Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


New Member
I hope I just need new scales, but when I stood on them yesterday they said I had put on five pounds! I know the weight can fluctuate, but that seems a bit much.

However the belt tells a happier story and if anything is a tad slacker.


New Member
darthdarrel said:
BUt that comes out to be about 5 pounds a month! UGH!
I want atleast 5 pounds a week! :lol:
Have you tried excercising using a heart rate monitor? I found this to be a big help to me. The fat burning zone is far from flat out which means you do not have to exercise as hard as maybe you did before and will be burning more fat when you do. Also because you are not going flat out you can excercise for longer.


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
I hope I just need new scales, but when I stood on them yesterday they said I had put on five pounds! I know the weight can fluctuate, but that seems a bit much.

However the belt tells a happier story and if anything is a tad slacker.

Muscle weighs more than fat so you can put on weight, but be smaller.
Stick with the belt......and congrats. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I dont even want to weigh myself. I have been eating like crap the last few weeks, and drinking more than I should.....today, I put on a golf shirt, and I had to take it off, it was way to revealing in the stomach and man-b00b area.

I need to get back on track!


New Member
Original Poster
tigsmom said:
Muscle weighs more than fat so you can put on weight, but be smaller.
Stick with the belt......and congrats. :wave:

Yes, but let's not forget that muscle also burns calories at a higher rate, soooo, more muscle will help you lose some unwanted body fat. Now, if I could only convince myself of this. :dazzle:


New Member
garyhoov said:
Welcome! And I'll be glad to add you to the list.

And Darrel, I've only lost 8 pounds, you've lost 25!!! I think you probably have the title for most weight lost so far.

I don't mind being added to the list but I must admit that I am totally clueless when it comes to knowing how to post pictures. If someone can direct me to where I can get some instructions or PM me some info, I'll try to figure it out between now and OCT 1.

And Barnum, good advice on the heart monitor. I use one while walking and my heart rate usually runs somewhere between 130-145. My doctor says that as long as my heart rate is over 120, I'm getting enough of an aerobic workout. I walk 2.5 miles and try to do it at least three times a week.


Well-Known Member
:sohappy: Another vict...participant. :D Welcome.

I haven't had any luck attaching photos so I just put them in my album & link them.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Oh, I dont even want to weigh myself. I have been eating like crap the last few weeks, and drinking more than I should.....today, I put on a golf shirt, and I had to take it off, it was way to revealing in the stomach and man-b00b area.

I need to get back on track!

:eek: :dazzle:


Trophy Husband
I don't mind being added to the list but I must admit that I am totally clueless when it comes to knowing how to post pictures. If someone can direct me to where I can get some instructions or PM me some info, I'll try to figure it out between now and OCT 1.

And Barnum, good advice on the heart monitor. I use one while walking and my heart rate usually runs somewhere between 130-145. My doctor says that as long as my heart rate is over 120, I'm getting enough of an aerobic workout. I walk 2.5 miles and try to do it at least three times a week.


Am I missing someone? I thought we had one more. Well that makes $140 unless there is another one.

As for posting photos, I think premium members can post their photos directly in the thread. Others can post it in their photo albums and then link in their post using the IMG to have it come up. If someone has a problem with their photo album (or doesn't want the photo popping up at the bottom of people's screen occasionally) they can e-mail them to me or another premium member, and we can post them directly.

We'll figure it out.


New Member
I don't mind being added to the list but I must admit that I am totally clueless when it comes to knowing how to post pictures. If someone can direct me to where I can get some instructions or PM me some info, I'll try to figure it out between now and OCT 1.

And Barnum, good advice on the heart monitor. I use one while walking and my heart rate usually runs somewhere between 130-145. My doctor says that as long as my heart rate is over 120, I'm getting enough of an aerobic workout. I walk 2.5 miles and try to do it at least three times a week.
To post photos you can either post to your WDW Magic album and stick a link to it or sign up to one of the free albums that are now on the net , for example http://my.fotopic.net/ and link to it from there. You have plenty of time to play with either option and ask us further questions.

I anyone has questions on the heart rate monitor post them too.


New Member
This is interesting, I have got to start drinking more red wine! :D
Drink This. Reduce Number of Fat Cells?

Cheers! Red wine may help stimulate a gene that reduces the number and size of fat cells in the body. The gene in question is called SIRT1, which has been shown to reduce the development of new fat cells and increase the "burn rate" of fat within existing fat cells, reports Science Daily. Found in both mice and humans, the gene also seems to repress fat-related proteins that tell the body to store fat when food is scarce. Now researchers from Oregon State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Ottawa have determined that SIRT1 can be stimulated to work better with a bit of red wine--at least in mice.

Did you know that what you drink affects how you look? Find out the specific impact of wine, beer, and spirits.

The magic ingredient in red wine is something called resveratrol. By speeding up the activity of the SIRT1, it leads to a higher metabolism rate. And that reduces the number and size of fat cells. "When cells were exposed to resveratrol, our studies showed a pretty dramatic reduction in the conversion to fat cells and a lesser but still significant increase in the mobilization of existing fat, or the rate at which the cells metabolized stored fat," said Mark Leid, a professor of pharmacology in the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy. "This clearly could be one of the explanations for the health benefits that some researchers believe can be linked to moderate red wine consumption."


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me! :D

Just be careful with your meds...alcohol mixed with them actually causes hypoglycemia which can cause a whole new set of problems. hic :lookaroun


New Member
tigsmom said:
Sounds good to me! :D

Just be careful with your meds...alcohol mixed with them actually causes hypoglycemia which can cause a whole new set of problems. hic :lookaroun

Oh I know that Tigsmom LOL! If I do start drinking more red wine it would only be one glass with my dinner!
Not to mention it looks like someone we know has had too much to drink! Darnit tigsmom the article said "IN moderation" LOL! :lol:

The Mom

Premium Member
I also read the article. Interesting. One factor involved was consistancy; someone has to drink a glass on a daily basis. Going out and drinking 7 glasses on the weekend isn't going to work, neither will only drinking 1-2 glasses on assorted nights during the week. (However, it probably won't hurt most people with no underlying health problems.) Basically, they still aren't reccomending that non-drinkers start, only that current drinkers consider changing their habits for maximun health benefits. ie, if you're already taking in 300 calories a day drinking alcohol, the TYPE of alcohol seems to make a difference.


Well-Known Member
darthdarrel said:
Oh I know that Tigsmom LOL! If I do start drinking more red wine it would only be one glass with my dinner!
Not to mention it looks like someone we know has had too much to drink! Darnit tigsmom the article said "IN moderation" LOL! :lol:

I didn't have any wine..... :D

My niece's wedding (my god daughter & the first grandchild to get married).
She was beautiful & everything was wonderful. (and my eyes still hurt :( )

I usually have only 1/2 a glass of wine or one drink (because I usually fall asleep after more), my DH calls me a "cheap date". :rolleyes:


New Member
Original Poster
Ooh, red wine. Never much of a fan of grape drinks other than Welch's.

As for the diet thread. Various enablers conspired to get me off the plan and did have a small level of success. I had put almost 5 pounds back on over the last three weeks, but a series of good days have returned my total weight loss to 25 pounds.

Now, as we reach the stretch run for the October 1 date, discipline must increase. Just say no to that peanut butter and jelly sammy on Butternut. Remember, I think Bill Clinton said it best, I did not have digestial relations with that donut. . .or something like that :wave:


Well-Known Member
:wave: Glad I'm not the only one who seems to have fallen off track.
I really need to get back to a regular schedule & eat 3 meal (and my 2 snacks) instead of 2 big meals; And back to exercising properly. (though we did go bowling on Sunday :D )


Trophy Husband
I've been stuck right around 200. I re-focused and got serious yesterday, but my weight was up this morning. I'm going to try to really work on it this week an see if I can get comfortably below 200.

October 1st is getting closer and closer.


Well-Known Member
I am in week 9 (of 10) of quitting smoking.....I was albe to keep the weight off for the first 4 weeks, but in the last 5 weeks I have gone from 168lbs to 180.....needless to say, I am not happy about this.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
I am in week 9 (of 10) of quitting smoking.....I was albe to keep the weight off for the first 4 weeks, but in the last 5 weeks I have gone from 168lbs to 180.....needless to say, I am not happy about this.

Make your beverage of choice water with a twist of lemon or lime. :animwink:

And a big :kiss: for sticking to the not smoking.

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