Active Member
No offense, but I hope not. At the moment, we have the best looking TL.
(and definitely the most original)
I personally don't like the whole "sleek future" look. I hate to say it but TL looked boring in the 70's-90's.
What's to be done? The land's two icons (Space Mtn and the Contemporary) fit that look.
FWIW, I like WDW's Asimov TL, too, more than Verne TL anyway. I remember seeing it on TV and being jazzed by it, then seeing DL's TL97 and feeling ripped off. My only problem with it is that they sort of put the cart in front of the horse. They needed to add more in back, they sort of played their cards up front at the entrance and aside from some aluminum accents and a badly placed arcade building they left the SM area to rot.
Anybody who says the 70s-90s look is boring clearly didn't see the DL implementation. It was beautiful:
But it worked because there was so many different things moving at once. Without the subs nearby and the Monorail touring the area overhead, not to mention that the Speedway is kind of, well, boring compared to DL even before their 02 refurb (at least DL's has overpasses you go over and under, and visits by the train and monorail.) Even the presence of the Matterhorn somehow didn't detract.
With so much flat space going unused, no wonder the white-blue era of TL for WDW has always seemed so... Stark.