Do you dream about WDW Attractions???


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I know Im hooked when Im having dreams about my favorite attractions. They are crazy dreams too where the rides are just not the same. For example, I have this dream about Pirates of the Carribean, where instead of getting boat, I walk through the ride. Not only that, part of the ride is outside. I also have dreams about taking the monorail to work. Crazy I know... but I have a feeling I am not alone. Share you dream sequences here.


New Member
I have a re-occuring WDW dream, where I am there and having a great time, but I cannot find my camera! I've either forgot it at the hotel, lost it, broke it, or left it on an attraction. It always ends up spoiling my good time!


New Member
The only one I can remember was about riding Everest. I had it before I actually rode it and my perception of eveything was totally wrong. I remember going through the queue (which was two stories in my dream) and getting on the train (which started moving before I was in it all the way) and the yeti jumped over us (which doesn't really happen).

It was weird.


New Member
Ahhhh you gotta love WDW. i never really have dreams when i am sleeping about WDW but i daydream all day about being there. it is the most amazing place in the world to me. i actually want to live in kissimmee or near just to visit a park on a weekly basis. right now i am stuck in new york so i will see what happens. WDW is my heaven. i was lucky enough to be there last month and did all 4 main parks in 3 was my first visit to WDW since i can not wait to go back again.....I will continue to dream about going back and hopefully soon i can make it happen.


New Member
I have them all the time, not only about Disney World, but Disneyland. And, like you, DSNYKID, they rarely match what is really there. I have two dreams that are the most vivid, and I had these years ago, so they must have been powerful. The first is one about EPCOT. Before I'd ever been there (ie. pre-1996), I read lots of books on the place. However, for whatever reason, my mind chose to rearrange all the pavilions so that they were all pretty much aligned in a row behind Spaceship Earth. And instead of actual pavilions, shows were just out in the open (one I remember going to was Food Rocks!). I had this dream more than once, and I'm not sure why I placed everything the way I did in my subconscious. I'm glad it didn't look like that when I actually went there, though.
The other was a dream about Disneyland where some unidentifiable attraction located next door to the Haunted Mansion lifted me so high I could see into a person's apartment building just on the other side of the berm. Very, very odd. Maybe I was just wishing that was my apartment.
Truth be told, I know a great many of my dreams are Park-related. I know it's probably a sickness, but it's an illness I can live with!


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In the Parks
Pongo said:
The only one I can remember was about riding Everest. I had it before I actually rode it and my perception of eveything was totally wrong. I remember going through the queue (which was two stories in my dream) and getting on the train (which started moving before I was in it all the way) and the yeti jumped over us (which doesn't really happen).

It was weird.

OMG mine was almost the same. Except I had a conversation with Joe Rhode and the queue was about 3 or 4 stories tall . The ride was like a large cave mine ride and there was a drop at the end like Tower of Terror. I guess I should propose that to WDI!
Now, this isn't an actual attraction...but once, I dreamed that I was waiting in line for HOURS to go on this amazingnly cool, new ride in Tomorrowland...So I finally get to the front, and the loader takes me, completely by myself, to the inside of this long, silver, tubulor tunnel. So he tells me to brace myself, and I do, and he starts the ride by pressing this button...which turns gravity off, so I'm hovering in the air, and I just start flying reeeaaaally fast. The ride was like 20 minutes long, and it was SO AMAZINGLY FUN! Too bad a ride like that wouldn't be physically possible outside of the dream world :rolleyes:


Active Member
Just last night I dreamt that I worked at WDW and was attending the company picnic while I waited for my husband to join me (he was working, also at WDW and had to wait until his shift was over to meet me at the picnic). The picnic was at the MK but in non-guest areas, not that I know what any of these places look like. Stupid alarm woke me up before it got really good.

BTW, my husband and I do work for the same company here in Chicago and it seems that I'm always waiting for his shift to end.


New Member
When I got back from my first college program I was going through serious withdrawl from Disney. It was almost to the point of depression. I had many dreams about parks and my friends that I left behind. They were all extremely vivid and made me feel better just as much as they made me miss it more. At times the dreams were more like the actual parks and attractions but mainly it was all mixed up. And when I still worked there I would have dreams that I was stocking my store and I couldnt stay awake. Hated those! Now that I am working here again I wonder if I will have them.

My most interesting Disney dream was right before school ended before I came down here. I dreamt the summer program was over and I realized that I hadnt even gone to a park! I had been too busy with school (?) to have any free time, and I couldnt remember why I didnt work for Disney...but I was down here. Very odd and very disturbing. Boy was I glad to wake up and find that not only was my adventure not over- it hadnt even begun!

cant even tell ya guys how many times i have, and for sum reason im blankin out but yes wdw does look different in my dreams but when im there it seems as if i didnt realize it has changed a bit. thats pretty weird but from reading other posts sum of u guys have the same feeling



New Member
:D Was it that National Geographic special by any chance bgraham?
Saw some of it myself.

I dream about Disney and theme parks and general quite a bit. I am frankly suprised I do not dream about the subject more due to the fact that it is all I think about! :lol:
My dreams also have twisted endings.

Stich has not been in any awkward spots in attractions yet..but that would not be a dream but rather a nightmare! :lol:




New Member
Richie248 said:
I have this recurring dream that I had to swim through Splash Mountain. It is interesting to say the least!

I have had the same kind of dream!
A few times with splash..a few through Pirates...and one time.
Its a small world..fastest I have ever swam.



Active Member
imagineer boy said:
Every time I dream about WDW, I always dream it differently. And in my dream, even though the place is bizaarly different, I keep thinking to myself that its always looked that way. Weird.

It is the same for me!!! Weird! I never dream about WDW the way it really is, it is always totally different. This has bothered me. Do I secretly wish it was different? (I hope not.) Is my mind so feeble that I can't remember my favorite place in the world? (Uh... I hope not.) I just don't know. I only know that the OP is very lucky - I would love to take the monorail to work, even if only in my dreams!! :D


Premium Member
I've only had one dream that I can remember about WDW, in that dream Disney world was a cross between all the disney parks and Sea World. Strange but it was interesting.

Usually when I have a hard time getting to sleep I imagine myself at one of the parks and I try to look at everything in detail. When I do this with the magic kingdom I usually fall asleep by the time I hit the end of main street.


Well-Known Member
As much as I love Disney and think about it almost 24/7 you would think that I dream about alot but I reallt dont-maybe every couple of months or so.When I do its like a bizzaro world version of WDW.The attractions are broken down,the park is very dirty and the cast members are rejects with purple hair, tats,earings on males etc.
I had a dream last night-I was walking through the park and street pavement was ripped up.I used the bathrooms and they were nasty with door stalls hanging off with grafitti and with guy shooting up in a stall next to me,then went to ride an attraction(wasnt sure if it was Small World) and the ride vehicle was a big piece of drift wood and it kep bumping in to the side walls and it would sway and almost tip over if u moved at all. Than saw a male cm with a huge earing hanging out of his ear with a really taky mullet haircut.

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