Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


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I usually don't bake the "Sticky Buns" :lookaroun

I enjoy them just the way they are :lookaroun

MMMmmmmmmm. . . . . Licky Buns


Nevermind. . .


Well-Known Member
Sounds like we're all in the same boat... I've gained 2 pounds, but I have been able to work out longer... just need to do it more consistantly. Will be in Florida for SpringBreak so I know shorts and a bathing suit will motivate me.



Well-Known Member
Mad asked me to update....

I've lost about 4 pounds since I've moved to Florida, but it fluctuates (maybe it's the water retention and my time of the month :lookaroun ).

I'm walking quite a bit, but I have hurt the arch in my right foot, so I have backed off a little since doing that.


Well-Known Member
SpongeScott said:
Mad asked me to update....

I've lost about 4 pounds since I've moved to Florida, but it fluctuates (maybe it's the water retention and my time of the month :lookaroun ).

I'm walking quite a bit, but I have hurt the arch in my right foot, so I have backed off a little since doing that.

:rolleyes:.... *shakes head*


Trophy Husband
Some days I just move the weights around, and other days I really FLOG them.

Tonight it was the latter (it helps when there are attractive young women around - triggering some irratianal, vestigial instinct to impress them . . . "Look Brandy, that guy must be twice as strong my grandpa . . . Oooooohhhh GROSS! I think I just saw part of his butt crack!")

Yep, if not for the quick, post-workout glimpse of myself (naked in the locker-room mirror) I'd be feeling pretty good about now.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Yep, if not for the quick, post-workout glimpse of myself (naked in the locker-room mirror) I'd be feeling pretty good about now.

Locker rooms are interesting places... proof that women of all sizes wear thongs. :dazzle:

Anyway, I'm sitting here eating an apple instead of the brownie I want. *sigh*

*deep breath in*




Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Locker rooms are interesting places... proof that women of all sizes wear thongs. :dazzle:

Anyway, I'm sitting here eating an apple instead of the brownie I want. *sigh*

*deep breath in*



Sometimes I shake my head and wonder....do they really think they look good in that!

Tryin' hard, but no progress this week. :(


Trophy Husband
:lol: There's this one absolutely ENORMOUS guy at my gym who's always walking around naked. Naked, naked, naked, just strolling around, his belly hanging down to his knees. I always thought to myself: "gee, he must think he looks okay to always be walking around naked like that" . . . then I realized . . .

. . . he probably can't find a towel big enough to wrap around himself.:lookaroun

I've been doing pretty good for about the last week and 1/2, but it's not really showing up on the scale yet.


Well-Known Member
The funniest ones are the ones who stand in the undies drying their hair and putting on make up. I never realized how jiggle inducing hair drying could be!


Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
The funniest ones are the ones who stand in the undies drying their hair and putting on make up. I never realized how jiggle inducing hair drying could be!

Hmmm, we don't get to many of that in the men's locker room. Maybe, I should visit the women's locker room so I get a visual of what you are talking about :lookaroun

Is that what we call a "bad nekkid"?


Well-Known Member
SHAME ON US for how far back this thread was!! :eek: :mad:

Feel free to check in!! I haven't gotten up the courage to weigh myself for a while, since every time I am disappointed when those numbers don't budge. However, my jeans aren't so restrictive anymore! :sohappy:


Trophy Husband

I've been starving myself for the last few weeks, but my weights not budging. I feel stronger than I did on Oct. 1st. I'm spending more time on the bike, my pants don't seem too tight, but I'm still a couple pounds heavier than I was on Oct. 1st, and not going down at all.


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
SHAME ON US for how far back this thread was!! :eek: :mad:

Feel free to check in!! I haven't gotten up the courage to weigh myself for a while, since every time I am disappointed when those numbers don't budge. However, my jeans aren't so restrictive anymore! :sohappy:

:lol: You and I must have been posting at the exact same time.


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In addition to our "Reveal" here, my family has a big get-together Mid June for a 90th birthday party for my wife's grandmother. People are coming in from all over and my wife and I want to present ourselves in the best way possible. Sooooooooooo. . . . I'm trying to think like a skinny person, and all I can think about is Twinkies - What's up with that???

If only the diet was going as well as the exercise.


New Member
garyhoov said:
I've been starving myself for the last few weeks
Starving does not work, the body goes into panic mode, fearful that the food had dried up and so it works extra hard to retain the lard we are trying to lose.

I can't remember where the cut-off switch is for males, but it's something like 1600 calories a day. (Do not use this as a guide, as I can't remember for sure what it is). Any less than this and the body will go into slow burn mode.


Well-Known Member
Joe is right... don't starve yourself! Your car won't run without fuel and neither does your body! Start drinking more water... WATER not soda, coffee or tea. Get those salads and veggies in along with some good quality protein.
Fish always seems to do it for me, a day or two of that & I'm back on schedule.

I was away for spring break and didn't really watch myself too well and I'm paying for it. My bloodsugars are way too high and my IBS has reared its ugly head. I did get a lot of walking in though and I'm down one pound. (but I feel like crap)

*drinks a gallon of water with fresh lemon & lime*


New Member
I think Dr. Phil's got the right idea.

No starving(of course), no crazy diet, because you won't be on the diet for the rest of your life, and when you stop the weight will come back.

It's a complete lifestyle change. Get used to eating healthy foods(grilled instead of fried, don't make a habit of eating cheesecake every night ;) , don't eat emotionally), don't deprive yourself, exercise regularly(it really gives you more energy), clean up your environment so there's no temptation, cause it's not about willpower; have a good support system...and all that jazz.

And just because the scale's not going down doesn't necessairly mean you're not improving--you may be converting fat to muscle(which is heavier).

Yeah, and it's really hard trying to do all of that in college---I'm doing all I can to avoid the "freshman 15". Ugh. :D


Well-Known Member
Halfling418 said:
Yeah, and it's really hard trying to do all of that in college---I'm doing all I can to avoid the "freshman 15". Ugh. :D

Freshman 15? My DH (then boyfriend) left for college in August and came home in November 45 pounds heavier!


Well-Known Member
Well I'm joining in on the diet thread. I'm leaving for WDW in like 48 days or something and I want to lose somewhere between 20-40 pounds. I'm 6' and weigh 194 right now (or I did a couple days ago at least). When I started dating Melissa I was at 155 and would like to be back at that. We have been playing tennis and walking for 1.5 miles everyday for the past week or so.

Here's to everyone else that's losing weight! :wave:

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