Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
figmentmom said:
Well, the walking (and eating more healthfully) is doing some good - cholesterol 156, and terrific ratio of "good" to "bad" cholesterol! :sohappy:

Way to go!!

I got a pedometer yesterday... have to track those steps.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
I am a Monster! I am a massive, rippling man-beast!

(unfortunately I still have layer upon layer of thick, gelatinous, fat covering it all up)

On June 1st, 29 year-old men will copy my photo so they can pretend it's them in internet chat rooms to procure cyper-______.

(or not, I guess we'll have to see how things go)

Yeah, I had a good workout tonight.:D

I had a good workout today, but I can't follow that. :lol:

Mary, way to go on the cholesterol numbers. :) I'd like to get mine below 200, but genetics are stacked against me. The lowest I've been able to get it following a low fat diet and routine exercise is 240. However, my good to bad ratio is very high, and that, coupled with my age, low blood pressure, and lifestyle factors mean the 240 really isn't all that dangerous. ( Or so Andy told me. :lol: Here's hoping he knows what he's talking about! :eek: ) Still, I'd like it to come down a bit.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I had a good workout today, but I can't follow that. :lol:

Mary, way to go on the cholesterol numbers. :) I'd like to get mine below 200, but genetics are stacked against me. The lowest I've been able to get it following a low fat diet and routine exercise is 240. However, my good to bad ratio is very high, and that, coupled with my age, low blood pressure, and lifestyle factors mean the 240 really isn't all that dangerous. ( Or so Andy told me. :lol: Here's hoping he knows what he's talking about! :eek: ) Still, I'd like it to come down a bit.

I teach with a very slender woman in her thirties who simply assumed her cholesterol was low until her doctor insisted she had it checked - 265! He put her on medication, and it dropped more than a hundred points in 6 weeks. Her blood pressure is low, like mine - 90 over 60 is the highest mine ever goes - but he was concerned enough about the cholesterol to insist on meds. I know they're not the answer for everyone, and I'm certainly not suggesting that people should take a pill instead of eating right and exercising! You're already doing everything you can to lower yours, though. Have you talked this over with your doctor?


Well-Known Member
I agree with the meds. My dr put me on 10mg of Lipitor and mine fell from 375 to 180 in 6 weeks. Its down to 150 ish now with diet & exercise, but they want it at 130 or lower.

The Mom

Premium Member
My cholesterol is fine. However, both my husband and daughter have the "bad" gene. Since my husband hasn't gained more than a few pounds in 30 years, and exercises at LEAST an hour daily, his doctor put him on medication. My daughter's doctor just advised her to make lifestyle changes, and will monitor it for now.

My husband also had hypothryroidism. It's funny, because anyone looking at us at the time of his initial diagnosis (about 3 years ago) would assume that our bloodwork had been switched. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
figmentmom said:
I teach with a very slender woman in her thirties who simply assumed her cholesterol was low until her doctor insisted she had it checked - 265! He put her on medication, and it dropped more than a hundred points in 6 weeks. Her blood pressure is low, like mine - 90 over 60 is the highest mine ever goes - but he was concerned enough about the cholesterol to insist on meds. I know they're not the answer for everyone, and I'm certainly not suggesting that people should take a pill instead of eating right and exercising! You're already doing everything you can to lower yours, though. Have you talked this over with your doctor?

No, and truthfully I'm not sure where it stands right now... this was about five or six years ago. :lol: :lookaroun My doctor did say that my next visit (which will be in a few weeks) I will get a whole blood... test... thing. :lookaroun You know what I mean, you nurses. :lol: So we'll see where it is, and what he says. :)

The Mom

Premium Member
Hey guys, it's Monday! Time for my check-in (the rest of you don't have to join me; I just know that I do better when I'm accountable to someone)

Down 2 pounds, for a total of 4 :sohappy: The fat % still isn't budging. Time to get back to Curves. :animwink:

Today's hint. I made a chart with LARGE graph paper, using 1 square per pound, ending at my goal weight. I find it helps to have a visual. I've also been setting up 3 water bottles every AM. I fill them 2/3 with Brita water, and 1/3 with Crystal Bay cherry flavored water. When they're gone, I've had my quota. Keeping hydrated really does make a difference.


Trophy Husband
The Mom said:
Hey guys, it's Monday! Time for my check-in (the rest of you don't have to join me; I just know that I do better when I'm accountable to someone)

Down 2 pounds, for a total of 4 :sohappy: The fat % still isn't budging. Time to get back to Curves. :animwink:

Today's hint. I made a chart with LARGE graph paper, using 1 square per pound, ending at my goal weight. I find it helps to have a visual. I've also been setting up 3 water bottles every AM. I fill them 2/3 with Brita water, and 1/3 with Crystal Bay cherry flavored water. When they're gone, I've had my quota. Keeping hydrated really does make a difference.

Good job! I've been charting mine also using a lotus spread sheet. I focus on the weekly averages, but I weigh myself every day and have charts showing both daily and weekly weights.

If I keep up at this pace, I should be at my goal by approximately May 25 . . .2051:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Down a pound here. :wave: Trying to walk 2 miles /day and I'm just about there... having sciatica problems again (we need some warm weather).

Saw a 1/2 gallon water bottle that looks like a cooler bottle and the kids thought it was funny so they bought it for me. Now I can't go to bed unless I finish the entire thing. (but then I don't get any sleep either :lookaroun )


Well-Known Member
The Mom said:
I've also been setting up 3 water bottles every AM. I fill them 2/3 with Brita water, and 1/3 with Crystal Bay cherry flavored water. When they're gone, I've had my quota. Keeping hydrated really does make a difference.

That's a good one, because drinking plain ol' water is really hard to do sometimes.

I had gotten an email last week about how important water is for you, you know, how even the slightest bit of dehydration can reallly mess you up, but it's already out of my mail box. It may have already been posted in here though. However, I also got this one, which is interesting: (if true, and I find it easy to believe!)

DO YOU KNOW...the difference between margarine and butter?

Read on to the end...gets very interesting!

Both have the same amount of calories.
Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams compared to 5
Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating
same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.
Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other
Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few only
they are added!
Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the flavors of
other foods.
Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around
for less than 100 years.

And now, for Margarine...

* Very high in trans fatty acids.
* Triple risk of coronary heart disease.
* Increases total cholesterol and LDL (this is the bad cholesterol)
* Lowers HDL cholesterol, (the good cholesterol).
* Increases the risk of cancers by up to five fold...
* Lowers quality of breast milk...
* Decreases immune response...
* Decreases insulin response.
* And here is the most disturbing fact....


Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC...

This fact alone was enough to have me avoiding margarine for life and
anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added, changing
the molecular structure of the substance).

YOU can try this yourself: purchase a tub of margarine and leave it in
garage or shaded area. Within a couple of days you will note a couple of
things: no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that
should tell you something) ... it does not rot or smell differently
it has no nutritional value, nothing will grow on it...even those teeny
weenie microorganisms will not a find a home to grow.

Why? Because it is nearly plastic. Would you melt your Tupperware and
that on your toast?

Share This With Your Friends.....(Butter them up!)

I have never even bought margarine because I think it tastes like garbage. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Got it!!

One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University study.

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicate s that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?

Jeez! I didn't know one could get bladder cancer! :veryconfu :lol:


New Member
I read all this about drinking X glasses of water, but nobody seems to commit to just how big "a glass" is. We could be talking shot glasses or Yards of Ale glasses. ;)


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
I read all this about drinking X glasses of water, but nobody seems to commit to just how big "a glass" is. We could be talking shot glasses or Yards of Ale glasses. ;)

Usually a glass is considered to be 8 fluid ounces.


MouseMadness said:
I've also heard that you should take your bodyweight in pounds, divide it in half, and that's how many ounces of water you need a day.

My son was telling me that this past week. He was learning that in school. I would be floating away never to be seen again.:eek:

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