Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
Thanks also, my daughter is my little cutie. She will be a star someday I am sure. She is quite the performer. She sings, dances and role plays all the time. The problem is she dances like Elaine from Seinfeld. :lol:

Well, we all need a role model...:lol: :wave:


Trophy Husband
mrtoad said:
Just checking in. I weighed myself Wed. morning and am down to 238, so I am down a total of 24 lbs. so far. :)

Super happy!

Good job! I'm right at my lowest point, but the problem is, I've been at this point several times, but never been able to break through.

I always lose during the week, but then gain over the weekend, so I have to be careful this weekend.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Good job! I'm right at my lowest point, but the problem is, I've been at this point several times, but never been able to break through.

I always lose during the week, but then gain over the weekend, so I have to be careful this weekend.

Thanks. If you mean lowest ever been, I will never get there I think unless I cut my legs off... :lol:

I will be happy to just have a 1 rather than a 2 in front of my weight but will try to go a little lower afterwards.

I was losing about 3 lbs a week but this weekend my wife and I went out for dinner and a play for our anniversary and I had a really big dessert which I don't normally do so I only lost 1 1/2 this week but still at least I lost rather than gained which was my fear. Now I am just nervous of seeing one week I gained. I don't want to lose my momentum.


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
Thanks. I am very happy I am finally losing weight. I did not feel like I could see too much of difference but I noticed today that my legs are even thinner. :) So right now I am doing totally the wrong thing and I am celebrating with a Snickers and a Diet Coke. I was getting the Coke in the machine and saw the Snickers and figured I have been so good for so long it was OK. I will regret it 5 minutes from now but right now it takes really, really good...

Way to go! You know, I've found out that its better to give to a craving and have a small serving of whatever it is than to ignore it and become overwhelmed later.

I'm stuck at the same weight, I really need to double my exercise because my metabolism is zero! :cry:


Well-Known Member
I have found the same thing. If I don't give in once in a while I wind up going way overboard when I do go off.

I have not been exercising but I am saving for a spin cycle. I am doing our taxes now and look like we are getting a good chunk back so I think I will be able to order soon.

tigsmom said:
Way to go! You know, I've found out that its better to give to a craving and have a small serving of whatever it is than to ignore it and become overwhelmed later.

I'm stuck at the same weight, I really need to double my exercise because my metabolism is zero! :cry:


Gained 2 pounds one week, then lost them again the next week.


425.7 to 419.6

About 6 pounds in the last week! Total of 23 pounds! :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I can gain two pounds in the course of a day :lookaroun :lol: (Seriously!) Make sure you are weighing yourself at the same time (which I'm sure you know) Congrats on your overall loss! That's fantastic!! I haven't weighed myself for quite a while, but intend to tomorrow, so we'll see what's happened. Mine is more that last 10 vanity pounds :eek: but I'd like to have it gone by our June 1 date.


Well-Known Member
Excellent, keep up the good work!

DarkImage4 said:
Gained 2 pounds one week, then lost them again the next week.


425.7 to 419.6

About 6 pounds in the last week! Total of 23 pounds! :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
DarkImage4 said:
Gained 2 pounds one week, then lost them again the next week.


425.7 to 419.6

About 6 pounds in the last week! Total of 23 pounds! :sohappy: :sohappy:

Wow!! Congratulations! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Up 3 pounds. :(

How can somebody eat so little and still gain weight? :cry:
(actually its the new meds, the dr said it would happen) I'm thisclose to giving up.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
don't give up. I'm in for 10. I'm up five from before my Disney trip, and could have stood to lose another five before, so here's to yogurt and wheat bread!


Well-Known Member
MKCP 1985 said:
don't give up. I'm in for 10. I'm up five from before my Disney trip, and could have stood to lose another five before, so here's to yogurt and wheat bread!

But not together! :hurl:


Well-Known Member
Hang in there Mad! It may not be making a dent on the scale, but it's still so good for you. Spring is coming! We can get outside and walk now. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Hang in there Mad! It may not be making a dent on the scale, but it's still so good for you. Spring is coming! We can get outside and walk now. :sohappy:

I agree. Being cooped up takes a lot out of you. Once the spring is here and you can get out more it will turn things around.


Trophy Husband
I was at 192.5 yesterday - matching my best weight. Unfortunately, that was partly because I've been too busy and stressed to eat much, so I'm not sure if I can maintain it.

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