Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
Yes you did. :D

When you work your entire arms you also work your shoulders & your upper back. As for your butt...have you been sitting alot lately? :lookaroun Have you been holding your stomach in when you work out (even inadvertantly)? Most people will contract their glutes too.


Well-Known Member
today I was dieing for a piece of pizza from sabarros at the mall but instead I had a turkey wrap with fruit. And I am eating salads out the wazzo. and I am drinking at least 72 ounces of water a day.


Well-Known Member
tigsmom I am an oinker, I could eat half of a pizza LOL!! When I was going through puberty I could eat a whole pizza *oink oink*


Well-Known Member
I can eat 3 or 4 slices of a good pizza, but I usually get sick from high blood sugar so I don't do that anymore.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by tigsmom
Yes you did. :D

When you work your entire arms you also work your shoulders & your upper back. As for your butt...have you been sitting alot lately? :lookaroun Have you been holding your stomach in when you work out (even inadvertantly)? Most people will contact their glutes too.

I don't think so? :confused: Only when doing crunches, but not for lifting.


Well-Known Member
You should always be holding your stomach in, to keep from hurting your low back when you lift.

Travis, I think I could give you some serious competition in the area of pizza eating. :cool: One time at my mom and dad's house I mentioned not being hungry, and both my parents did a :eek: and double take. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Pizza eating...a family pastime. Went to pick up a pizza one Friday night (buy 10 & # 11 is free :sohappy: )
Gave the guy our last name (he was new...the owner recognizes my voice :eek: . Ok so I've been going there about 20 years).

"which one?" "there are four orders?" Seems all four households decided not to cook that night. :lol:

True story...its 2 hours after cleaning up Thanksgiving and my DH says "anyone want pizza?" :hammer:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by tigsmom
Pizza eating...a family pastime.

*in my best Homer voice*

Mmmmmm Pizza. Had some at PKI last night. Plain cheese - two slices with a bottle of Dasani. Pizza was a little cold though. No Beast ride last night :( concentrated more on the kids - :) )

Congrats on the 7 pounds.

Travis - are you now in our little click. If you read back a few pages, Gary is offering some money for charity to those who commit to getting their pic taken in a bathing suit come October.

Remember, it is for a good cause.


New Member
Original Poster
Yes, or a T-shirt and short (the traditional Hooters outfit) :lookaroun

Here is a bit from the Miss Universe thread. . .

Hey, there were no alternative motives for proposing the question. . .

* starts whistling *

Besides, I am just trying to get more involved for the charitable contribution (hint hint Erika, Spark, Rob, Maria, AIM, NIKECHIC, etc.)

As for the pageant - 20 year olds don't bother me (really they don't). I think they have a Mrs. USA contest for the mature woman and even a Miss Teen USA for the suprisingly overdeveloped teens of today.


Trophy Husband
Travis, if you or anyone else is interested, my offer is in the middle of this page:


My basic thinking is that poeple in the public eye (Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez) etc. have a big incentive to keep in shape because they're out there in the public eye, so I'm trying to get some of us motivated by pledging to post a photo of ourselves on October 1st (hopefully enough time for everyone to get into a shape they will be proud of). Judd, of course, just wants to see Maria in her bathing suit, but that's not my intention.

For anyone who says they'll do it and follows through (up to 50 people) I'm going to donate $10 to the Make a Wish Foundation. Right now we've got 6 people and $60, so I'm hoping we can get some more.



New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by garyhoov
Judd, of course, just wants to see Maria in her bathing suit, but that's not my intention.

Shhhsh. She may be listening.

That is not my intention either, just a pleasant by-product of the whole dieting thread.

I'm just trying to encourae more people to participate so Make A Wish will benefit. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I am in, that is a good motivation!!!!

Today I bought some low carb chocolate milk, I haven't tried it yet but that is going to be my dessert. Also bought sausage patties and a microwaveable omlet. The fruit bar I was having for breakfast had 25 mg of carbs and I would be starving and hour afterwards.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by TravisM
I am in, that is a good motivation!!!!

Today I bought some low carb chocolate milk, I haven't tried it yet but that is going to be my dessert. Also bought sausage patties and a microwaveable omlet. The fruit bar I was having for breakfast had 25 mg of carbs and I would be starving and hour afterwards.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: That makes 7 people $70 so far.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TravisM
I am in, that is a good motivation!!!!

Today I bought some low carb chocolate milk, I haven't tried it yet but that is going to be my dessert. Also bought sausage patties and a microwaveable omlet. The fruit bar I was having for breakfast had 25 mg of carbs and I would be starving and hour afterwards.

Sausage & eggs...much better choice than a breakfast bar. The fat content will help keep you satisfied longer. One word of caution- don't go crazy with the fat. Still try to pick lower fat foods. (especially ones that use the good kind, monounsats).

I've been using the CarbOptions brand when I can. They have contracted with a bunch of companies to make lower carb versions of their regular stuff, the food we all grew up on. If you do any kind of cooking its worth looking into. They have alot of recipes and a great newsletter.

Carb Options

If you tend to eat out more, many restaurants now have a low carb menu...TGIFridays, Chili's, Ruby Tuesday's, even McDonalds & Burger King. A Subway just opened by us and the low carb wraps & salads (Atkins approved) are great. I can have 2 wraps, or a salad and a wrap for lunch and still come in under goal. (though I usually don't eat that much...anymore)


Well-Known Member
yeah I don't want to eat a lot of fat either. That is why I eat a lot of deli wraps. low carb wraps with lettuce, cheese, and turkey meat. Also trying to eat fruits. Which I know have sugar in it but I have to have a filler.


Well-Known Member
Instead of the fruit try a quarter to half cup of trail mix and water or diet soda. I buy mine in BJ's (similar type in Sam's Club) it has peanuts, cashews, almonds, raisins & M&Ms. I usually just have 1/4 cup (14 carbs) as a snack. Another good thing are those packages of peanut butter crackers (usually 6 to a pack). They have carbs, fats & protein. My doctor keeps these in the office for diabetic emergencies.

Another thing I do is have a cup of veggie (or other low carb) soup before my meals. That and a salad for lunch will hold me till late afternoon.

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