Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Fries and ketchup count, right? :veryconfu Otherwise, my diet is screwed... I'm banking on those fries and ketchup filling my veggie quota for the day.

I heard they're trying to make mayonnaise a vegetable now. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by speck76
I was told potatoes are a starch. I thought starch was for dress shirts.

Potatoes are carbs...to be used with caution.

Who starches shirts anymore? I try to never buy anything that needs to be ironed. :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Fries and ketchup count, right? :veryconfu Otherwise, my diet is screwed... I'm banking on those fries and ketchup filling my veggie quota for the day.

Fries...no. Ketchup, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes & onions...yes.
Those were my veggies at lunch.


Well-Known Member
Potatoes grow from dirt... are they not then a plant-food source? Close enough to a veggie for me. :lol: Try them fried in lard sometime... makes them go down MUCH easier! :slurp:



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by speck76
back in the 1980's (way back then:D ) the gov't tried to classify ketchup a vegetable for school lunches.:(

Ronald Reagan, our wonderful president at the time, did classify ketchup as a veggie so the poor, inner city schools could meet Federal requirements for serving of veggies/day.


New Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Ronald Reagan, our wonderful president at the time, did classify ketchup as a veggie so the poor, inner city schools could meet Federal requirements for serving of veggies/day.
The European beurocrats reclassified the carrot as a fruit! This was due to a company making carrot jam, but the beurocrats said jam could only be made from fruit. So they reclassified carrots rather than jam. It must be great to have so little to do in your job that this sort of this is your biggest worry. :lol:


Originally posted by MouseMadness
Potatoes grow from dirt... are they not then a plant-food source? Close enough to a veggie for me. :lol: Try them fried in lard sometime... makes them go down MUCH easier! :slurp:



Fried or not, I am a potato fiend :slurp:

Bring 'em on!


Well-Known Member
I'm part Irish so potatoes are in my blood. :D
Katie used to make mashed potato sandwiches when she was little. :rolleyes: (she would still do it if she could get away with it) French fries are their own food catagory at my house.

My nephew...last Christmas walks into my house and announces:

"My mother didn't make me any mashed potatoes yesterday", lifts the lids on all the pots on the stove .

Me- "its OK I made 10 pounds worth".
Him- :kiss: on the cheek for me. :lol:

He must have eaten about 8 pounds worth (and most of the salt , butter & rolls in the house) and then took whatever was left home.
He is 19 about 6 ft tall and weigh about 100lbs. :rolleyes:

He did wish me a Merry Christmas as they left around midnight. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I love potatoes. I can eat them at any time, prepared in almost any way.

mmmmm....cheddar and jalapeno smashed potatoes...mmmmm


Well-Known Member
Dutch firm touts 'low-carb' potatoes

By Toby Stirling | The Associated Press
Posted June 5, 2004

NETHERLANDS -- Trying to cash in on the low-carb craze, a Dutch company is marketing a variety of its potatoes in the United States as containing fewer carbohydrates than the regular spud.

Although all potatoes are made up mostly of water and carbohydrates, the low-carb potato -- dubbed the "Spud-U-Lite" in the industry press -- contains about one-third fewer calories by weight than most other potatoes, so it also contains proportionately less carbohydrate.

Florida is one of the states where test crops are being grown. Production is to increase this year, and the potatoes are expected to go on the market in January 2005 in Florida and other parts of the South.

The potato was developed by the company HZPC Holland BV by crossbreeding existing strains.

Spokesman Gerard Basten said Friday the potato was developed before the low-carb diet developed by Robert Atkins became hugely popular.

When tests discovered the potato's low-carb content, the company realized it could be an important marketing tool. Demand for potatoes has fallen since the Atkins diet exploded in popularity last year.

"We had fast-food companies and snack-food companies like Frito Lay calling, saying, 'What's this, could this be an opportunity for us?' " Basten said.

The yellow-fleshed potatoes aren't being used by Frito Lay or food companies yet, however.

So far, the potato has only been planted in small amounts in Florida as well as North Carolina, Arizona, Washington state and in Ontario, Canada, to compete with the more common, white-fleshed Russell Burbank variety.
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New Member
LOL! I thought I was the only Potato Fiend! When my doctor told me that if I could loose 70 pounds I could basically cure my diabetes, I told my doctor there is no way in hell I am cutting out my french fries and he laughed! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel
LOL! I thought I was the only Potato Fiend! When my doctor told me that if I could loose 70 pounds I could basically cure my diabetes, I told my doctor there is no way in hell I am cutting out my french fries and he laughed! :lol:

Darrel, you don't need to cut them out, just cut back the amount you eat. I used to be addicted to fries and felt the same way you do. Little by little I cut back (shared with the kids). Now 3 or 4 satisfy me (with hot mustard from McDonalds).
half of a small order is only 14 gms of carbs.
Think of how much you can do for your health by doing this. Losing weight eliminates the diabetes and all the dangers that go with it. Thats my motivation.


Well-Known Member
I thought this fit this thread. :)



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
figmentmom...I looked...and looked again...and I can't seem to find your name on that list...and why is this? ;)

Is that a HINT?!?:eek:


Oh, OK...anything for a good cause...add me to the list!

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