Dr. Judd's Diet Talk


Well-Known Member
I head to the dietician this afternoon so I'll find out my weight then. I've been pretty good, but I don't really feel like I've lost any weight...just moved some of it around. I was down 10 punds for 2 months, but then I started eating out when the kitchen was being redone. I really tried to be good, but I'm not feeling too optimistic, but you never know. *sigh*


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by JBSLJames
Okay. . .The June 1st weigh in. Everyone involved please report your progress or lack there of.

Lost one measly pound over the weekend (better than a gain over a holiday) Now at 221 for a total loss of 22 pounds. Starting to be able to wear things I haven't worn in over two years. Four months and counting.

Are Erika and Maria in the contest? I've seen Erika post on the thread, but I am not sure she is in for the October deadline.

I've been bouncing between about 205 and 205.5 for the last few days, so thats about two pounds from the (rounded up) 207.5 I started at.

by tomorrow, I will have two full weeks in, and it looks like my average for the second week will be about 1 pound lighter than my average for the first week. Not quite as dramatic as I'd like, but some progress.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by tigsmom
I head to the dietician this afternoon so I'll find out my weight then. I've been pretty good, but I don't really feel like I've lost any weight...just moved some of it around. I was down 10 punds for 2 months, but then I started eating out when the kitchen was being redone. I really tried to be good, but I'm not feeling too optimistic, but you never know. *sigh*

Let us know how you do, but try not to get too hung up if you didn't do as well as you'd like. I know that I often feel more motivated if I feel I'm making real progress, and when I'm not I get frustrated and it becomes a downward spiral.

Either gaining or losing weight takes a long time and good and bad weeks won't make much difference in the long run unless you let them get into your head.



Well-Known Member
I lost a pound, LOL! Actually, considering that I only have 10 I want to lose, 1 is quite good. Those last ten are sooooo tough! I'm at a very frustrating stage right now. I seem to lose weight from the top and bottom first (meaning my face and feet... not that bottom! I wish. :lookaroun) and it works its way in... so I'm to where I've lost from about my belly button up and my mid thighs down... so all my weight is concentrated around my butt. :lol: Quite attractive. This is usually where I get miffed because even though I've lost weight I look really bad, but I shall perservere!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
I lost a pound, LOL! Actually, considering that I only have 10 I want to lose, 1 is quite good. Those last ten are sooooo tough! I'm at a very frustrating stage right now. I seem to lose weight from the top and bottom first (meaning my face and feet... not that bottom! I wish. :lookaroun) and it works its way in... so I'm to where I've lost from about my belly button up and my mid thighs down... so all my weight is concentrated around my butt. :lol: Quite attractive. This is usually where I get miffed because even though I've lost weight I look really bad, but I shall perservere!

I always seem to lose in my face & chest first.
I come from that nice Eastern European Peasant stock. Try as I might I can't get rid of my big hips. :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by MouseMadness
This is usually where I get miffed because even though I've lost weight I look really bad, but I shall perservere!

I think "Really Bad" would be a bit of an overstatement. I would even turn that around to say "Really Good" if it were in my power to project such an adjectively phrase (?).

Wait gains in your feet, hmmmmm, that's why I trim my toe-nails on a semi-annual basis.


Well-Known Member
Looks like dieting just got easier. My fridge (not quite 2 years old) died last night. It must have been failing and we didn't notice it because we lost everything in the freezer. Luckily all of the expensive stuff is in the big freezer. Looks like it needs a new compressor & its gonna take a few days to get it. :(
No food - can't eat. :lol: Oh well, the plumbers are here hooking up the sink & dishwasher. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
I think "Really Bad" would be a bit of an overstatement. I would even turn that around to say "Really Good" if it were in my power to project such an adjectively phrase (?).

I've seen your pictures...if you look bad just how do I look? :eek:
I have to agree with the Dr. on this one...Really good.


New Member
Original Poster
Sorry about the Fridge Tigsmom, oh I'm sorry, Tigsmom , sounds like you kitchen should be starring in a new horror flick. . .The Month the Appliances Died.

Good comment on the areas of weight loss. I think that is typical with most women that I know.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
Sorry about the Fridge Tigsmom, oh I'm sorry, Tigsmom , sounds like you kitchen should be starring in a new horror flick. . .The Month the Appliances Died.

Good comment on the areas of weight loss. I think that is typical with most women that I know.

I've been bold ified. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well, okay, let me rephrase. My chest has shrunk by the rest has not. :lookaroun So... out of proportion, may I use that term to describe me right now? :lol: :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MouseMadness
Well, okay, let me rephrase. My chest has shrunk by the rest has not. :lookaroun So... out of proportion, may I use that term to describe me right now? :lol: :animwink:

Out of proportion...I think that describes all of us. :lol: :wave:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by tigsmom
Out of proportion...I think that describes all of us. :lol: :wave:

Well put. I think 'out-of-proportion' is more in line with the images seen on TV and in magazines, sorry, but some of these are out of proportion except that in those areas, it is accepted as the "Anna Nicole Smith" syndrome.

This is more un-natural looking than any women I've seen pics of on this site. As miss Aguilara, miss Agoolarry, miss Abugarcia (whatever her name is) says, I am Beautiful, in every single way. . .

Man, that sounded gay.

What I am saying is that you look great. Just take the compliment and put a smile on your face. Besides, a smile can be more attractive than huge smitty's.


Well-Known Member
how do you all fight your cravings. I am basically doing my own diet, low carbs but not an extreme version. I have been doing good but I eat and seem to get hungry pretty quickly. I don't ever seem satisfied.


Well-Known Member
Then you're not eating enough/the right stuff. You need to eat some protein about 5 times a day. Add in salads/veggies and some low glycemic carbs. Drink plenty of fluids to "keep everything moving along". :lookaroun

To be honest, when I have a craving I usually give in...if I want chocolate I have a Hershey mini...5 carbs each.

My low carb diet is medically supervised (really a modified Atkins) where I have 15 Gms carbs at breakfast, 15 mid morning snack, 30 gms carbs at lunc, 15 gm carb snack and then 30 gms at dinner. After that its strictly no carb. I lost alot of weight right away (25 lbs in 2 month) then I eased up and put it all back on. :brick:

I'm down 17 in 3 months. Once I really get back into exercise I'll do better because thats what usually does it for me. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Would it be odd to have other muscles be sore? I woke up today with my arms and chest sore, that's expected. But I also noticed my back and my butt a little sore. I didn't work out my back or butt... at least I don't think I did. Oh well.

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