Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Trophy Husband

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Another Monday Weigh In . . . .

A weekend of eating poorly translated into no weight gain or loss. Still sitting at 22 pounds lost total. Looking at going back to the phase 1 plan for a couple of weeks to jump-start some activity.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so my working out isn't... working out as well as I'd hoped. Looks like I'm going to have to stop being a pig, too. :( (Well, I was actually feeling pretty good about myself until my brother in law's fiancee came out in her bikini this weekend. :eek: :cry: ) So, back to low carb for a bit. The wedding's in less than two weeks!


Well-Known Member
Hey, I think I gained weight. :lol:

I'm at 165 this morning. Well, I'm not trying to lose weight anyway. I'm just trying to build muscle. Should I do anything to my diet or just stay the same and keep working out?


Well-Known Member
So today is day one of not smoking. So far I only ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and I have not had the eating problems I had last time I quit.

I am thinking of hiring a personal trainer, I am beginning to look pregnant.:(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
Hey, I think I gained weight. :lol:

I'm at 165 this morning. Well, I'm not trying to lose weight anyway. I'm just trying to build muscle. Should I do anything to my diet or just stay the same and keep working out?

Muscle weighs more than fat so building muscle may cause you to gain weight..the good kind.
Are you hungry all the time? If not then I'd keep the diet the same, maybe add a little low fat protein as a snack between meals. (not tons of calories) The low carb ones would help, like the trail mix we mentioned earlier. And unless its really hot and you are exercising very heavily stay away from those sports drinks. Water is the best...before, during & after exercise.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by speck76
So today is day one of not smoking. So far I only ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and I have not had the eating problems I had last time I quit.

I am thinking of hiring a personal trainer, I am beginning to look pregnant.:(

Well, if you have the money, go for it. The advantage of a personal trainer is that they can tailor the workout to your specific needs & lifestyle. How about some nutritional counseling too? That way you can avoid the weight gain & make it a little easier on yourself. Actually, if you plan a snack (low calorie) between your meals you might feel beter. (keeps the blood sugar level).

Day 1 and counting...good for you. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Well, my dad quit smoking by switching to chewing tobacco. :lol: and :hurl: That stuff was NASTY. But he quit tobacco by chewing gum... I dunno if that would help you at all. (Not nicotine gum, just regular chewing gum)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Muscle weighs more than fat so building muscle may cause you to gain weight..the good kind.
Are you hungry all the time? If not then I'd keep the diet the same, maybe add a little low fat protein as a snack between meals. (not tons of calories) The low carb ones would help, like the trail mix we mentioned earlier. And unless its really hot and you are exercising very heavily stay away from those sports drinks. Water is the best...before, during & after exercise.

No, I'm hardly ever hungry. So I guess I'll stay the same then. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Ok, so my working out isn't... working out as well as I'd hoped. Looks like I'm going to have to stop being a pig, too. :( (Well, I was actually feeling pretty good about myself until my brother in law's fiancee came out in her bikini this weekend. :eek: :cry: ) So, back to low carb for a bit. The wedding's in less than two weeks!

Christy, don't give in to the envy...her turn will come. Gravity takes its toll on everyone. :D

Have you ever seen the Healthy Exchanges lady, Joanna Lund. She has a mantra that I like...Just for today, let me be the best I can be. The Best I CAN BE. Maybe somedays we fall short (for me lately, its more often than not), but we just do the best we can with what we have.
My neice's wedding is July 31 & I need a new dress (something stylish, I hope) & thats what I'm working toward.


Trophy Husband
I've been moving down but slowly. It looks like my average for this week will be about 1/2 pound lower than my average for last week, but that's not enough to be ready for October 1st, so I may have to get a bit more drastic.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Well, my dad quit smoking by switching to chewing tobacco. :lol: and :hurl: That stuff was NASTY. But he quit tobacco by chewing gum... I dunno if that would help you at all. (Not nicotine gum, just regular chewing gum)

My dad quit smoking the day they buried his father. He died of emphysema complicated by black lung (from years of working the coal mines in PA). He threw his last pack into the grave to be buried with my grandfather. Years later he took up pipe smoking then cigars.
Brad ( if I may call you that) The sooner you quit, the better off your lungs will be. They do heal, maybe not perfectly, but they will improve. Everytime I'm tempted to start smoking I think of this little old lady I used to take care of. She was on her deathbed, could hardly breath without being in an oxygen tent. You know what? Every 2 hours we had to get her up and out of the room so she could smoke. I don't want to die like that. **shudders**


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
I've been moving down but slowly. It looks like my average for this week will be about 1/2 pound lower than my average for last week, but that's not enough to be ready for October 1st, so I may have to get a bit more drastic.

shave the chest hair...it'll remove a good 15-20lbs...no?

Maybe lose a limb?

Just trying to help...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
I've been moving down but slowly. It looks like my average for this week will be about 1/2 pound lower than my average for last week, but that's not enough to be ready for October 1st, so I may have to get a bit more drastic.

Don't go too crazy. I know I'm not going to be where I want to be by October 1st but I'll try my best. :wave:


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
shave the chest hair...it'll remove a good 15-20lbs...no?

Maybe lose a limb?

Just trying to help...

From what I've heard (mostly from you) Lorena Bobbit could take a good 10 pounds off you.;) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
From what I've heard (mostly from you) Lorena Bobbit could take a good 10 pounds off you.;) :lol:

Well, if he doesn't sing his own praises, who will ?
( I was going to say "blow his own horn", but that has a whole different connotation). :lookaroun

Excuse me while I travel back to hell.


New Member
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Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I'm hung like a baby!!!

I think you got the spelling wrong, it's not h-u-n-g, it's p-o-o-p-i-n-g.

And besides, I don't think going around saying your hung like a baby will impress the ladies.

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