Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


New Member
barnum42 said:
Very true of vegetarianism. The greater percentage of vegetarians that I have worked with have the poorest attendance records, spending a lot of time off sick. I hasten to add this is NOT true of all vegetarians I know.

Personally, I believe the human engine was made my mother nature to run on a combination of meat and veg and that is what I will continue to use.

(And I'm not going to touch the holier-than-thou aspect of some rampant veggies) :lol:

Perhaps its because your vegetarian friends were eating prepackaged food. I did that for the first two weeks I was a vegetarian, eating things that came WRAPPED in plastic. I also ate things like Lean Cusine (sick...) but it just made me feel really sick. I realized then that if I wanted to do this RIGHT, i'd need to make room to personally cook everything I ate... thats when I gave up anything prepacked or processed. Just my two cents. I know a lot of people who eat meat that seem to ALWAYS be sick. I haven't been sick in 4 months, which is a all time record for me haha.

Mad, I'm sure the weight will come off soon enough. Sometimes you just reach a certain place when you just CAN'T seem to loose anymore with the diet or life style change your on. You gotta step it up, but I'm sure it will come! And I have a doctors appointment on Saturday, I'll ask him weather or not I should take iron or folate, because he didn't mention it to me. Just offered me some protien pills... I think I'm going to ask to get off them also, because I'm always munching nuts and eating eggs for breakfast... and I LOVE green beans. So yummy! :slurp:


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
Perhaps its because your vegetarian friends were eating prepackaged food. I did that for the first two weeks I was a vegetarian, eating things that came WRAPPED in plastic. I also ate things like Lean Cusine (sick...) but it just made me feel really sick. I realized then that if I wanted to do this RIGHT, i'd need to make room to personally cook everything I ate... thats when I gave up anything prepacked or processed. Just my two cents. I know a lot of people who eat meat that seem to ALWAYS be sick. I haven't been sick in 4 months, which is a all time record for me haha.

Mad, I'm sure the weight will come off soon enough. Sometimes you just reach a certain place when you just CAN'T seem to loose anymore with the diet or life style change your on. You gotta step it up, but I'm sure it will come! And I have a doctors appointment on Saturday, I'll ask him weather or not I should take iron or folate, because he didn't mention it to me. Just offered me some protien pills... I think I'm going to ask to get off them also, because I'm always munching nuts and eating eggs for breakfast... and I LOVE green beans. So yummy! :slurp:

I'm sure the weight will go too, but having a serious medical condition hampers that (as does age).
I would stick with a good quality multivitamin for women, they even have some specifically for teens. They usually contain iron & folate and extra should not be needed unless the dr feels otherwise.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
:eek: Well that certainly sounds better than grotesque, corpulent tub-o-lard.

I forget, when's your deadline and how close are you? All I remember is you wanted to lose a huge amount in a short time, and it seems you've done that but have you gone as far as you planned?

In a perfect world; I'd tape my mouth shut and become a brickhouse, just like that. When I started this, my goal was to pull as much weight off as I can by September 17. Realistically, I know that 100 lbs by then isn't practical. I'll be happy with 40 - 50 (I have 30 more to go!). At 150 lbs, I used to measure 39-29-40 and I'll be so thankful if I could get back to that again.......and now that I'm in this, my blood pressure was starting to concern me, and my wedding ring was too tight (which I NEVER took off), and my younger sister, and my mom have osteoporosis. I think I have plenty of reasons to keep going after the wedding; I just have to keep my goals realistic.


Trophy Husband
Debbie said:
In a perfect world; I'd tape my mouth shut and become a brickhouse, just like that. When I started this, my goal was to pull as much weight off as I can by September 17. Realistically, I know that 100 lbs by then isn't practical. I'll be happy with 40 - 50 (I have 30 more to go!). At 150 lbs, I used to measure 39-29-40 and I'll be so thankful if I could get back to that again.......and now that I'm in this, my blood pressure was starting to concern me, and my wedding ring was too tight (which I NEVER took off), and my younger sister, and my mom have osteoporosis. I think I have plenty of reasons to keep going after the wedding; I just have to keep my goals realistic.

Well it sounds like you're on a good pace then! Still some time until September.

I'm thinking after July 1st, we can do shoot for another photo posting around November 1st, so maybe you can get in on that one.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Well it sounds like you're on a good pace then! Still some time until September.

I'm thinking after July 1st, we can do shoot for another photo posting around November 1st, so maybe you can get in on that one.

What photo posting? *runs and hides* I've never read this entire thread so please clue me in..........
OH BTW: Friday morning made 22 lbs.!


Well-Known Member
Debbie said:
What photo posting? *runs and hides* I've never read this entire thread so please clue me in..........
OH BTW: Friday morning made 22 lbs.!

See the listing in his sig line? Those are the people who have promised to post pics of their progress at the specified date ( I dropped out of this round due to medical reasons). Gary has generously offered to donate $$ to charity for each person who follows thru.


Well-Known Member
Down two pounds!! (I need Dave's "cabbage patch" smiley here :lol: ) Yay! That's the first bit movement the scale has done in weeks.

I will shamefully admit to this: Yesterday, while driving down to Ohio, I just KNEW my weight had come down some, so I thought, I'm having a treat! I love those Hostess cherry pies :lookaroun so I got one, and once I got to the last three bites or so, I decided to check the label. :dazzle: 470 calories, 200 calories from fat.




NOTHING is worth that! :cry: So, that's probably the last one of those I get for, like, maybe ever. :lol:


Trophy Husband
Debbie said:
What photo posting? *runs and hides* I've never read this entire thread so please clue me in..........
OH BTW: Friday morning made 22 lbs.!

If you go to post 1178 on this page:


We were having some collective problems meeting our goals, so we changed to July 1st.

So we did it on October 1st 2004, we're going to do it again on July 1st, and I still have weight to lose, so I'm planning on doing at least one more around November 1st if I can get anyone interested.

Since we're so close to our July 1st date, I generally wouldn't let anyone else get in, but since I know you've been working for a while, I could put you on the July 1st list if you're interested. Otherwise you can join in on November 1st (again if you're interested).



Well-Known Member
I'm enjoying this round, and hoping round 2 (for me) is even better. I'm going to start walking/running everyday now as well as rollerblading and bicycling. It's just too nice out to not enjoy it and get the workout that I need. I'm going to be about 15-20 under from where I started, so it's a great start.


Trophy Husband
WDWScottieBoy said:
I'm enjoying this round, and hoping round 2 (for me) is even better. I'm going to start walking/running everyday now as well as rollerblading and bicycling. It's just too nice out to not enjoy it and get the workout that I need. I'm going to be about 15-20 under from where I started, so it's a great start.

Yep, that's GREAT! I've lost about 15 pounds since we first started, but most of that has been recently. I jumped back up some last week, and I'm not sure why. If I can keep on track, I'm hoping to be pretty good by November.


New Member
Still no movement from 13 stone, but I've been a little more relaxed in my eating recently. So it's nice that despite that I've maintained my weight :D


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
See the listing in his sig line? Those are the people who have promised to post pics of their progress at the specified date ( I dropped out of this round due to medical reasons). Gary has generously offered to donate $$ to charity for each person who follows thru.

:hammer: I thought that was a listing of those who were meeting at WDW! *gotta excuse the blonde moment*


Well-Known Member
Page 3?! *shakes head in disappointment* :lol:

Well, a week from tomorrow! Doesn't seem possible that July is that close! :eek: Unfortunately, I don't think I'll hit my goal and drop 7 more pounds in the next 8 days, but that is ok. What's more important is that I've established the habit of working out back into my life. :) So, I'm still in, even if I'm not exactly where I thought I would be.

How is everybody else doing? :wave:

And NO CRASH DIETING!! :mad: :lol:

Seriously.... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Went to the dr on Tuesday... she says I gained 3 pounds when I know I have not! My scale shows down 2. Trying to walk everyday and stick to my eating plan. Be careful if you buy what seems like healthy food at the deli... I bought greenbean salad; beautiful greenbeans, grape tomatoes, red onion in an oil & vinegar dressing. I didn't even eat a full portion & my bloodsugar was 211! Seems they added quite a bit of sugar to it and it didn't even taste sweet.

It was very good, but I'll be making my own at home from now on.

Good luck to everyone. Keep plugging away! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I dropped 4 pounds in the first two weeks back with my family (got away from Mom's home cookin') and have leveled off. But, my exercise activity has increased--walks and bike riding.

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