Well-Known Member
While I do think it is possible that the powers that be do listen and are concerned about the opinions of those that enjoy the parks, I doubt very seriously that the members of this site taking this poll are a valid subset of the daily visitors of WDW. As unfortunate as it may be, the average poster here is in no way representative of the average guest that arrives at WDW.
And also unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) I would speculate that if you grabbed someone at random who just got off the ride that they would be fine with/have no opinion of the new TTA audio. I would also venture to guess they they had no idea that it changed. I think that if you polled people this way enough times, you would come to the conclusion that the new audio is fine.
Unfortunately, the views expressed here have very little in common with those of the average guest, and Disney is not going to listen to the small group of outlying opinions when their main guest base is perfectly fine with the change.
And also unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) I would speculate that if you grabbed someone at random who just got off the ride that they would be fine with/have no opinion of the new TTA audio. I would also venture to guess they they had no idea that it changed. I think that if you polled people this way enough times, you would come to the conclusion that the new audio is fine.
Unfortunately, the views expressed here have very little in common with those of the average guest, and Disney is not going to listen to the small group of outlying opinions when their main guest base is perfectly fine with the change.