Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Well I'm joining in on the diet thread. I'm leaving for WDW in like 48 days or something and I want to lose somewhere between 20-40 pounds. I'm 6' and weigh 194 right now (or I did a couple days ago at least). When I started dating Melissa I was at 155 and would like to be back at that. We have been playing tennis and walking for 1.5 miles everyday for the past week or so.

Here's to everyone else that's losing weight! :wave:

Welcome! If you need a question answered or just some cheering up this is the place to come. What kind of eating plan are you following? The exercise is great, esp the walking... great way to gear up for WDW. :sohappy:


New Member
tigsmom said:
Start drinking more water... WATER not soda, coffee or tea.

If you want some flavor I drink these clear delight things, that's the shop rite brand name, there are other brands too. It is like a seltzer but with more flavor. Zero calories and Zero Carbs. Sweatened with Splenda. To me they taste like a fruity soda, no bad aftertaste like diet soda.


Well-Known Member
We figured 1.5 miles is a great way to start for the exercise, along with the tennis, because it will build up the energy level and prepare us for walking around WDW again.

We aren't on a program or anything, but we're using Weight Watchers as something to follow. On my last diet, I started at about 215 and that's when I went down to 155, so 60 pounds! Luckily I haven't passed the 200 mark ever since, and I'm so glad to see the numbers go down everyday.

I'll probably be here everyday for the cheering up and for the help along the way. Tigsmom, I know there was a recipe thread somewhere, but what do you suggest for healthy eating?


Well-Known Member
crazycalf said:
If you want some flavor I drink these clear delight things, that's the shop rite brand name, there are other brands too. It is like a seltzer but with more flavor. Zero calories and Zero Carbs. Sweatened with Splenda. To me they taste like a fruity soda, no bad aftertaste like diet soda.

We buy the bottled water at Walmart, it's like $4.50 for 24 20oz bottles and then we but the crystal delight stuff in packets and put them in the water. They are really good, too.

Also, if you want to have one can of soda a day, Diet Rite has no calories, no fat, no salt or anything else, so it's really good (besides the carbination that makes you bloat) for you.


Well-Known Member
crazycalf said:
If you want some flavor I drink these clear delight things, that's the shop rite brand name, there are other brands too. It is like a seltzer but with more flavor. Zero calories and Zero Carbs. Sweatened with Splenda. To me they taste like a fruity soda, no bad aftertaste like diet soda.

ShopRite has really expanded their diet/lowcarb/healthy foods section. At home I usually drink water with lemon or lime. When out & about I take a Fruit2O in lemon or orange flavor. Plain water is just fine, but you get tired of it after awhile. I also drink a ton of unsweetened, decaf iced tea.


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
We buy the bottled water at Walmart, it's like $4.50 for 24 20oz bottles and then we but the crystal delight stuff in packets and put them in the water. They are really good, too.

Also, if you want to have one can of soda a day, Diet Rite has no calories, no fat, no salt or anything else, so it's really good (besides the carbination that makes you bloat) for you.

WalMart has their own water add ins like Crystal Lite, they were only 99 cents to start, but have gone up. They are just as good as the brand name.
DietRite soda is my favorite and I've been drinking it since the 70s. Its no sugar, no salt & no caffiene (and always has been) Recently our local WalMart has begun carrying different flavors, I love Black Cherry.


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
We figured 1.5 miles is a great way to start for the exercise, along with the tennis, because it will build up the energy level and prepare us for walking around WDW again.

We aren't on a program or anything, but we're using Weight Watchers as something to follow. On my last diet, I started at about 215 and that's when I went down to 155, so 60 pounds! Luckily I haven't passed the 200 mark ever since, and I'm so glad to see the numbers go down everyday.

I'll probably be here everyday for the cheering up and for the help along the way. Tigsmom, I know there was a recipe thread somewhere, but what do you suggest for healthy eating?

WW doesn't work for me, I'm very sensitive to carbs, my body just cannot process them.
The WDW recipe thread is great when you need a hit from your favorite foods, but most are not low fat/low calorie.
My nutritionist (and dr) suggest using the SouthBeach Diet recipes (but they feel the plan is too restrictive). I have been following George Stella of Low Carb, and Loving It! fame. He was a chef at the GF before he had to leave because of his bad health (he weighed almost 500 lbs) He recently published a cookbook of his family's favorites. You may want to give it a look see.
Any fresh grilled/baked foods should be good. Try to have some raw and cooked veggies everyday. Fruit, if you can, is better than juices.
I try to have a nice salad with lunch & dinner. Whole grains are the way to go, but remember...too much of anything is not good.

Low Carb & Loving It!

If you want any specific ideas for meals let me know and I'll try to help.
I tend to eat a lot of chicken and turkey and fish as they are my favorites.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the Diet Rite flavored ones are the best and can possibly be some of my favorite drinks ever.

I'll have to go check out the off-brand packets for the water stuff. What are some other tips that are good and healthy at the same time?


Well-Known Member
tigsmom, I understand that not all diets are for everyone. There is a bread that we get, it's supposed to be for the South beach diet I guess and it comes in a white bag. I love the Whole Grain Whole Oat thing or whatever it's called.

I just made a huge fruit salad last night with cantaloupe, honeydew (the best one I've ever had) and kiwi. We also have a bunch of apples, more kiwi, oranges, bananas and canned fruit as well.

We just used the grill for the first time last night with pork chops that were huge and really healthy, and put some fat-free bbq sauce on them.


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
tigsmom, I understand that not all diets are for everyone. There is a bread that we get, it's supposed to be for the South beach diet I guess and it comes in a white bag. I love the Whole Grain Whole Oat thing or whatever it's called.

I just made a huge fruit salad last night with cantaloupe, honeydew (the best one I've ever had) and kiwi. We also have a bunch of apples, more kiwi, oranges, bananas and canned fruit as well.

We just used the grill for the first time last night with pork chops that were huge and really healthy, and put some fat-free bbq sauce on them.

I use Arnold's low carb bread (multigrain) and BeefsteakRye (thin slice) breads. I love fruit, but for me its a very rare treat. We grill all year even in the snow!
I got a George Forman grill for Christmas that I love, so far I've done chicken breast, pork chops, marinated shrimp and turkey cutlets on it.
Scott, watchout for those "fat free" products; they usually add sugar to make up for the lack of fats and some of them have more calories than the regular ones. Remember, your body needs fat to function so go with the healthy olive and canola oils.
Fat free does not mean calorie free, most of the time I'll take a smaller amount of the real thing over twice as much Fat free.


Well-Known Member
The stuff we get that's fat-free, we try to get the sugar-free stuff too. I like my fat-free, sugar-free frozen yogurt.

We got the family-size George Foreman grill two Christmases ago and have yet to use it. I put it together and got it out of the wrapper, but that's as far as it's been.

Thanks for the tips and support, you can expect to see me around here more often now! :wave:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
*tosses a post Easter discounted case of peeps and Cadbury eggs into this thread*

:lol: :slurp:

What? :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
DMC-12 said:
*tosses a post Easter discounted case of peeps and Cadbury eggs into this thread*

:lol: :slurp:

What? :veryconfu

*picks up peep and throws it at Jer*

Payback is a ***** isn't it Jer? :animwink: :wave: (all in good fun of course)

Peeps are nasty and the only good Cadbury eggs are the caramel ones and I haven't had one in over a year.


Well-Known Member
Page 3 again guys! Shame on us.

UPDATE: went to the dr yesterday and she tells me I've gained 3 pounds. Now my scale shows I'm down 2 so we have a problem (no I hadn't eaten & I wore light clothes)

Went to WalMart yesterday and they are now carrying pre made SouthBeachDiet meals. The have wraps (chicken, turkey or ham) with various dressings and it looks like some JELL-O and also some frozen meals. Couldn't get a good sampling of them because they were flying off the shelves and most slots were empty.
Guess is diet season everywhere.

Its been nice here the last few days so I've taken my walks outside. I need to do some more toning exercises though. Crunches anyone?


Trophy Husband
tigsmom said:
UPDATE: went to the dr yesterday and she tells me I've gained 3 pounds. Now my scale shows I'm down 2 so we have a problem (no I hadn't eaten & I wore light clothes)

As long as you're steadily losing, going to the doctor once a month should illustrate your progress, but I see my weight vary by as much as 3 pounds day to day. If your Dr. appointment happens to be on one of those up days, it could look much worse than it is.

As for me, I've been making some very sllllllooooooowwwwww progress over the past few weeks, but have no fear, The Captain will be ready for June 1.


Well-Known Member
I just checked the other day, and for my first week I have lost 7.5 pounds up to date.

If I keep at this rate, I'll be right where I want to be for my WDW trip (actually a lot skinnier than I want to be, but that's ok).


Well-Known Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
I just checked the other day, and for my first week I have lost 7.5 pounds up to date.

If I keep at this rate, I'll be right where I want to be for my WDW trip (actually a lot skinnier than I want to be, but that's ok).

Fantastic!!!!!! :sohappy:

What does Kirstie Alley say? "Lets get skinny together, no lets get medium; medium is good!" Thats what I'm shooting for, medium is good.


New Member
Original Poster
Medium eh, hmmmm not bad for a steak at Ruth Chris, but for me, I'd settle for large as long as the large is associated with bulk and not fat. Got some work to do there.


Well-Known Member
My weight is not budging. :( Time to incorporate some restraint of the diet with my hard work at the gym, or I'm going to frustrate myself to no end. :mad:

*Bids fond adieu to junk food* :cry:

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