But what if Little Johnny’s poor choices cause me or my family to become sick? I am a teacher here in Florida, and I am quite worried about going back to school in August and possibly being infected by students whose families have not chosen to follow government guidance. Should I have to make the decision to stay at home or take leave from work because of THEIR poor choices? Theoretically, you are right when you say that the government shouldn’t have to step in with mask requirements, shutdowns, etc. Unfortunately, too many Americans continue to prove that if left to their own devices, they will make poor and selfish choices...choices that put the rest of us in jeopardy. It very much reminds me of when I was young and the idea of instituting seatbelt laws was first debated. Under no circumstances should it be necessary for the government to require you to wear a seatbelt. However, if my memory serves me correctly, only about 30% of Americans were buckling up at the time. Seat belt laws were passed in the interest of public safety. I don’t think that many of us now look back and regret what happened. The current dangerous Covid surge necessitates government intervention, because too many of us are not taking care of business ourselves. And that puts all of us at risk.