Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
You'd have to see where I came from: Eating nothing but junk food and still never gaining a pound!

I'm one of those people NOW (what am I doing HERE? - weight is just as much of an issue for me as for everyone else.) I'm not looking for sympathy, but I can tell you for sure that people who wouldn't dream of commenting negatively on someone's weight if they were heavy have absolutely NO compunction about commenting on MINE! And it sure isn't complimentary.

When I force myself to exercise and eat healthily, I do gain weight and feel better. When I get in a slump, I don't.


figmentmom said:
I'm one of those people NOW (what am I doing HERE? - weight is just as much of an issue for me as for everyone else.) I'm not looking for sympathy, but I can tell you for sure that people who wouldn't dream of commenting negatively on someone's weight if they were heavy have absolutely NO compunction about commenting on MINE! And it sure isn't complimentary.

You're not kidding. I was 5'6" 107 lbs for years, and people would say the nastiest things! No matter what I did, I could never gain an ounce. When I fainylly made it up to 115, I demanded they change my drivers' license :lol:


Well-Known Member
I just ate what Leah would not eat of her Toaster Struedel. :lookaroun :eek:

And I've been just skimming trying to catch up, but in regards to the peanut thing, (on behalf of my poor Mallory) Peanuts are actually more closely related to the soybean than treenuts, as far as allergies are concerned, anyhow. Mallory is allergic to soy, peanuts, AND treenuts, so we don't have to work as hard as some people to know what to stay away from. We just pretty much avoid everything. :lol: Also, common misconception according to her allergist, peanut oil is okay, given that most commercially produced peanut oil is so processed that no traces of the protein (which is what causes the allergic reaction, apparently) are left in the oil. :wave: This has been allergy talk with Dr. Christy, tune in next week for our discussion of the "Flat feet/shin splints" connection.

:lookaroun :hammer:


New Member
Erika said:
You're not kidding. I was 5'6" 107 lbs for years, and people would say the nastiest things! No matter what I did, I could never gain an ounce. When I fainylly made it up to 115, I demanded they change my drivers' license :lol:
People like you make me sick! :hurl: ... :lol:
I have heard this all my life from my 2 older brothers, neither of them could ever gain weight no matter what they ate! They even tried those shakes that are supposed to help gain weight, but they never worked, while here is me if I even think of food I gain weight! :rolleyes: :( :p


darthdarrel said:
People like you make me sick! :hurl: ... :lol:
I have heard this all my life from my 2 older brothers, neither of them could ever gain weight no matter what they ate! They even tried those shakes that are supposed to help gain weight, but they never worked, while here is me if I even think of food I gain weight! :rolleyes: :( :p

Don't worry, Darrel, I no longer have such magical powers :wave: :cry:

Now I am just as miserable as everyone else.


Well-Known Member
OK, its been a long weekend & I wasn't anywhere close to being good. :(

Its a new day & a new week so we'll go on from here. How did everyone else do?


Well-Known Member
I'd rather not talk about it. :eek: I have gotten back on with my workouts, now my diet needs to follow suit. I am with you, Mad, it is indeed a new day! I'm off to the grocery as soon as the girls get up, so I will be sure to avoid those aisles that get me into so much trouble.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
... I'm off to the grocery as soon as the girls get up, so I will be sure to avoid those aisles that get me into so much trouble.

The only way I can do that is to go by myself. Taking the kids along just causes me trouble (in more ways than one :lol: ).

I'm trying to get everyone to eat a little more healthily (is that a word?)
I've asked them to hit the recipes to find something good. I have quite a few Light & Tasty magazines and quite a few others. We are getting good at fixing recipes to fit out new lifestyle. Now if I could just break them of the fast food junkie habit.....


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
Three of them came back today :confused:

And thats why I don't weigh myself everyday. It could be so many things...did you eat or drink right before hand? Maybe the clothes are different or the time of day...


New Member
tigsmom said:
And thats why I don't weigh myself everyday. It could be so many things...did you eat or drink right before hand? Maybe the clothes are different or the time of day...
Normally I don't. I just wanted to verify the previous day's results. I weigh in after the morning ablutions sans clothing.


Well-Known Member
What is it about 3 o'clock in the afternoon that suddenly turns me into a pig. (I am trying to follow Gary's "Don't Be A Pig Diet", but 3 is a magical hour in which my nose turns to a snout and I grow a little curly tail. :lookaroun Or something, anyhooo....

Where is that magical pill that will make me lose my 10 lbs by Saturday when we get to the lake and out on the boat. In a swimsuit. By all the 20 year old childless ones in the family. :cry:


Trophy Husband
MouseMadness said:
What is it about 3 o'clock in the afternoon that suddenly turns me into a pig. (I am trying to follow Gary's "Don't Be A Pig Diet", but 3 is a magical hour in which my nose turns to a snout and I grow a little curly tail. :lookaroun Or something, anyhooo....

Where is that magical pill that will make me lose my 10 lbs by Saturday when we get to the lake and out on the boat. In a swimsuit. By all the 20 year old childless ones in the family. :cry:

*CAUTION* The "Don't Be A Pig Diet" is most effective if you are, in fact, a pig to start with.

I probably still eat more than just about anybody else on here, but considering what I used to eat before I started, it works for me.

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