Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Trophy Husband
tigsmom said:
Well, went to the nutritionist today and got the suprise of my life.. I lost 7 pounds!!!!!!

I've been trying really hard to get my exercise in, but its been tough.


I'm still just about as fat and doughy as I was Oct. 1st, but I'm getting back into it. I think we last left our date at Mrch 15th, but I know I'm not going to be much better than I was on October 1st. If popular demand is that we go on the 15th, I'll do it, but I'm thinking about putting it of until June 1st and getting really serious.

What do you think? If we make it June 1st, I'll just keep it simple and open it up to everybody who's interested for the same $10 (up to $500) we did in October.

What's everybody think?


Trophy Husband
JBSLJames said:
Judd is in for the June 1st date.

Now where did I put those running shoes?????

:sohappy: I just added you. I'm hoping to make enough progress to post my October 1st photo next to my new one as a 'before' and 'after'.


Trophy Husband
June 1st! June 1st! June 1st!

I had a really good, sort of insane, workout last night. If I can keep that up and NOT EAT LIKE A PIG I'll, hopefully, be in pretty good shape by June 1st (but I just got on the scale for the first time in a while, and I'm at 202, so I have to lose 3 pounds just to get back to where I was on October 1st).


Trophy Husband
How's everybody doing? Gotta stay serious and keep on track for June 1st. I've been getting some good workouts, but I haven't been eating great. I was a little better tonight, but I haven't weighed myself for a while.

The Mom

Premium Member
I'm back on the exercise/diet wagon! I haven't gotten back up to my "before" weight (I lost 37 pounds in 2003) but am getting closer than I'd like to be. :eek: June 1st sounds like a reasonable goal to get back to my "after" weight. :lol:

I've been walking my 2 miles a day...religiously, this time! I also walk 4 miles 1x/week. Unlike my snowbound friends, I have no excuse for skipping my routine! :eek: Interestingly, I started graphing my progress last Monday, so I can check-in weekly. No before or after details. just progress (or setbacks,) if you get my drift.


Trophy Husband
The Mom said:
I'm back on the exercise/diet wagon! I haven't gotten back up to my "before" weight (I lost 37 pounds in 2003) but am getting closer than I'd like to be. :eek: June 1st sounds like a reasonable goal to get back to my "after" weight. :lol:

I've been walking my 2 miles a day...religiously, this time! I also walk 4 miles 1x/week. Unlike my snowbound friends, I have no excuse for skipping my routine! :eek: Interestingly, I started graphing my progress last Monday, so I can check-in weekly. No before or after details. just progress (or setbacks,) if you get my drift.

Can I add you to the list?


Trophy Husband
barnum42 said:
After Xmas I was 210lbs. I'm currently 191lbs and my belt is where it used to be ten years ago :D

That's great! I'm still hovering around 200, and I can't seem to break through. I'm hoping June 1st can get me motivated enough to make some more progress.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
After Xmas I was 210lbs. I'm currently 191lbs and my belt is where it used to be ten years ago :D

Kind of embarrassing fact about me... when I went in to have Kaitlyn (My oldest) I weighed 195 pounds. :eek: :lol:

(I wouldn't be laughing if it hadn't gone away!)

Oh, and that 195 pounds was stretched over my almost-but-not-quite 5'4" self. :king:

Well, life can get back to normal next week, so my goal is gym 3 to 4 times a week, and a workout tape at home the others. And then, of course, try to slip a vegetable here and there between my junk food binges.


New Member
garyhoov said:
That's great! I'm still hovering around 200, and I can't seem to break through. I'm hoping June 1st can get me motivated enough to make some more progress.
That's where I was stuck last year. I tried low fat and a bit more time on the ski machine. It seems to be doing the trick.


Trophy Husband
SpongeScott said:
Gary--explain the June 1st thing please. I would like to drop about 15-20 pounds and this is a great time for me to do it.

Here goes: Sometime in the middle of last year (I think it was shortly after I saw Brad Pitt in Troy) I thought to myself: "Well if I was a movie star like Brad Pitt, I wouldn't have trouble keeping my weight down because I wouldn't want to have to see my fat a$$ up there on the movie screen all the time."

We had been talking about losing weight on this thread, and I suggested if we picked a date and all promised to post our photos by that date in a bathing suit, that would give us some powerful incentive to lose.

To help encourage reluctant people, I offered to donate $10 for to the Make a Wish foundation for every person (up to $500) who was willing to pledge to post their photo on October 1st and follow through (eventually we reduced the requirement so that shy people could post in shorts and a T-Shirt or some other slightly less revealing outfit). 10 People followed through: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=36342&page=64&pp=15 and I sent a check for $100 to the Make a Wish foundation.

I don't think anyone was at their goal weight at that point, so I suggested doing it again with some different ideas. We played around with a few dates, and, after I made a mess of myself over the holidays and a trip to Las Vegas, I finally wrote June 1st in stone as the next date with the same conditions.

If you're interested, I'll put you in my signature and then you'll be in. If you don't follow through on June 1st, we will point at you and laugh a little, but we are generally an understanding group, so it won't be a big deal. But if you do, I'll donate $10 for you and everyone else who participates.

What do you think? Will that get you motivated? Should I add you to the list?


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
Kind of embarrassing fact about me... when I went in to have Kaitlyn (My oldest) I weighed 195 pounds. :eek: :lol:

(I wouldn't be laughing if it hadn't gone away!)

Oh, and that 195 pounds was stretched over my almost-but-not-quite 5'4" self. :king:

Well, life can get back to normal next week, so my goal is gym 3 to 4 times a week, and a workout tape at home the others. And then, of course, try to slip a vegetable here and there between my junk food binges.

Linda went up to 185 with Ryan.

Doctor: How much did you weigh before the pregnancy?

Linda: 115

Doctor: I've got bad news for you. This baby doesn't weigh 70 lbs.

Hmmmmm *looks at signature* I don't see you on the list yet. I'm sure that's just an oversight on your part, isn't it.:D

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