Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


New Member
I'm at the gym working, not working out.
But it's kind of a workout going up and down the stairs all the time with no AC in a lot of the building.


Well-Known Member
Well, Paul and I just got a Gym membership last night- too good to pass up. The gym is HUGE and they have free child-care so that is a big plus for us. We worked out for about 30 minutes yesterday and then enjoyed the place for another 30 minutes. Very nice- hopefully this will really get me in gear to lose weight. Between going to the gym when I can, and working out with my best friend on Tuesdays and Thursdays I am bound to lose this weight :):sohappy:


Well-Known Member
:sohappy: Tell ya what... next time around, I'll send in my own $10. I can't mooch off you forever. :lol: :lookaroun Besides that, next time around will be (or damn well better be! :mad: ) just a time of maintaining for me, since I intend to have this ten pounds gone by September! I'm two and a half pounds closer (another 2 and a half pounds, since the first) right now. :)

Cold Stone Creamery, here I come! :slurp: :sohappy: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Count me in for November. I've lost 3 pounds since July 1. I didn't post a picture because I didn't have a beforehand shot and a loss of 4 pounds isn't going to show in a pic. Now that I can be onboard from the onset, I'm hoping this one makes a bigger difference.


Trophy Husband
SpongeScott said:
Count me in for November. I've lost 3 pounds since July 1. I didn't post a picture because I didn't have a beforehand shot and a loss of 4 pounds isn't going to show in a pic. Now that I can be onboard from the onset, I'm hoping this one makes a bigger difference.

Sounds good. I took July off my sig, so now we can just move forward.

I've been stuck around 195 for the past several weeks, but I re-focused this week and I'm starting to move back down.


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
:sohappy: Tell ya what... next time around, I'll send in my own $10. I can't mooch off you forever. :lol: :lookaroun

Well with the few people who actually come through, it's not much of a burden, is it? I've always said I'd go as high as $500 per round, but we've never even gotten close to that.

I would say you shouldn't throw your own $10 in (what sort of incentive is that . . . not only do you have to post a photo of yourself, but you have to pay for the privilege) but maybe you could add a dollar per person to my $10 so we'd have $11 dollars per person or something. Maybe other people could put in $0.50 or $0.10 per person or something and then we could all just send it individually to the Make-A-Wish Foundation or put it into a pay-pal and send a lump from there.

MouseMadness said:
I'm two and a half pounds closer (another 2 and a half pounds, since the first) right now. :)



Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
Down another pound!! That low carb stuff works pretty well. :lol: (Remember... not the "I eat bacon and steak 24/7" low carb!! )

:sohappy: I've been bouncing around in a tight range, but if my weight is good for the next two days, I should be right around my best low for the week.


New Member
uggggh just started south beach, MUST HAVE CARBS, the cravings aren't as bad as the first 3 days but every once in a while i get an incredible urge for bread.... oh well, just ten mor dayst till i can have a sandwich!


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
uggggh just started south beach, MUST HAVE CARBS, the cravings aren't as bad as the first 3 days but every once in a while i get an incredible urge for bread.... oh well, just ten mor dayst till i can have a sandwich!

The first 2 weeks are the worst for cravings. I have been doing a low carb diet for over 2 years and unless I cheat and eat too many I don't really miss them.


New Member
Original Poster
Sorry Gary, I dropped the Y membership and everything kind of went to pot. I think I just used it as an excuse. I am done with the low carb thing. If I can't lose weight by watching my portions, reducing my caleries, and exercising, maybe I don't deserve to be thinner.

Great work to everyone who came through. It is truly a good cause.

With the current work schedule, I do not hit the internet too often. Put an asterist by my name for November (oh. . .November - 1 year since the WDW trip).

Keep up the good work everyone, and Ms. Mousemadness - PUT DOWN THAT BACON and STEP AWAY!!! BACON IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. . .




Trophy Husband
I've been holding pretty steady through July. Not really gaining, not really losing. I'm going to try to get more serious again and see if I can start moving back down.


Well-Known Member
I've been steady at my July 1st weight (for quite some time) and am really going to start pushing myself to get a lot better. Once I get to FL and will cook every night, I shouldn't have a problem losing my weight really fast!


New Member
well south beach has really been working for me, ive lost 10-15 lbs in week 1 of phase one. i cheated a little and i'm trying to get back on track. ive been eating so much fish i'm surprised i haven't got mercury poisoning from it...


Trophy Husband
WDWScottieBoy said:
I've been steady at my July 1st weight (for quite some time) and am really going to start pushing myself to get a lot better. Once I get to FL and will cook every night, I shouldn't have a problem losing my weight really fast!

:lol: So does that mean you'll be able to better control what you eat . . . or are you just a crappy cook.

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