Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
I'm stuck around the 13 stone mark (182)

I've been finding myself right around that same exact mark. I was at 180 this morning, but was able to shed a bit of that throughout the day today. :lookaroun

I need to get back to watching my diet more carefully. If I can get down 10 more in the next 3 weeks I'll be alright for now. I'm still keeping my goal weight at 155 again though.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
I've probably bored everyone about this before, but if one's reason for exercising is to loose fat the best way to pace yourself is with a heart rate monitor. You will find out that the optimum fat burning zone rate is enough to raise a sweat but not have you breathing heavily. It's worked for me.

If you are after a cardio and stamina workout, that's a different matter, you do have to work harder at that, but you won't burn as much fat.

No, it's not boring. :lol: It's good info. I keep an eye on my heart rate, and usually I get too high while running, but I just prefer it SOOOOO much to any other cardio machine. Usually I try to go every other day between the treadmill and the elliptical, and on the elliptical I am more able to keep my heart rate exactly where they say your "fat burning zone is"

The running is more just a dumb personal achievement type thing. Seeing how much progress I make in my distance and speed. :) (Don't worry... I'm being very careful! I don't need any sprained ankles or shin splints)


Well-Known Member
Where do you run, Christy? Around your neighborhood, or on a track, or where? I'm a walker - and I mean a brisk trot, not a meander, either :lol: ; I have a measured route around our neighborhood that I really like.


Well-Known Member
figmentmom said:
Where do you run, Christy? Around your neighborhood, or on a track, or where? I'm a walker - and I mean a brisk trot, not a meander, either :lol: ; I have a measured route around our neighborhood that I really like.

I just stick with the treadmill at the gym. :) I would love to take my running outside, but outside doesn't offer childcare. And I've tried having Andy watch the girls, but it's hard to focus on your workout knowing there will be an extra hour of housework to do for my half hour of being gone. :rolleyes: I've also noticed that when I run outside, it really is hard on my shins, I don't know why. I do take leisurely walks, with the girls though. :) We just got back from one.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
I'm still fat.

But you're still the HuggleBuggleBear :). I'm still fat; I've hit the dreaded plateau at 19lbs. So, I'm starting to do a little bit of WeightWatchers: I read what is considered 0 points - high points and when I grocery shopped yesterday; I bought alot of low point foods. My girlfriend has lost 115 lbs with Weight Watchers and she told me to try for lowest possible calories, yet highest possible in fiber. I've been too zapped when I get home to start sweating again with a workout. It's been in the 90's with high humidity, and my A/C doesn't work in my van, and my power window will only go down three inches, so needless to say, after I sit in traffic, I look like I've been in a sauna (I just hope I don't smell like I've been in one :p )


Trophy Husband
Debbie said:
But you're still the HuggleBuggleBear :).

:eek: Well that certainly sounds better than grotesque, corpulent tub-o-lard.

I forget, when's your deadline and how close are you? All I remember is you wanted to lose a huge amount in a short time, and it seems you've done that but have you gone as far as you planned?


New Member
This is a good thread... I'm ashamed I didn't look into it earlier.

Since Feb 14 I have lost 25 pounds bringing me down to my current weight at 112. I did this not by extreme dieting, taking pills, or going on any current diet. I did this by becoming Vegetarian. Cutting out all meats has helped my body subconciosuly adjust to all the weight it put on through the winter (which in Canada is about six months heh). So, if you don't really like the taste of meat or are all for eating a cruelty-free meal, go veg. I feel better now then I ever have.

Remember, just cutting meat wont do. I excersize usually three to four times a week, doing a 30 minute Cardio session, and a 30 minute weight-lifting training. AND I walk my puppy, Coda, every day. Excersize is a key, and even if many of you don't like it, it comes in many forms. Do something you want to do. I like weight training because it makes me feel strong and it helps me see how great my body actually is. Yoga and Pilates are great for those of you who don't like to get too sweaty, and some of you might want to consider team sports.

If you decide to go veg, don't you dare start stuffing your face with chips and chocolate if you want to loose weight. You have to replace meat with vegetables and yes- carbs. Soy products are also very good, but it might take a while to get used to the strange taste, as it is quite unique. If you are concerned about animal cruelty, feel free to buy Free Range eggs or even Soy eggs. Eat a lot of strachy vegetables, and balance them out with carbs.

If you love your meat, and just don't want to let go - consider buying organic products. Not only will these decompose better in your system, they will make you feel better about yourself. Also, all natural weight-loss pills, like Apple Cider Vinigear, can really help. Buy free-range meat, as it has much less hormones.

Drink lotsa water. Change from white bread to whole GRAIN, GRAIN not whole wheat as whole wheat is often processed. If you go veg, take omega-3 and visit your doctor regularly to check your protien. Protien can come from many things, including beans, eggs and nuts.

Sorry to go on and on, it's just that being vegetarian has helped me feel so much better about myself. I feel stronger and I feel "cleaner" than I did when I used to eat burgers and sausages. It also made me shed those unwanted pounds. I just wanted to share this info because if some of you really don't like the taste of meat, try going vegetarian... and I guarentee that if you do it right, you'll loose the weight.


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
This is a good thread... I'm ashamed I didn't look into it earlier.

Since Feb 14 I have lost 25 pounds bringing me down to my current weight at 112. I did this not by extreme dieting, taking pills, or going on any current diet. I did this by becoming Vegetarian. Cutting out all meats has helped my body subconciosuly adjust to all the weight it put on through the winter (which in Canada is about six months heh). So, if you don't really like the taste of meat or are all for eating a cruelty-free meal, go veg. I feel better now then I ever have.

Remember, just cutting meat wont do. I excersize usually three to four times a week, doing a 30 minute Cardio session, and a 30 minute weight-lifting training. AND I walk my puppy, Coda, every day. Excersize is a key, and even if many of you don't like it, it comes in many forms. Do something you want to do. I like weight training because it makes me feel strong and it helps me see how great my body actually is. Yoga and Pilates are great for those of you who don't like to get too sweaty, and some of you might want to consider team sports.

If you decide to go veg, don't you dare start stuffing your face with chips and chocolate if you want to loose weight. You have to replace meat with vegetables and yes- carbs. Soy products are also very good, but it might take a while to get used to the strange taste, as it is quite unique. If you are concerned about animal cruelty, feel free to buy Free Range eggs or even Soy eggs. Eat a lot of strachy vegetables, and balance them out with carbs.

If you love your meat, and just don't want to let go - consider buying organic products. Not only will these decompose better in your system, they will make you feel better about yourself. Also, all natural weight-loss pills, like Apple Cider Vinigear, can really help. Buy free-range meat, as it has much less hormones.

Drink lotsa water. Change from white bread to whole GRAIN, GRAIN not whole wheat as whole wheat is often processed. If you go veg, take omega-3 and visit your doctor regularly to check your protien. Protien can come from many things, including beans, eggs and nuts.

Sorry to go on and on, it's just that being vegetarian has helped me feel so much better about myself. I feel stronger and I feel "cleaner" than I did when I used to eat burgers and sausages. It also made me shed those unwanted pounds. I just wanted to share this info because if some of you really don't like the taste of meat, try going vegetarian... and I guarentee that if you do it right, you'll loose the weight.

If I followed your prescription I would end up in a coma. What works for you is not good for everyone.


Well-Known Member
MerHearted said:
She was just saying what worked for her. Yeesh.

I am well aware of that and that is why I posted what works for you...

This thread is a give & take. We share info when asked, nothing is black & white.


New Member
tigsmom said:
This thread is a give & take. We share info when asked, nothing is black & white.
Very true of vegetarianism. The greater percentage of vegetarians that I have worked with have the poorest attendance records, spending a lot of time off sick. I hasten to add this is NOT true of all vegetarians I know.

Personally, I believe the human engine was made my mother nature to run on a combination of meat and veg and that is what I will continue to use.

(And I'm not going to touch the holier-than-thou aspect of some rampant veggies) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Christina, I'm glad you have made a committment to being healthy at such a young age. :) As well as protein, make sure you keep an eye on your iron and folate intake. (Particularly important in women)

There's an M.D. who teaches a lot of holistic and alternative methods of health maintenance, Dr. Andrew Weil (bald guy with a beard, you may have seen him around :lol: ) But he made the comment (have I said this before?) that he's amazed that people wonder why their bodies "suddenly" fall apart at 40, 50. That's 4 or 5 decades of junk food and inactivity they've had to deal with! :lol: Makes sense... so the younger you start, the better. :)

Now, as for me, I haven't weighed myself for about 2 weeks. If that scale doesn't budge again, I'm going to scream! :( I've really stepped it up the past couple weeks because I realized that I just wasn't doing enough to get where I wanted to be. Also, the more weight I lose, the less I like the look of my stomach. *shakes fist at kids* If it weren't for you meddling kids... :lol: ;)


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
Also, the more weight I lose, the less I like the look of my stomach. *shakes fist at kids* If it weren't for you meddling kids... :lol: ;)

:lol: I've been noticing the same thing. When I had more fat, it smoothed everything out. Now I look worse in some ways, because the fat I have stands out more noticably instead of being part of one big, smooth mess.

. . . but I have to admit I have no idea what a "folate" is.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
My apologies! :eek: Folate is in mostly plant sources, and added to breads as well. I don't know what I was thinking... again. :lookaroun

However, since we're on the subject...

Folate is also known as Folic Acid, part of the B complex of vitamins. It is often prescribed to pregnant women because it's essential for normal development of the brain and spinal cord. There is also a significant link between adequate folate consumption and the reduction of cancer risk. 800 micrograms a day is suggested for optimum use in cancer prevention. Also, folic acid from supplements seems to be better absorbed than that from food sources. Average intake from food is 275 to 375 micrograms, so a supplement of about 525 micrograms supplement is suggested.


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
My apologies! :eek: Folate is in mostly plant sources, and added to breads as well. I don't know what I was thinking... again. :lookaroun

However, since we're on the subject...

Folate is also known as Folic Acid, part of the B complex of vitamins. It is often prescribed to pregnant women because it's essential for normal development of the brain and spinal cord. There is also a significant link between adequate folate consumption and the reduction of cancer risk. 800 micrograms a day is suggested for optimum use in cancer prevention. Also, folic acid from supplements seems to be better absorbed than that from food sources. Average intake from food is 275 to 375 micrograms, so a supplement of about 525 micrograms supplement is suggested.

Ohhhhhh, that folate.:lookaroun

Thanks! I should learn more about these things. Linda always tries to get me to take vitamins, and she's been sticking a bottle in front of my toothbrush every morning for the past year or two. Yesterday I actually took one, but I don't usually eat breakfast (I know, I know it's the most important meal of the day etc. etc.) and then I felt sort of nauseus for most of the morning. Do you think it was the vitamin? I guess I'll try again tomorrow. Would it be better to take it with food? Should I take one in the evening with dinner instead of the morning if I don't eat breakfast?


Well-Known Member
I'd say definitely it was the vitamin. I can't take mine on an empty stomach. The ones now aren't TOO bad, but I still take them with a meal just because some are absorbed better with a little bit of fat (LITTLE BIT! :lol: ) and it is easier on my stomach. I remember taking prenatal vitamins, though, OMG those were hell. I finally ended up having to take them right at bed time, or I'd be sick for hours. All the iron I think.

Speaking of iron... :lookaroun

Men should make sure they aren't getting TOO MUCH iron. So, if your wife takes a vitamin formulated for women, make sure you get your own. Iron can be extremely toxic.


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
Men should make sure they aren't getting TOO MUCH iron. So, if your wife takes a vitamin formulated for women, make sure you get your own. Iron can be extremely toxic.

I'm pretty sure it's a manly men's vitamin that she bought just for me. That's why the bottles been sitting around so long.

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