Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Entertainment division put a stop to all CPers joining as characters? Are you open to joining as FT or PT?If you are coming with your brother, be sure to bring your own car so you aren't tied to your brother's schedule.That could be a deterent to your being hired. In fact, have confidence in yourself. Come down now and have your brother join you. You can do it. Hundreds do.And most importantly, be nice to your Photopass photographer. If you create candid photo moments before and after the posed photo, for the photographer to capture, you will, at the same time be creating magical moments for moms and dads to ooh and ahh over when looking at their photo memories. Of course if you create those moments and your photographer sits their like a bump on a log and doesn't move around, create them for mom and dad none the less.Side note: The women who are best friends with Snow White and the Evil Queen at the Disney MGM Studios are dead on. I would love to know what they do the other 5 hours in the day.