Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I had baked fish and steamed vegetables for dinner. :eek:

Now we wait to see if I'm devouring everything with flour and sugar in the house later on this evening.

I'm making meatloaf, red potatoes and a veggie to be named later. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I just ate some sort of baked dish that had potatoes and artichoke hearts in it that my wife made from the Weight Watchers book. It was not bad at all, filling and low points. She did not like it but she is not big on artichoke hearts. I have to say she is really being good for me making stuff that is good for me and eating it herself even though she does not need to lose weight.


New Member
I know it is a crutch and can often be used the wrong way, but has anyone heard what the status is for ephedra? I thought I read something that the ban was being lifted. Back when I lost a bit of weight, I was taking metabolift from GNC in the recommended dosage or lower (3 a day instead of 4). I thought most of the problem was from people taking more that the limit on the bottles. A couple of books praise ephedra and its ability to aid in dieting. Just a question, nothing more.


Well-Known Member

I found this. And, according to the guy at the vitamin store I go to, your best bet to find the ephedra is... a gas station. :lol: Apparently vitamin and supplement retailers are still very wary of it. I used it a few years ago, and felt great. Had tons of energy, could have done the treadmill all day long (well, that may be a stretch) and had hardly any cravings at all. But... silly me, I was only taking one pill a day. :rolleyes: :lol: SHould've done what apparently everybody else decided to do and take 3 or 4, who knows what I could've accomplished (besides the heart attack)


New Member
Christi, I can not imagine you needing anything more for energy. As for the 1 a day. . . that is what I would do as I got down to month 2. I do know that it helped me, but at the same time, I was eating better and trying to fit in some work at the YMCA. Who knew?

So, how is the family? It has been a while since I frequented the site.


Well-Known Member
I have taken it before as well with no harm but there was a woman who I worked with who 3 or 4 years ago took something with ephedra in for the first time one morning. A little while later was complaining of not feeling right. She went and laid down in the nurses station at the office and died of a heart attack not long after. Granted this is not the norm but it does raise your heart rate and you never no.

I just would not take something like it without my doctor giving me the thumbs up now.

Bucks4WDW said:
I know it is a crutch and can often be used the wrong way, but has anyone heard what the status is for ephedra? I thought I read something that the ban was being lifted. Back when I lost a bit of weight, I was taking metabolift from GNC in the recommended dosage or lower (3 a day instead of 4). I thought most of the problem was from people taking more that the limit on the bottles. A couple of books praise ephedra and its ability to aid in dieting. Just a question, nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Well, a week had passed and I weighed myself again. A week ago Tuesday, I was 250 on the nose. I weighed myself yesterday morning which was a weeka and about 8 hours later and I was down to 244. :)

Another 45 lbs. to go before my first goal... :cry:


Trophy Husband
mrtoad said:
Well, a week had passed and I weighed myself again. A week ago Tuesday, I was 250 on the nose. I weighed myself yesterday morning which was a weeka and about 8 hours later and I was down to 244. :)

:sohappy: I had a good week, but the last two days I've been a pig.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I actually did really bad on Sunday as we had family over and I went over my daily points that I am aloud by Weight Watchers. I am aloud though an extra 35 points a week that I can use all at once, spread it out or just not use at all. I have not been using them (I did not know about them until just before the weekend). I am not sure how many extra I used but I did a number on that guacamole... :slurp:

I know that I will lose a little less at a time eventually as I have really only been doing it for less than a month but I will take what I can get.

The hard part I really have not told anyone I am doing it. Only my wife, mother and her husband know about it. We live in a two family house with my in-laws upstairs from us. If my mother in law knew she would ask me questions everyday and drive me either to go nuts and eat like a pig or go nuts and tell her to get the H. E. double hockey sticks away from me.

On a side note, I do not recommend having in-laws live upstairs from you...


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
Well, a week had passed and I weighed myself again. A week ago Tuesday, I was 250 on the nose. I weighed myself yesterday morning which was a weeka and about 8 hours later and I was down to 244. :)

Another 45 lbs. to go before my first goal... :cry:

One pound at a time, thats how it went on and thats how it comes off. Keep up the good work.


And another milestone...

This past weekend...my iwfe tried and was able to reach around my stomach and barely touch her fingers.

I cannot remember when she was able to do that last!!!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
DarkImage4 said:
And another milestone...

This past weekend...my iwfe tried and was able to reach around my stomach and barely touch her fingers.

I cannot remember when she was able to do that last!!!!:sohappy:

Funny how we mark milestones! :lol:

Keep up the good work! :sohappy:

*I stayed the same this week, but I slacked on the exercise. :eek: *


Well-Known Member
Just checking in. I weighed myself Wed. morning and am down to 238, so I am down a total of 24 lbs. so far. :)

Super happy!


Well-Known Member
figmentmom said:

...by the way, your daughter is a STAR!!! :wave:

Thanks. I am very happy I am finally losing weight. I did not feel like I could see too much of difference but I noticed today that my legs are even thinner. :) So right now I am doing totally the wrong thing and I am celebrating with a Snickers and a Diet Coke. I was getting the Coke in the machine and saw the Snickers and figured I have been so good for so long it was OK. I will regret it 5 minutes from now but right now it takes really, really good...

Thanks also, my daughter is my little cutie. She will be a star someday I am sure. She is quite the performer. She sings, dances and role plays all the time. The problem is she dances like Elaine from Seinfeld. :lol:

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