Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
It is possible to eat the pits?! :eek: :veryconfu

Yes, but how much of those carbs are fiber... and how many plain ol' calories?

*sits back and lets Brad do the work for me* :cool: :lookaroun

Cherries: total dietary fiber: 1.0 cup, with pits, yields has 2.5g of total dietary fiber
1.0 NLEA serving has 2.9g of total dietary fiber
1.0 cherry has 0.1g of total dietary fiber
1.0 cup, without pits has 3.0g of total dietary fiber

Cherries: calories: 1.0 cup, with pits, yields has 74 calories
1.0 NLEA serving has 88 calories
1.0 cherry has 4 calories
1.0 cup, without pits has 91 calories

Cherries: total sugars: 1.0 cup, with pits, yields has 15.00g of total sugars
1.0 NLEA serving has 17.95g of total sugars
1.0 cherry has 0.87g of total sugars
1.0 cup, without pits has 18.59g of total sugars


Well-Known Member
I think I'm safe. I don't think I can eat an entire cup at one time. (But I'd guess that throughout the course of a day where I"m getting them out of the fridge all the time, it probably equals a cup.)


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I think I'm safe. I don't think I can eat an entire cup at one time. (But I'd guess that throughout the course of a day where I"m getting them out of the fridge all the time, it probably equals a cup.)

There are lots worse things to be snacking on! ;)


New Member
Original Poster
Sorry I have been away. One week of travel and BOOM, you get back and the IT guy has the site blocked by Sonicwall. I will try and check in evenings but the schedule is a bit hectic (i know, i know, whose isn't)

As far as the diet goes, Gary, you meant 7/1/06 right????

Not doing to well. Still a month to go. . .we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Just dropping in------I'm up to 18lbs., and I have to tell you that the Phentermine is helping so much. I'm not hungry, so it's easier to control the portions. I can't tell in my clothes yet, but ........I can get my wedding ring back on comfortably! (this, and being a bridesmaid in September were the main motivators for me to do this). :)


Well-Known Member
CDC tackles confusion over dangers of obesity

Thu Jun 2, 5:40 PM ET

ATLANTA (Reuters) - The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, in an effort to dispel confusion after recent statistics suggesting being overweight may not be as lethal as once thought, reiterated on Thursday that obesity was a major health threat to Americans.

CDC Director Julie Gerberding said the agency planned to invest more resources in studying the problem and bringing clarity to the debate over obesity, and noted that some confusion was due to the fact that obesity was not listed in medical records as a cause of death.

"Obesity and overweight are critically important health threats in this country, they have many adverse consequences," Gerberding said during a news briefing.

"While we may not have an accurate estimate yet of the exact number of people who die from obesity, we certainly know that there is a large number of people who have the problem," Gerberding said.

A group backed by the fast food industry in April jumped on new government data that questioned earlier government assertions that obesity causes nearly as many deaths as smoking, and launched an advertising blitz aimed at dismissing as hype fears about the health effects of being overweight.

The campaign by the Center for Consumer Freedom was inspired by new statistics from a CDC unit, the National Center for Health Statistics, or NCHS, that indicated 112,000 deaths were caused by obesity in 2000.

Previously, the CDC had cited statistics to claim that 400,000 people in the United States died every year from excess fat, almost as many as the 435,000 whose deaths are attributed to smoking.

CDC officials have said that obesity should be looked at in the context of what it contributes to life-threatening diseases, including cancer and diabetes.

Gerberding said the agency would focus more resources on studying the problem and improving how it communicates with the public on the issue.


Well-Known Member


Trophy Husband
194 this morning, so I've been slowly creeping down, bit by bit.

I just realized that Linda will be in Europe on July 1st with her camera, so I probably won't be able to get my photo up until the 2nd.


Well-Known Member
Debbie said:
Just dropping in------I'm up to 18lbs., and I have to tell you that the Phentermine is helping so much. I'm not hungry, so it's easier to control the portions. I can't tell in my clothes yet, but ........I can get my wedding ring back on comfortably! (this, and being a bridesmaid in September were the main motivators for me to do this). :)

Good for you! :sohappy:


Trophy Husband
Crunch time! Three weeks left. I'm at 193. If I can keep it up, I should be about 10 pounds lighter than I was on October 1st, but I've still got at least 20 more pounds to lose.


Trophy Husband
barnum42 said:
I'm stuck around the 13 stone mark (182)

That's a good bit lighter than you were on October 1st, isn't it? What's your ultimate goal?

I think if I can get to about 170, I should be pretty good, but I really have to get there and see how I look/feel at that weight to be sure I won't need to go farther.


Well-Known Member
Good work guys! :sohappy:

I just finished my mile walk/toning routine. The humidity here is a killer today, but I figure I should be ready for WDW (which is in about 60 days or so).

I bought George Stella's new cookbook (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/A...8/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/103-5715888-4822254)
And it has some very interesting recipes. I love to watch his show.
My youngest (10 y/0 5' 110lbs) wants to do the South Beach Diet (she like the pre packed wraps), Low Carb is what I try to cook anyway so she is picking recipes to learn how to cook. Now if I could just get everyone else aboard...

I'm no where near my goal, but I'm plugging away. :wave:


New Member
garyhoov said:
That's a good bit lighter than you were on October 1st, isn't it? What's your ultimate goal?
Indeed it is lighter than October :D And the good thing is that it's not going back up :sohappy:

I've not set myself any ultimate goal. I guess the next leap would be to get into 34" waist trousers. The 36" are now getting loose in the waist, but 34" is a little too snug. However it all beats the 40" I was two years ago.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Indeed it is lighter than October :D And the good thing is that it's not going back up :sohappy:

I've not set myself any ultimate goal. I guess the next leap would be to get into 34" waist trousers. The 36" are now getting loose in the waist, but 34" is a little too snug. However it all beats the 40" I was two years ago.

*HUGS Joe. ooOoo look... my hands meet!* :animwink:

Good work!


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm making myself commit to no fewere than 5 days a week working out. Today I got ALL the girls dressed and ready, and made it to the gym by ten 'til 8! :eek: Get them all into the child care, change my shoes, and hit the treadmill. 20 minutes into my run (at a 6 mph clip, I might add! My all time best! :king: ) I hear my name called over the loud speaker to come down to the child care center. :rolleyes: Oh damn, somebody's hurt. Turns out, Leah slipped and hit her chin on the air hockey table. :( She's got teethmarks cut into her lip, a cut under her lip, and a HUGE bruise on the bottom of her chin. *sigh* So today was cut short. I have no clue where my weight is right now, but if my clothing is any judge, I've dropped a pound or two. :)


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Well, I'm making myself commit to no fewere than 5 days a week working out. Today I got ALL the girls dressed and ready, and made it to the gym by ten 'til 8! :eek: Get them all into the child care, change my shoes, and hit the treadmill. 20 minutes into my run (at a 6 mph clip, I might add! My all time best! :king: ) I hear my name called over the loud speaker to come down to the child care center. :rolleyes: Oh damn, somebody's hurt. Turns out, Leah slipped and hit her chin on the air hockey table. :( She's got teethmarks cut into her lip, a cut under her lip, and a HUGE bruise on the bottom of her chin. *sigh* So today was cut short. I have no clue where my weight is right now, but if my clothing is any judge, I've dropped a pound or two. :)

I didn't push her! :lookaroun


New Member
MouseMadness said:
and hit the treadmill. 20 minutes into my run (at a 6 mph clip, I might add! My all time best! :king:
I've probably bored everyone about this before, but if one's reason for exercising is to loose fat the best way to pace yourself is with a heart rate monitor. You will find out that the optimum fat burning zone rate is enough to raise a sweat but not have you breathing heavily. It's worked for me.

If you are after a cardio and stamina workout, that's a different matter, you do have to work harder at that, but you won't burn as much fat.

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