Dr. Judd's Diet Talk

The Mom

Premium Member
It's Monday! Time to check in. I'm down another pound, for a total of 5. Still no change in fat %. :mad: It's a little discouraging, as it takes at least a 10 pound loss to see any results, but I just have to be patient.

I've been taking early morning walks along the new Riverwalk; one good reminder of the Super Bowl. :lol: If the water is calm, I've been able to see a dolphin family recently. :sohappy:


New Member
Well, I went to a wedding on Saturday, people who have not seen me since before Christmas were commenting on how good I looked for the weight loss :D And someone I'd not seen for two years (or about fifty pounds ago) did not even recognise me :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Well, I went to a wedding on Saturday, people who have not seen me since before Christmas were commenting on how good I looked for the weight loss :D And someone I'd not seen for two years (or about fifty pounds ago) did not even recognise me :sohappy:

Isn't that the best part! Suprise!!!!!

I'm down another pound, but I've been walking 1 -2 miles everyday. Its always been a slow go with me, so I've learned to be patient. (but I wish the weight would "just disappear" :lol: )


Trophy Husband
:sohappy: Sounds like everybody (but me) is doing great. I've got to try to bump start things this week. I'm going to try to cut way back on what I eat this week.


Well-Known Member
The Mom said:
It's Monday! Time to check in. I'm down another pound, for a total of 5. Still no change in fat %. :mad: It's a little discouraging, as it takes at least a 10 pound loss to see any results, but I just have to be patient.

I've been taking early morning walks along the new Riverwalk; one good reminder of the Super Bowl. :lol: If the water is calm, I've been able to see a dolphin family recently. :sohappy:

WOW!! That's a lot cooler than seeing a wall full of t.v.'s that show absolutely NOTHING I'm interested in. :( (I'm guessing there are maybe 10 tv's, you'd think ONE would be something good! )

Well, I haven't weighed myself in I don't know how long, but I gotta tell ya, this cold and flu season is really making it hard for me to lose weight. :( If I'm not the sick one, the kids are, and vice versa. So I can't make it to the gym, and I just don't get it done at home because I've been spending most of my time taking care of myself or other sickies. :lol:

However! I was scratching my leg today... and, What was this? I felt a calf muscle!! :eek: :eek: :dazzle: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Even though I've bene around for a while here, I never entered this thread b/c I did not know what it referred to. But now that I finally did, it excites me!!

As a current health and exercise science major, I think it is great this this community has a positive thread displaying healthful ways to manage weight and food intake while increasing activity levels.

I have not read all the pages, but it seems like everyone is doing well. That makes me happy! :wave:

I have a fitness goal too that I started about a month ago--I will be jump roping daily for 10-15 mins. It's a fitness challenge that I will accomplish, and is a healthy life long fitnes goal.

Thanks for sharing everyone, and keep up the super work! A hearty handshake to all. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Donnie! :wave:

Glad you wandered on thru. I din't know you were studying health/exercise science.

I love to jump rope and I've heard it was a great way to lose weight. Soooo I decided to try it. I sprained my ankle. My dr told me I was too fat to jump rope. :lol:

Sometimes you just can't win. :hammer:


New Member
tigsmom said:
Hey Donnie! :wave:

Glad you wandered on thru. I din't know you were studying health/exercise science.

I love to jump rope and I've heard it was a great way to lose weight. Soooo I decided to try it. I sprained my ankle. My dr told me I was too fat to jump rope. :lol:

Sometimes you just can't win. :hammer:
Ski machine - gets the heart rate up without any impact :D


New Member
Original Poster
Hitting the Gym with some regularity now. Feeling much better but no real change on the scales. I have given up on the fuill blown low-carb thing. I will avoid the "Whites" (sugars and flowers) and try to limit my carbs to whole grains, fruits and yogurts. Too much of the low carb diet for me was red meat and high fat proteins. Instead, I will each more chicken and fish to get the high level of proteins and cut out the fats. So I guess I'm on a modified, lower-carb, low fat, high protein, high water kinda diet.

June 1st can take its time getting here.

Welcome aboard Don.


Well-Known Member
JBSLJames said:
Hitting the Gym with some regularity now.
Yes, that's what my method of staying in shape is. You will all hate me, but I go to the gym to gain weight and get bigger! :zipit: I am 6'4 and wayyyy too thin and am looking to increase my muscle size.

Problem is that I love cardio, but it does not love me b/c I do it and drop weight just like that. That is why I jump rope, it's a great heart exercise and gets me nice and sweaty and so far I have not been losing weight.

It is frustrating, sometimes. But I did end up gaining the 25 pounds I needed by hitting the gym and maintaining a good diet. So that's my brief history right there.


Well-Known Member
surfsupdon said:
JBSLJames said:
Hitting the Gym with some regularity now.
Yes, that's what my method of staying in shape is. You will all hate me, but I go to the gym to gain weight and get bigger! :zipit: I am 6'4 and wayyyy too thin and am looking to increase my muscle size.

Problem is that I love cardio, but it does not love me b/c I do it and drop weight just like that. That is why I jump rope, it's a great heart exercise and gets me nice and sweaty and so far I have not been losing weight.

It is frustrating, sometimes. But I did end up gaining the 25 pounds I needed by hitting the gym and maintaining a good diet. So that's my brief history right there.

Ah, see, I'm just the opposite. I love weight training but HATE cardio. I have to use headphones and crank them way loud so I can't hear my feet going on the treadmill. My batteries died the other day, so I had nothing to listen to but my feet. And with each step, in my head, I was hearing "This.. sucks. This... sucks. This... sucks." :lol:


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Original Poster
MouseMadness said:
I was hearing "This.. sucks. This... sucks. This... sucks." :lol:

I know what you mean. I lost the batteries in my disc player yesterday halfway through the workout. So I struggle to read the captions on the variety of shows programmed at the Y. And yes I do avoid Pansies, mostly the white ones. . . they are rather unpleasant. Flour's vs Flowers. My fingers get in front of my thoughts and do bad things. . .bad things.

You know, there is a woman that works out at the local Y that looks an aweful lot like you (going by the pics you have posted). You don't have a sister in the Cincinnati area do you?

Cut the calories yesterday, only took in 900. With the workout, I assume I will lose some weight but I know I can not just stop eating or my body will compensate. It's a thin line between losing weight the healthy way and screwing up your system.

And Don, good luck with the size thing. My brother has a high metabolism and has been lifting hard now for years. He went from a scrawny 150 pound senior in highschool to a 200 pounder that benches over 300 pounds. He has used a lot of supplements (the kind you get at GNC) like creatine and the like. He aslo does quite a bit of the protein powder drinks. He dislikes the cardio bit and mainly does it just to warm up. Then its off the some heavy lifting. Good Luck!!


Well-Known Member
JBSLJames said:
I know what you mean. I lost the batteries in my disc player yesterday halfway through the workout. So I struggle to read the captions on the variety of shows programmed at the Y. And yes I do avoid Pansies, mostly the white ones. . . they are rather unpleasant. Flour's vs Flowers. My fingers get in front of my thoughts and do bad things. . .bad things.

You know, there is a woman that works out at the local Y that looks an aweful lot like you (going by the pics you have posted). You don't have a sister in the Cincinnati area do you?

Nope, no sisters at all, in fact. :)

Today was my weekly "Drop the headphones on the treadmill so the batteries and all other components go flying everywhere" day. But, at least I got it out of the way early. :rolleyes:


New Member
Just put on some jeans and cargo pants (not at the same time) that in January were a snug but comfortable fit. They are now a little baggy :D


Well-Known Member
This thread had fallen to page 4!! :eek: Shame on us!! :mad:

Okay, so the scale is not doing what I want. In fact, kinda opposite. With my off and on working out, plus the fact that I am absolutely unwilling to stop eating like a pig :lol: it's just not working. But i'm giving it a more honest effort now.

I have noticed, though, that while I haven't SEEN the results I want, I've felt them. In the past 3 months I've added a half mile onto my same 30 minute treadmill workout. :) So, I guess that's something. :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
I hear ya. My results are not showing up at the scales either, but I am lifting more weight at the gym than I ever have. I think that is in part due to the South Beach diet's portions of proteins I was doing.

Eating is not going good right now. Will power not up to snuff. I am getting to the gym a minimum of 4 times a week. Trying to alternate days between chest and legs vs. shoulders and back with arms and abs done at least three times a week. Like I said, I'm lifting more than ever, but I am also eating too much.

Gotta find that balance.

The Mom

Premium Member
I plateaued this week...thanks to my dear husband baking foccacia and sticky buns over the weekend. :rolleyes:

Time to add an extra mile to my walk.

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