Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
Should I lift tommorrow even though I'm still pretty much in pain? I dunno if this soreness will go away after 48 hours. I actually had trouble driving today, it was really hard to turn. It kept pulling on my chest muscles. Owwies. :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
Should I lift tommorrow even though I'm still pretty much in pain? I dunno if this soreness will go away after 48 hours. I actually had trouble driving today, it was really hard to turn. It kept pulling on my chest muscles. Owwies. :(

My dad would say you need "the hair of the dog that bit ya" meaning, yes workout, but I'd say no, give the muscles you worked and that are so sore a rest, and work some others. Then be sure to stretch them ALL out afterwards.

Does everybody else concur? :)


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
*sets down a Chicago deep dish pizza and Chicagos very own Eli's cheese cake down in the thread and casually walks away* :lol: :lookaroun :slurp:

:drevil: ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DMC-12
*sets down a Chicago deep dish pizza and Chicagos very own Eli's cheese cake down in the thread and casually walks away* :lol: :lookaroun :slurp:

:drevil: ;)

Normally I'd go for the cheesecake, but I make a killer low fat version thats just like the "real" thing. And you can keep that Chicago style pizza......:hurl:

You WILL NOT tempt me! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MerHearted
Should I lift tommorrow even though I'm still pretty much in pain? I dunno if this soreness will go away after 48 hours. I actually had trouble driving today, it was really hard to turn. It kept pulling on my chest muscles. Owwies. :(

Vince, your muscles should be sore not painful. You have either done too many reps or used too heavy a weight (or maybe both). Try to work a different set of muscles, but definately do your workout. You'll feel better. And if it doesn't start to ease up in another day or so...see a Dr.


New Member
Original Poster

Good advice from the lovely laides above. I do have a question for you. . . Are you trying to add size to the areas of concern or are you trying to achieve definition (the cut look). The method described earlier is more for size, especially the 'last set til exhaustion' part. If you are looking to get cut, go with lower weights and increase your reps to the 12 to 15 range. Each rep should be controlled in a roughly a five second time frame: 3 seconds from rest to contraction point (full extension) and two seconds back to rest position.

Either way you go, the proper form must be used in ALL LIFTING. If you do not use the proper form, you can really hurt yourself by lifting free weights. Check out a couple of health magazines or look at some books at the local book store for proper lifting techniques.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames

Good advice from the lovely laides above. I do have a question for you. . . Are you trying to add size to the areas of concern or are you trying to achieve definition (the cut look).

Ummm.. both? Well, not too cut, I don't wanna look freaky. :lol:

I got out of the shower today and saw myself in the mirror. I think I looked a bit different, just a bit. Hehe. Like seeing a little more form, I dunno. Like my arms used to be just flat, now I see slight curves, just slight. Boy, I can't wait till see what comes out of this after 5 months. :)


Trophy Husband
I'm about a pound and a half lighter than I was last Thursday when I started weighing myself. The problem is, I'm a half pound heavier than I was last Friday, so I don't know if I've really made any progress or am just seeing normal fluctuation.

My average weight for last week was 206.2, so that's the number I want to beat for this weeks average. Once I have a few weeks averages, I should have a better idea of how I'm doing.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by garyhoov
I'm about a pound and a half lighter than I was last Thursday when I started weighing myself. The problem is, I'm a half pound heavier than I was last Friday, so I don't know if I've really made any progress or am just seeing normal fluctuation.

My average weight for last week was 206.2, so that's the number I want to beat for this weeks average. Once I have a few weeks averages, I should have a better idea of how I'm doing.

Well, just a thought, and I don't know if my logic behind this is right or not, but I'm sure you all know that per square inch muscle weighs more than fat. Maybe you're just getting muscle faster than you're losing fat? (Again, I don't know if it's possible to gain that much muscle this early into a program, just a thought) Maybe you'd be better to measure inches? It might be less disappointing when you don't see those numbers on the scale moving in the direction you want. :wave:


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Well, just a thought, and I don't know if my logic behind this is right or not, but I'm sure you all know that per square inch muscle weighs more than fat. Maybe you're just getting muscle faster than you're losing fat? (Again, I don't know if it's possible to gain that much muscle this early into a program, just a thought) Maybe you'd be better to measure inches? It might be less disappointing when you don't see those numbers on the scale moving in the direction you want. :wave:

That's a good point, but in my particular case, I don't think there's much chance of that. I've been working out since I was about 14, and beneath the layers and layers of fat, I've got plenty of muscle. I have been trying to hit the weights a bit harder since we started, but I'm not going to be adding much muscle.

If I keep it up, I might be able to add a few pounds of muscle, but I've really got to lose 30-40 pounds of fat, so I don't expect any muscle weight gain to really be noticable.


New Member
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The other thing about muscle is that it burns calories. So in essence, muscle building will help you lose weight in the long run.

I do like what you said Gary. I look forward to seeing some of the muscle I have buried under this whale skin I've been wearing for the past few years.

On a seprate note, I did spend last Saturday Afternoon at the new "Crocodile Dundee's Boomerang Bay" at Paramount's Kings Island with my daughters. Much to my suprise and joy, none of the patrons tried to 'roll me back into the wave pool' after seeing me with my shirt off. The new additions to the waterpark are really cool. If your ever in Southern Ohio, stop on in for a visit. We may hit the park again this Sunday.


New Member
Original Poster
Okay, here is the Friday weigh in

*drum roll *

222 lbs

Ever wonder why pounds is abbreviated with LBS - there is no "L" in the work pounds, or why such a long word like abbreviate is the way it is?

That makes 21 LBS lost to date w00t

Now, to tread lightly through the holiday


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
Okay, here is the Friday weigh in

*drum roll *

222 lbs

Ever wonder why pounds is abbreviated with LBS - there is no "L" in the work pounds, or why such a long word like abbreviate is the way it is?

That makes 21 LBS lost to date w00t

Now, to tread lightly through the holiday

Thats great! I head to the dietician on Tuesday. I've decided to not weigh myself in between my monthly appointments (if I can). Although if I can find my scale I may be tempted to do so. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Actually thats a good sign. It means your muscles are getting used to the workout. Now take it easy...you can add some reps or add more weight, but do it slowly .
That "no pain, no gain" stuff is just bullsht.

On a side note...the guys are here installing the counter, I've called the plumber and I may have a fully functioning kitchen (that needs to be painted) very soon. :sohappy:
I really do miss cooking for the family...I'm the mom, its what I do. :D


Well-Known Member
A big congrats to eveyone here successfully losing excess poundage. I know it's hard! There was a time I lost over 95 pounds but it's slowly creeping back on. Keep at it y'all!


Well-Known Member
Andy, now that you are home with the kids you better watch yourself. You'd be surpised at how much you can nibble away during the day.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it......

*grabs another hand full of Cheetos*

The worst is when I catch myself attempting to finish off my son's left overs when he's thru eating.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwhoneymooner
Tell me about it......

*grabs another hand full of Cheetos*

The worst is when I catch myself attempting to finish off my son's left overs when he's thru eating.

Been there, done that. :( :eek:


New Member
Original Poster
Okay. . .The June 1st weigh in. Everyone involved please report your progress or lack there of.

Lost one measly pound over the weekend (better than a gain over a holiday) Now at 221 for a total loss of 22 pounds. Starting to be able to wear things I haven't worn in over two years. Four months and counting.

Are Erika and Maria in the contest? I've seen Erika post on the thread, but I am not sure she is in for the October deadline.

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