flood, geysers errupting, earthquake. The mountain is roaring (hence the name) due to it`s gold being removed.
You are simply stretching for a way to back up your views. 99% of the guests walking out of MK would NEVER know/figure out the plot for BTMR and wouldn't consider SpaceMtn having a plot... a theme, yes.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that Mouseplanet is the only source reporting this rehab? Are they that far ahead of the rest of the sites?


Ellen is very funny

Ellen is funny. She reminds me of Lucy. I love how she makes fun of herself and has a human, self deprecating and kind quality to her humor. If she goes, that ride has to go period. It is her humor that tells the viewers part of the story, ie "I need to learn something" (oh yeah, learning from Exxon is not actual learning by the way).
Also Note:
The Ellen AA is the only AA of a living person in all of the disney parks that you can trust in real life not to scr*w you over. Think about it.


Active Member
timoteo said:
Ellen is funny. She reminds me of Lucy. I love how she makes fun of herself and has a human, self deprecating and kind quality to her humor. If she goes, that ride has to go period. It is her humor that tells the viewers part of the story, ie "I need to learn something" (oh yeah, learning from Exxon is not actual learning by the way).
Also Note:
The Ellen AA is the only AA of a living person in all of the disney parks that you can trust in real life not to scr*w you over. Think about it.
Inappropriate post and against the rules of the forum. Your political opinions may not be shared by all here. Think about it.


Political? I did not mention a political party, or person, or issue, or significant date, or government,. I see how you might of thought I alluded to Hall of Presidents. It is a politcal attraction I guess. We shouldn't allude to it you are right. Thanks for reminding I wont allude to that so called Political attraction again.


Well-Known Member
timoteo said:
Political? I did not mention a political party, or person, or issue, or significant date, or government,. I see how you might of thought I alluded to Hall of Presidents. It is a politcal attraction I guess. We shouldn't allude to it you are right. Thanks for reminding I wont allude to that so called Political attraction again.


Active Member
timoteo said:
Political? I did not mention a political party, or person, or issue, or significant date, or government,. I see how you might of thought I alluded to Hall of Presidents. It is a politcal attraction I guess. We shouldn't allude to it you are right. Thanks for reminding I wont allude to that so called Political attraction again.


Park History nut
Premium Member
wannab - we`ll agree to disagree. At least you (and the 99% of regular average guests) can look forward to the new style of Disney theme park.

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