Dr. Judd's Diet Talk

The Mom

Premium Member
MouseMadness said:
Kind of embarrassing fact about me... when I went in to have Kaitlyn (My oldest) I weighed 195 pounds. :eek: :lol:

(I wouldn't be laughing if it hadn't gone away!)

Oh, and that 195 pounds was stretched over my almost-but-not-quite 5'4" self. :king:

Well, life can get back to normal next week, so my goal is gym 3 to 4 times a week, and a workout tape at home the others. And then, of course, try to slip a vegetable here and there between my junk food binges.

When I went for my annual check up 2 years ago, I weighed the same as I did the day I delivered my son...9&1/2 years earlier!!! :eek: (And I only gained 7 pounds during the whole pregnancy; the rest of the weight had crept up after the PREVIOUS pregnancy. I HAD lost all of The Daughter's pregnancy weight, and then some, but over the years, it settled back on, and brought a few friends.) Fortunately, I'm not there yet, but could easily end up there if I don't watch it.

The one shining light in all of this is the fact that I never totally abandoned my exercise, so I look "fitter" at my current weight than I did the last time around. It's just going to be harder, and slower, to trim down again.


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Linda went up to 185 with Ryan.

Doctor: How much did you weigh before the pregnancy?

Linda: 115

Doctor: I've got bad news for you. This baby doesn't weigh 70 lbs.

Hmmmmm *looks at signature* I don't see you on the list yet. I'm sure that's just an oversight on your part, isn't it.:D

LOL Yes, add me on. :lol: I'm confident that once life gets back to normal (kids back to school, colds and flus all done, Andy working days again so he's not around pestering me all the time) I will see progress again. I go through this thing where I'll go up before I go down, and I had just started to go down when we had a monster cold run through the family... now I'm back to square one. :( But Monday, all that will change!! (Mostly because my mother in law just took me shopping for my birthday, and now I have to get into those clothes! :lol: ) Whatever it takes, I guess! :wave:


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
Here goes: Sometime in the middle of last year (I think it was shortly after I saw Brad Pitt in Troy) I thought to myself: "Well if I was a movie star like Brad Pitt, I wouldn't have trouble keeping my weight down because I wouldn't want to have to see my fat a$$ up there on the movie screen all the time."

We had been talking about losing weight on this thread, and I suggested if we picked a date and all promised to post our photos by that date in a bathing suit, that would give us some powerful incentive to lose.

To help encourage reluctant people, I offered to donate $10 for to the Make a Wish foundation for every person (up to $500) who was willing to pledge to post their photo on October 1st and follow through (eventually we reduced the requirement so that shy people could post in shorts and a T-Shirt or some other slightly less revealing outfit). 10 People followed through: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=36342&page=64&pp=15 and I sent a check for $100 to the Make a Wish foundation.

I don't think anyone was at their goal weight at that point, so I suggested doing it again with some different ideas. We played around with a few dates, and, after I made a mess of myself over the holidays and a trip to Las Vegas, I finally wrote June 1st in stone as the next date with the same conditions.

If you're interested, I'll put you in my signature and then you'll be in. If you don't follow through on June 1st, we will point at you and laugh a little, but we are generally an understanding group, so it won't be a big deal. But if you do, I'll donate $10 for you and everyone else who participates.

What do you think? Will that get you motivated? Should I add you to the list?
I'm in. No family, time to burn, time for walking/golfing/biking and eating right.

Are Speedos okay for the June 1 picture?

The Mom

Premium Member
Time for my check in. Down 1 pound, 0 % fat. I've done this before, so know that I'm MUCH better at gaining weight than losing, and tend to lose it a pound (or less) at a time. My motto is a loss (no matter how small), or no change, is ALWAYS better than a gain. :lol:

I also invested in a Tanita scale, which measures fat %. It's wonderful for those times when you hit a plateau; sometimes, when you're building muscle, you don't lose weight, but you DO lose fat. :animwink:


Trophy Husband
The Mom said:
Time for my check in. Down 1 pound, 0 % fat. I've done this before, so know that I'm MUCH better at gaining weight than losing, and tend to lose it a pound (or less) at a time. My motto is a loss (no matter how small), or no change, is ALWAYS better than a gain. :lol:

I also invested in a Tanita scale, which measures fat %. It's wonderful for those times when you hit a plateau; sometimes, when you're building muscle, you don't lose weight, but you DO lose fat. :animwink:

Good for you! I'm down a pound from last week, but still about 1.5 pounds above my low.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing ok all things considered. :)

Trying not to eat my feelings. :lol:

And after leaving Andy home alone for a week, today my work will be my workout. :rolleyes: I have no fewer than 4 loads of laundry to get to right now.


Well-Known Member
Still working on walking, toning things up, etc. - I want to look good in Sara's wedding photos, and the wedding's April 9th! Just checking one thing before committing myself...NO bathing suit photos, right? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
figmentmom said:
Still working on walking, toning things up, etc. - I want to look good in Sara's wedding photos, and the wedding's April 9th! Just checking one thing before committing myself...NO bathing suit photos, right? :lookaroun


Well, I don't speak for Judd, of course :lookaroun but I'd much rather see your dress!! :sohappy:



Trophy Husband
figmentmom said:
Still working on walking, toning things up, etc. - I want to look good in Sara's wedding photos, and the wedding's April 9th! Just checking one thing before committing myself...NO bathing suit photos, right? :lookaroun

I'll consider that a commitment.;)

That brings us up to $80. Let's see if we can do a little better than last time. I'll ask Linda if she wants in.


Well-Known Member
Went to the dr's today... gained 3 lbs. So I drowned my sorrows in dinner at the diner. :eek: I've been walking at least a mile everyday. Have to kick it up a bit.

Oh, well... tomorrow is another day.


Trophy Husband
I am a Monster! I am a massive, rippling man-beast!

(unfortunately I still have layer upon layer of thick, gelatinous, fat covering it all up)

On June 1st, 29 year-old men will copy my photo so they can pretend it's them in internet chat rooms to procure cyper-______.

(or not, I guess we'll have to see how things go)

Yeah, I had a good workout tonight.:D


Well-Known Member
garyhoov said:
I am a Monster! I am a massive, rippling man-beast!

(unfortunately I still have layer upon layer of thick, gelatinous, fat covering it all up)

On June 1st, 29 year-old men will copy my photo so they can pretend it's them in internet chat rooms to procure cyper-______.

(or not, I guess we'll have to see how things go)

Yeah, I had a good workout tonight.:D

:lol: Ok then.


Well-Known Member
Well, the walking (and eating more healthfully) is doing some good - cholesterol 156, and terrific ratio of "good" to "bad" cholesterol! :sohappy:

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