Energy Refurb May 1-14

Frank Stallone

New Member
ASJHLJ said:
I'm not usually a naysayer on new updates, etc. In fact, when it comes to attractions I think Disney has only fumbled the ball 3 times the last ten-15 years or so and that would be SGE, Tiki Bird Room Under new Management, and the UoE update. The original show had more effects and a much grander feel to it as well as a couple of campy songs that seem to work on Disney attractions. I think they wanted to lighten the show up a bit, but they did it at the expense of the show scenes (especially the last one which is much less grand than it used to be) and methinks the addition of too much goofiness (do we really need and Ellen AA that's the same scale as the dinos?). At one point Marni discussed the changes that were originally planned for the update and I think if they had gone that route that the show would have been improved.

I think a little refurbing is nice, but I hope this pavilion is due for a major overhaul or replacement soon.

I'm not trying to change the course of this thread, but just wanted to clarify something for you. The reason the Enchanted Tiki Room was changed, was because there weren't any people going to see the show. And a large portion of those who did come to see the show, left mid-show anyway. Disney had three options. Change it, make it a seasonal attraction, or close it down and put something completely new in there. So they decided to change it, make it more kid-friendly, and mention in the show that the tiki birds were getting replaced because nobody came to see them anymore (if you listen to the lyrics, it's actually pretty amusing to hear them mock their own attraction).

So just be happy there is something there, they probably would have just put a meet and greet in there.

For those wondering, I used to work in Adventureland at the Tiki Room.


Well-Known Member
Frank Stallone said:
I apologize in advance if this sounds a bit harsh, but are you always this ignorant and stereotypical? The reason teenagers do not enjoy this attraction is not because there is an educational value to it. It is because, to teenagers, Ellen and Bill Nye ARE NOT FUNNY. Sure, Ellen had her moments when she was in Nemo that teenagers enjoyed, but that was because she was a side character, not having to pull the film.

When I was a teenager, I enjoyed the educational moments of the attraction, but was incredibly annoyed with the actors.

You cannot ask teenagers to enjoy an attraction that features two actors that your standard teen will be annoyed with by the time the preshow is over.

Imagine if it was "Britney Spears' Energy Adventure"(just the thought of that makes me want to kill a badger). Would you mock the elderly people leaving the theater in their electric wheelchairs who hated the show? Would you accuse them of not liking "the educational value"? No, you would feel sorry for them for having to listen to Britney Spears for 48 minutes, just like I pity the "kiddies" who have to listen to Ellen and Bill Nye for 48 minutes.

*side note: if it were Britney Spears' Energy Adventure, I bet they would get more than 40 people per show.

Interesting standpoint...But I think many teens feel that way about Epcot being educational. Britney would probally turn down more than it brought in. One other thing is it's not actually Ellen, many of the teens I know love anything she does, even the talk show, but again the few I know does not stand for the hundreds of thousands of teens who do not. Just my $0.02:wave:


Frank Stallone said:
I apologize in advance if this sounds a bit harsh, but are you always this ignorant and stereotypical? The reason teenagers do not enjoy this attraction is not because there is an educational value to it. It is because, to teenagers, Ellen and Bill Nye ARE NOT FUNNY. Sure, Ellen had her moments when she was in Nemo that teenagers enjoyed, but that was because she was a side character, not having to pull the film.
Wow, for someone who doesn't like generalizations, you sure are making a whole hell of a lot of them. Let this be known, not all teenagers feel the way you just stated. If you want people to stop generalizing, maybe you better take a better look at your own posts.


Active Member
Say what?

"Disney has only fumbled the ball 3 times the last ten-15 years or so and that would be SGE, Tiki Bird Room Under new Management, and the UoE update."

I'd have to agree with you about Stitch's (not-so) Great Escape. Finally saw it on my last trip and was totally unimpressed, Alien Encounter was much better. I thought it was a saddly themed shell of what Alien Encounter was. AE fit into the 'new' Tommorowland theming well (although maybe not WDW's 'theming'), while now all we have is a prison.

The old Tiki Bird Room was embarrassing to many to the point that many people walked out during the show (not me, I always loved the music). I've never seen such actions since they added the new humorous 'entertainment' aspects to the show...I only wish it was a little longer.

The old Universe of Energy show was pretty much the same, except without all the 'entertainment' of Ellen. The entire preshow was a simple flipping panel show about energy (barely). With Ellen (who I am not necessarily a big fan of), they added humor to the educational (only) show, and made the concepts identifiable.

The only fumbles I know of were:
>The unfurbishing of the Imagination ride, a mere shell of what it once was...and the elimination of the rarely used 'game' area upstairs...
>a GM fumble was when they eliminated the family aspect of the Motion Pavilion by replacing the ride with Test Track instead of adding it to the pavilion (when was the last time GM sold a car to a teenager?). If they had kept it, Mom and Dad could have ridden it why junior rode TT, and 'shopped' for a car while waiting for junior to finish. Now Mom and Dad head to UoE while junior gets his thrills on TT.
>Same could be said about Horizons
>The elimination of the Hunchback show, Superstar TV, the Diamond Horseshow Review, and the Millenium Village and parade.
>The selling of the Mickey Mouse Review was a travesty.
...oh, and the elimination of blueberry slushes.


New Member
aeillill said:
I don't care what they do to this attraction as long as they keep those dinosaurs. They are my earliest memory of the theme parks and I'd be absolutely heart broken if they were gone

Same here. And actually that's the only part I like about the whole thing. :lookaroun

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Frank Stallone said:
I apologize in advance if this sounds a bit harsh, but are you always this ignorant and stereotypical? The reason teenagers do not enjoy this attraction is not because there is an educational value to it. It is because, to teenagers, Ellen and Bill Nye ARE NOT FUNNY.

Is that why Ellen has the most watched talk show on television right now? Don't pawn off your opinion as fact, my friend.

Imagine if it was "Britney Spears' Energy Adventure"(just the thought of that makes me want to kill a badger). Would you mock the elderly people leaving the theater in their electric wheelchairs who hated the show? Would you accuse them of not liking "the educational value"? No, you would feel sorry for them for having to listen to Britney Spears for 48 minutes, just like I pity the "kiddies" who have to listen to Ellen and Bill Nye for 48 minutes.

That just might be the lamest comparison ever. Not worth my educated response.

Enjoy ignorance. It seems to suit you. ;)

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
T-1MILLION said:
I am a teenager and I love it! If you anyone thinks that the current version is a "snooze fest" The previous version had no humor at all..I enjoy Bill Nye.:lol:

Good for you, Preston! Glad to hear from a youngster with a good head on his shoulders.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
askmike1 said:
Wow, for someone who doesn't like generalizations, you sure are making a whole hell of a lot of them. Let this be known, not all teenagers feel the way you just stated. If you want people to stop generalizing, maybe you better take a better look at your own posts.
Good one there. You got him on that one, and you got me with your initial "don't be generalizing" post. I'll admit, I generalized in my first post, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't mean to do so. Of course, I don't actually think ALL teenagers feel the way I stated, but it's certainly an attitude that is rampant among today's "young people." To those of you who aren't in that HUGE group, I applaud you. :)


Well-Known Member
Main Street USA said:
Lol. You, too little fella! Actually, while I'm at it, I generally enjoy your posts, so you do well as a general rule, in my opinion. :)

Golly gee thanks Mister.

Seriously, thanks for the kind words :wave:


New Member
It's funny, the second I heard Ellen's Energy Adventure wouldn't be open for all but one of the days of my trip, I immediately emailed my friend (who, along with his family, is going with me), and told him we will be taking a 40 minute detour in our first day (which will be spent at the Magic Kingdom to catch the last day of Pirates of the Caribbean) - to make sure we get to see it. I'm so sick of all the EPCOT losses in the last ten years. It's bad enough I can't show my friends Horizons, World of Motion, the original Journey Into Imagination, Cranium Command, The Making of Me, and Food Rocks! but if they (and I) have to miss the current Universe of Energy I'm going to be really ticked. Others have already mentioned it, but I loved that EPCOT used to be composed of 15-40 minute attractions. It used to be a two-day or more Park for me, and much of that time was HAPPILY spent in Future World (riding and re-riding). It was bad enough when I visited in 2002 and was able to get through everything in the Park in just over a day (most of that time was eaten up by walking around World Showcase...more attractions, please!). What will it be like with one less pavilion (possibly two if we miss Universe of Energy), and three more short attractions (I'm including Living Seas here, too)? Sigh.
Getting back to Ellen's Energy Adventure - I have no idea why anyone finds this boring. Maybe it's just me, but Ellen is great, Bill Nye is funny in his own way, Alex Trebek is his usual self, Jamie Lee Curtis is perfect as "Stupid" Judy, and even Michael Richards is hysterical in his brief, but enjoyable part. If anything, I would probably say exactly the opposite of many others - I think the dinosaur scene is way too long and drawn out. After two minutes I can't wait to get back into the theaters again. I do enjoy the Ellen audio-animatronic, though...even if it doesn't look a bit like her (Lady Elaine Fairchild, maybe?). It provides a nice humor break.
I hope this stays around a long time. I'm sure it won't. Disney seems to be phasing out anything that involves long periods of time, audio-animatronics, or edu-tainment. When it does go, I'm sure the new attraction will be between 3 and 10 minutes, and will probably involve some kind of cheap thrill. At least there's always Spaceship Earth and the American Adventure. But I fear for them, as well.
If it sounds like I'm being extremely negative here, it's because I loved that Park so much. I hoped something similar was going to be put in across from Disneyland, but we didn't get so lucky. If EPCOT had been nothing more than Future World when I first went in 1996, I would have left completely satisfied. Every attraction "fit," everything seemed like it belonged, and it was all part of the story of man - where we've been, where we are, where we're going. The whole was as inspiring as the parts. Sorry, it just doesn't work as well for me anymore. I keep hoping for the best for the Park, and while some will argue my sentiments are wrong because attendance is up (is it really...or is attendance just up all over Disney World?), the magic feels way too sporadic there now.


Park History nut
Premium Member
JeffH said:
The old Universe of Energy show was pretty much the same, except without all the 'entertainment' of Ellen. The entire preshow was a simple flipping panel show about energy (barely)

What??? Hardly! The original pavilion was built specifically for the original show format. It`s shape was designed specifically for the finale projection sequence. The preshow was a custom built Radok screen (look it up to see why it was anything but "simple")

The movies, technically, were stunning. The principle photography (which took over a year to shoot) was awe inspiring. Theatre One had the largest multiplane animation ever (and used a mothballed multiplane rig from the studios). The finale was the largest computer animated film at the time. I only hope a replacement is as unique, forward thinking and as cutting edge as the original was in 1982.

The music, whilst dated now, had mystery, emotion, awe, beauty. The visual effects (many of which don`t work today) were a pure piece of genius of Imagineering.

I`ve said it before, as good as Ellens Energy is, it could be shown in 2 regular shed-style non moving movie theatres. It is a waste of the Energy pavilion.

IMHO, as always.


Active Member
Bytowner said:
I'll probably get flamed for this... but what a lot of whiney people here! "Get rid of Ellen!... "Sounds Dangerous" Get rid of Drew Carey... Honey I Shrunk the Audience! Get rid of Eric Idle!" Sheesh, folks, is there anyone you folks can all agree on that can stay? The list goes on... Body Wars! Get rid of Hans and Franz... Tiki Birds! Get rid of Iago and Zazu... Tarzon Rocks! Get rid of Tarzan! I guess it's just a matter of time before the Yeti gets the thumbs down over at EE. :hammer:

I'm for keeping Mickey around. Anyone else? :D

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
CThaddeus said:
It's funny, the second I heard Ellen's Energy Adventure wouldn't be open for all but one of the days of my trip, I immediately emailed my friend (who, along with his family, is going with me), and told him we will be taking a 40 minute detour in our first day (which will be spent at the Magic Kingdom to catch the last day of Pirates of the Caribbean) - to make sure we get to see it. I'm so sick of all the EPCOT losses in the last ten years. It's bad enough I can't show my friends Horizons, World of Motion, the original Journey Into Imagination, Cranium Command, The Making of Me, and Food Rocks! but if they (and I) have to miss the current Universe of Energy I'm going to be really ticked. Others have already mentioned it, but I loved that EPCOT used to be composed of 15-40 minute attractions. It used to be a two-day or more Park for me, and much of that time was HAPPILY spent in Future World (riding and re-riding). It was bad enough when I visited in 2002 and was able to get through everything in the Park in just over a day (most of that time was eaten up by walking around World Showcase...more attractions, please!). What will it be like with one less pavilion (possibly two if we miss Universe of Energy), and three more short attractions (I'm including Living Seas here, too)? Sigh.
Getting back to Ellen's Energy Adventure - I have no idea why anyone finds this boring. Maybe it's just me, but Ellen is great, Bill Nye is funny in his own way, Alex Trebek is his usual self, Jamie Lee Curtis is perfect as "Stupid" Judy, and even Michael Richards is hysterical in his brief, but enjoyable part. If anything, I would probably say exactly the opposite of many others - I think the dinosaur scene is way too long and drawn out. After two minutes I can't wait to get back into the theaters again. I do enjoy the Ellen audio-animatronic, though...even if it doesn't look a bit like her (Lady Elaine Fairchild, maybe?). It provides a nice humor break.
I hope this stays around a long time. I'm sure it won't. Disney seems to be phasing out anything that involves long periods of time, audio-animatronics, or edu-tainment. When it does go, I'm sure the new attraction will be between 3 and 10 minutes, and will probably involve some kind of cheap thrill. At least there's always Spaceship Earth and the American Adventure. But I fear for them, as well.
If it sounds like I'm being extremely negative here, it's because I loved that Park so much. I hoped something similar was going to be put in across from Disneyland, but we didn't get so lucky. If EPCOT had been nothing more than Future World when I first went in 1996, I would have left completely satisfied. Every attraction "fit," everything seemed like it belonged, and it was all part of the story of man - where we've been, where we are, where we're going. The whole was as inspiring as the parts. Sorry, it just doesn't work as well for me anymore. I keep hoping for the best for the Park, and while some will argue my sentiments are wrong because attendance is up (is it really...or is attendance just up all over Disney World?), the magic feels way too sporadic there now.
Oh man, you hit the nail on the head with this post. I feel like you just saved me a lot of typing. :) There are few things in life I miss more than the collective whole that was EPCOT Center's original Future World.

Frank Stallone

New Member
Main Street USA said:
Is that why Ellen has the most watched talk show on television right now? Don't pawn off your opinion as fact, my friend.

Right, because I'm sure teenagers are to thank for that. Daytime talk shows' target audience is stay-at-home mothers and elderly women, which also happens to be the same audience that enjoys U of E. As for Bill Nye, well, his 15 minutes were over back in the 90s.

By the way, I do agree that EPCOT is "generalized" as the "educational" park, and I know many families skip EPCOT on their trips, which is unfortunate, since it is my favorite park. However, I understand that it is still the least "kid-friendly" park. On top of that, most of Disney World isn't "Teen-friendly", which is why I recommend they go to Universal Studios.

As one spring-breaker commented to me yesterday while I was working, "they should just pick up Test Track and put it in another park, so we don't have to go to EPCOT". Maybe I should have sent him to Universe of Energy to cheer him up...or take a nap.

I used the Britney Spears example as an extreme comparison. Obviously, they would never put in a Britney Spears show . But you must understand my argument, that those who dislike Ellen and Bill Nye, will not enjoy this attraction (which, based on our feedback, is the majority of those that ride it), no matter how educational it may be.

And you don't have to worry about it being replaced with a new attraction. Eventually it (and perhaps Wonders of Life as well) will be torn down to create a walkway from the entrance of EPCOT towards the Mission:Space and Test Track Pavilions. Though I have to admit, how appropriate would it be if the Universe of Energy was turned into a walkway to attractions that actually attract crowds.

Frank Stallone

New Member
CThaddeus said:
It's funny, the second I heard Ellen's Energy Adventure wouldn't be open for all but one of the days of my trip, I immediately emailed my friend (who, along with his family, is going with me), and told him we will be taking a 40 minute detour in our first day (which will be spent at the Magic Kingdom to catch the last day of Pirates of the Caribbean) - to make sure we get to see it. I'm so sick of all the EPCOT losses in the last ten years. It's bad enough I can't show my friends Horizons, World of Motion, the original Journey Into Imagination, Cranium Command, The Making of Me, and Food Rocks! but if they (and I) have to miss the current Universe of Energy I'm going to be really ticked. Others have already mentioned it, but I loved that EPCOT used to be composed of 15-40 minute attractions. It used to be a two-day or more Park for me, and much of that time was HAPPILY spent in Future World (riding and re-riding). It was bad enough when I visited in 2002 and was able to get through everything in the Park in just over a day (most of that time was eaten up by walking around World Showcase...more attractions, please!). What will it be like with one less pavilion (possibly two if we miss Universe of Energy), and three more short attractions (I'm including Living Seas here, too)? Sigh.
Getting back to Ellen's Energy Adventure - I have no idea why anyone finds this boring. Maybe it's just me, but Ellen is great, Bill Nye is funny in his own way, Alex Trebek is his usual self, Jamie Lee Curtis is perfect as "Stupid" Judy, and even Michael Richards is hysterical in his brief, but enjoyable part. If anything, I would probably say exactly the opposite of many others - I think the dinosaur scene is way too long and drawn out. After two minutes I can't wait to get back into the theaters again. I do enjoy the Ellen audio-animatronic, though...even if it doesn't look a bit like her (Lady Elaine Fairchild, maybe?). It provides a nice humor break.
I hope this stays around a long time. I'm sure it won't. Disney seems to be phasing out anything that involves long periods of time, audio-animatronics, or edu-tainment. When it does go, I'm sure the new attraction will be between 3 and 10 minutes, and will probably involve some kind of cheap thrill. At least there's always Spaceship Earth and the American Adventure. But I fear for them, as well.
If it sounds like I'm being extremely negative here, it's because I loved that Park so much. I hoped something similar was going to be put in across from Disneyland, but we didn't get so lucky. If EPCOT had been nothing more than Future World when I first went in 1996, I would have left completely satisfied. Every attraction "fit," everything seemed like it belonged, and it was all part of the story of man - where we've been, where we are, where we're going. The whole was as inspiring as the parts. Sorry, it just doesn't work as well for me anymore. I keep hoping for the best for the Park, and while some will argue my sentiments are wrong because attendance is up (is it really...or is attendance just up all over Disney World?), the magic feels way too sporadic there now.

Good post, with some great comments. Just a few personal notes:

I would be shocked if they ever completely re-did Spaceship Earth. Siemens may change the downward slope somewhat, but I'd be shocked if they made a drastic change (and for those of you who have heard Disney wanted to put in a roller coaster, they found that the structure could not support it).

Horizons, Universe of Energy, and World of Motion, all have one thing in common: small crowds. That is why two of the three have already been replaced, and the third may reach its demise within the next few years (depending on whether or not they green-light the "walkway" from the entrance of EPCOT.)

Wonders of Life, contrary to what many believe, did not close because of small crowds (though the crowds weren't spectactular). Their sponsor chose to not renew its contract, and Disney chose not to pay for the pavilion with its own dollar.

I think it's neat that you enjoy Future World so much. I like when people say they can spend an entire day in one half of the park. I, however, am the opposite. I can spend an entire day in World Showcase, though I always try and catch a few attractions in Future World first.


Active Member
My wife and I enjoy the show much more as adults than we did as kids. Actually I enjoy all of Epcot and it is my wife's favorite park. As for spring breakers or young people not enjoying it, thats fine, leaves less of a crowd for me! :)

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