Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
I think we should choose what each other wears on Oct. 1. I nominate this for Gary.



Well-Known Member
Ok, two things....we said tasteful bathing suit, and speck...you are definately getting huggled. :lol:

:rolleyes: to the both of you. Nice to see everyone is in a good mood today! :kiss:


Well-Known Member
OK, menu time.

I had a low carb Thomas' English muffin with butter for breakfast.
Going to have salmon & veggies for lunch (the kitchen is finally fully functional...plumber left a little while ago).
Any ideas for dinner? Just the 2 girls & I. It seems they don't want to eat anything but fast food lately. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Vince, PLEASE get rid of that picture! :lol:

I was wondering about dinner, as well. Just me and my girls, too! :wave: Andy's on call... I'll have to survey the fridge/freezer and see what we've got.

And I just realized, with my low carb milk I could make pudding that's low carb AND low fat! I know it won't be the lowest carb, but I'll try to keep it in moderation. I had a recipe for pudding before using sugar free pudding mix, and cream and water, but it was sooooo fattening, I think it derailed any progress I made. Also, I found a really good low carb tortilla, made by Mission. They don't make me sick like the ones made with all the soy, they're whole wheat. I made low carb tuna salad and put it in the tortilla with some lettuce, tomato, etc. REALLY good. Maybe I'll just have that for myself and let the girls make pizzas.


Well-Known Member
No sugar pudding mix & nonfat half & half = :slurp:
I've started to use Land O Lakes nonfat half & half in everything that calls for milk. It makes really great mashed potatoes. (just 1/2 cup, please). I used it on the Atkins cereals too.

Katie makes great chicken tortilla pizza. I try to keep some handy at all times. I bought some Dreamfield low carb pasta yesterday & am anxious to make that. Ben & Jerry now makes a low carb ice cream, but I only found it in chocolate (like I'm complaining. :hammer: )
Edy's HomeMade ice cream comes in little cups (only vanilla) that only have 14 cabs/serving. Love portion control...need the self control to only eat one. :lol: Good for the kids.

I love to make a huge salad and put some tuna salad, egg salad or shrimp salad on top. That and a cup of soup & I'm happy.

Time to make lunch.


New Member
At least in America you have lots of low carb products to choose from. There is still very little on the shelves here, a few overpriced Atikins bars and salads. That's it.


Well-Known Member
Guess the low carb craze hasn't swept the UK yet. Sorry. Our talk must drive you crazy. Don't you have family here? Can they send you a care package of the pre packaged stuff?


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
*tosses a package of double stuffed oreos into the center of this thread and runs away* :lol: :lookaroun :p ;)


Well-Known Member
I am too pleased with my progress to be tempted by your Double stuffed Oreos!! *sneaks one* (I'll just do an extra 5 minutes of cardio tomorrow...) :lol:

*Double Stuffs Jer down Darrel's pants* MUA HA HA HA


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Ok, we need to get that picture off the page...its......mesmerizing. :lookaroun

:rolleyes: ...:lol:
HEck I wish I looked that! and Vince there is no way in hell I am wearing a thong! besides just the thought of me in a thong is enough to gag a maggot!:lol:


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Guess the low carb craze hasn't swept the UK yet. Sorry. Our talk must drive you crazy. Don't you have family here? Can they send you a care package of the pre packaged stuff?
The low carb craze is big over here, but the specialist products are not on the shelves. I guess they are waiting to see if people are stupid / rich enough to afford the few high priced Atkins products.

The Atkins bars are £1.60. Compared to a regular choc bar at 40p or flapjack at 60p. One store now has the pre-packed Atkins Salad for about £4.00 Regular salads are about £1.50 to £2.00


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the exchange rates, but I'll take your word for it. I'm not sure what a special Atkins salad is...I go to Subway and get a salad with Atkins dressing.
All of the Atkins stuff is expensive here, thats why we are all on the lookout for low carb stuff from other companies.
Atkins candy bars (very small) go for .99 to $1.29 depending on the store. I liked the Atkins shakes, but SlimFast ones are about $3 cheaper.

and thank god that picture is off the page!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
thank god that picture is off the page!

You don't like my package?

Anyway, so I used to drink a lot of soda. 5-6 cans of Mt Dew Code Red per day. At the beginning of the year, I switched to diet soda, as the switch to water only was too hard, I still needed the caffiene. I went from 180 to 168 just by making this change. Then, I got careless and started drinking regular soda again, and blew back up to 173. Now, I had to cut caffiene out, but this time switching to water was much easier.:D

that is all I have to say


New Member
Originally posted by speck76

Anyway, so I used to drink a lot of soda. 5-6 cans of Mt Dew Code Red per day.

5 or 6? Man, if I did that I'd be awake for days! I try to drink only one of those a day, not just because of the caffine, but because you cannot buy the diet stuff here. I have to get it in Florida, or Jersey.

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