Lee Mac certainly sounds ticked off. I've heard very little from him of late.
When you look back at the talent at Disney that have moved on, in 2009, it really becomes shocking. It's almost like Mr Iger is purging the system.
What's going on '74?
Bottom line ... my (highly) educated opinion is really simple.
The Weatherman is trying to remake Disney in his image. That's why you have people that are widely respected and liked (and talented to boot) being sent packing.
It's all business. And not in the capitalism is great way, but in the 21st century Wall Street way where absolutely nothing matters but the bottom line in the short term.
Everything is so cold and calculated. From Cook's dismissal for Ross. To using D23 and The Disney Blog as a way of co-opting (and the ultimate goal here) the fan community to the point that sites like this barely get noticed because everyone focuses on the PR line.
What company other than Disney could put on a four-day commercial for its 'fans' and charge them $140 to sit through it and feel special for doing so?
Seeing Valerie and Tim get cut just tells you what kind of cutthroat business TWDC is today.
Yet on another site we have people gushing because the new DLR Prez took a photo with them and asked them what their favorite attraction was. ... It's just all very disheartening.
They use Valerie to shill D23 and the new HoP, then she complains about Quality Control issues and is gone.
Tim does amazing work on the Pirates-expansion of A-land in HKDL, which would have been mindblowing, and is shown the door.
I really just want to see Iger gone. For everyone who gushed that he was no Michael Eisner, they were quite right. And it wasn't (largely) a good thing.
You could make an All-Star team with all the talent that's left Glendale in the past decade starting right here with the dude the thread is named for.