I know people still die in WDW but it usually their own fault,
You know I used to believe this way as well, and it's one of those things that would just seem to make logical sense. Come to find out, however, Disney actually does not have that great of a safety track record compared to other theme parks. There was a website that I stumbled upon a couple of years ago, that actually had accident (including fatal accidents) records for all major theme parks, carnivals, etc. I can't recall the name of it, but I can probably do a search and find it again. What it revealed though was that while Six Flags technically did have more accidents as a whole, if you compared any individual Six Flags park to any individual Disney park, Disney had a lot more accidents. What's worse was that nearly all of the accidents at Six Flags were due to a guest doing something stupid. Most of the accidents at Disney were for the same reason, but a LOT more of the accidents at Disney were due to some sort of mechanical breakdown or employee error than was the case at any of the Six Flags parks. I remember Universal and IOA both actually had really good safety records compared to both Disney and Six Flags.