Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
Gary, are you being sabotaged?? :eek:

Yesterday we went to see Harry Potter again, and my lunch was a bag of m&m's (shrek sized, no less) buttered popcorn, some Skittles, and a DIET coke! :king: :lol:

And the worst part is... my day only got worse from there. :( But it's a new day, lol.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Gary, are you being sabotaged?? :eek:

She meant well, bless her heart.

And I'm not just saying that because she might be reading this :lookaroun

But this morning when I got on the scale, I was at 203.5!:sohappy: That's four pounds since I started and the lightest I've been since I started weighing myself. I realize it's probably partly a short term fluctuation (I had a good workout last night and was sweating buckets), but it makes me feel a lot better than the 206 I got yesterday.

I figure the 206 was abnormally high, and the 203.5 was abnormally low, but it does look like I'm going in the right direction. I probably couldn't have hit 203.5 a couple weeks ago under any conditions.


Well-Known Member
WOOOHOOOOO! :sohappy:

Just curious, what kind of workout are you doing? (And everybody for that matter) I have tons of tapes and dvds, everything from pilates and yoga to aerobics and weight training. I also use Andy's weight set in the basement to do some really heavy training. (well, heavy for me, but he always makes fun of me when he goes to work out after me. Andy:"Please, PLEASE tell me you were doing bicep curls with that." Me: "Er, no... squats... :lookaroun " ) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Alright Gary! :sohappy:

Sabotage creeps in very easily and its very sneaky. (and I have very little will power...had ice cream last night. :eek: )

Christy, I have tons of workout tapes, too. My favorite right now is Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone. It came with small weighted exercise balls (they are filled with water). Its fun & not hard to do. There is a 1, 2, and 3 mile walk. We have a double pond in town that attracts walkers, joggers, skaters, etc and is busy all day long. When its nice I like to walk out there. Its mapped out (as an Eagle Scout project) in half, mile and mile & a half routes.


New Member
Original Poster
When I've been able to exercise, I have hit the local Y and do 35 minutes of Cardio on the Eliptical then do the nautilis style machines for lat pull downs, bench press, incline bench press, seated row, flys, stomach, back extensions, leg extensions, leg curls, and leg presses. I try and alternate lower body to upper body, or some weeks to the alternation of push versus pull. Either way, this month has been WAY TOO BUSY to fit it into the schedule. I am hoping to get back to 3 to 4 days a week starting Monday (when have I heard that before?)

At home, I do some free weights for Biceps and triceps. Would like to have those 18" guns for the October 1st pic.

We also have THE FIRM DVD's and the new Tae-Bo DVD's. When I first did the original Tae-Bo years ago I was able to lose a good bit of weight but that may have been due to the ephedra stuff I was taking at the time as well - a GNC Metabolift. No more of that stuff though. Talk about being wired. You take that after 3:00 p.m. and you might as well get used to not getting to sleep until after midnight.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Just curious, what kind of workout are you doing?

We've got a memebership at "Ballys", and I try to get there about 3 or 4 times a week. I hit the weights first. Mainly machines, but I like to do some occasional free-weights, particularly bench if I can get someone to spot me. I try to mix it up with different machines and different grips everytime I go.

Then I finish up with a half hour on the bike. I had done some on the treadmills and elipticals, but my ankles were starting to bother me on the treadmill, and I just can't seem to get a good workout on the eliptical for some reason.

If I can't make it to the Ballys, we've got some free weights, a small weight machine and a stationary bike at home. When I'm home, I like to do some kicks, punches and mini katas from my old karate days, then I mix up some different weights and finish with a half hour on the bike.


Well-Known Member
I try to stay away from Pepsi products. I haven't tried the C2 because it just seems useless to me. Why drink a reduced carb soda when I can get one with no carbs...DIET. I have been drinking these since I was a kid and since more companies are using Slpenda there is no after taste. (and that never bothered me anyway). Its regular soda that I find too sweet now.

I buy Diet Rite if I can get it. Its never had sugar, sodium or caffiene and tastes very good. Diet COKE with Lime is a favorite .


Well-Known Member
I prefer the Pepsi products over Coke products. The diet w/ lime is great with a shot of Captain Morgan!

I am on water-only for now. Diet doesn't bug me much, but I would drink regular if I could.


Well-Known Member
That brings me to another question.

Bottled Water.... besides price, what is really the diff between brands. I always buy a case of the Nestle Pure Life at BJ's Wholesale, as it is only about $5 for 35 or so half-liter bottles. A friend of mine says she only like the Fiji brand bottled water...now, maybe my tastebuds are dull due to the years of smoking, but I just can't taste the difference.


Well-Known Member
I like Dasani best...to me it has a "cleaner" taste. I usually buy Poland Springs (36 24 oz bottles for $6.99 in BJ's) for my DH to take to work & the kids to take to school. Our local water here is very good. It comes from a protected lake not too far away. (municipal water so it treated). I have a well (I live on a lake), but we don't use it since we are now in the water district. The well water isn't so bad, but it very hard. I usually don't drink bottles water at home.


Well-Known Member
Florida tap water is not great, not only does it have a bad smell (sulfur?) but it is also not cold. I miss the tap water from Michigan, drawn from the oh-so-clean Lake Huron. Hey, a little PCB's never hurt anyone.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
The water in the north is cold because the tempature in the ground is cold. Since the temp of the ground in FL is warmer, the water is warmer.


Well-Known Member
Duh! :hammer: Never thought of that. When I visit my inlaws in Florida there is always a pitcher of water in the fridge, but they do that here, too. And I always use crushed ice in my glass.


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
I like Dasani best...to me it has a "cleaner" taste.
Coke got a lot of bad publicity in the UK after launching Dasani. Whilst it does not say "spring" water on it, that is how they tried to market it. Turns out it's just regual tap water run through a couple of filters. They then got into more trouble when they had to withdraw it from sale due to three times the legal level of some substance being found in it!

I just use a Britta (or generic) filter.

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