Do you do this too???


Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Hi All!

My friends all think i'm totally OCD (which is true :ROFLOL:) and they think it weird that I do this...but when you are planning your trips to WDW, do you plan your outfits for you and who you are traveling with? i.e. one day you might be in blue and yellow, another red and black? Not matching, but wearing like colors so you don't clash in the photos?? Everyone is like "what does your DH think?" And he doesn't care b/c then he doesn't have to pack! hee hee :lol: I love my lists and planning and preparing for a vacation! Just wanted to know your thoughts!! Thanks!!!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Ah, no.

We do have planning sessions for our trip, down to hour-by-hour what we expect to do and where we plan to eat.

But coordinating outfits? no. The closest we've ever come to that is that we did all wear Splash Mountain T-shirts one day.
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Well-Known Member
I don't even try to make my husband coordinate with me- he would never listen. That said, I do pack all of our clothes in ziplock bags in outfits. That way I don't ever look at him halfway through the day and go wait did you seriously wear your brown belt with your olive pants and black shoes and a khaki colored shirt- and blue socks. Really? I mean really? I do tend to plan what my son will wear though. Of course I am more concerned with him matching the theme of the park then whether or not he matches me. It was so cute when Buzz got excited to see my son in his buzz shirt. And when leo saw my little one with his rocket backpack- just adorable! That is what I love to have in my pictures. Besides- my husband and I are very rarely ever in the same picture anyway!
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Good Lord no! I vehemently rail against the notion of matching outfits. I've never looked at someone's family picture at WDW and said, "it would be a great picture if the clothes matched."
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Well-Known Member
I don't even try to make my husband coordinate with me- he would never listen. That said, I do pack all of our clothes in ziplock bags in outfits. That way I don't ever look at him halfway through the day and go wait did you seriously wear your brown belt with your olive pants and black shoes and a khaki colored shirt- and blue socks. Really? I mean really? I do tend to plan what my son will wear though. Of course I am more concerned with him matching the theme of the park then whether or not he matches me. It was so cute when Buzz got excited to see my son in his buzz shirt. And when leo saw my little one with his rocket backpack- just adorable! That is what I love to have in my pictures. Besides- my husband and I are very rarely ever in the same picture anyway!

No matter the color, if he is wearing slacks, dress socks, and dress shoes while at WDW, then there are some serious relaxation issues to discuss before we get into fashion (and for the record I wore olive pants, a khaki shirt and brown belt to work the other day - Brown shoes and socks though :) )

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Well-Known Member
Hi All!

My friends all think i'm totally OCD (which is true :ROFLOL:) and they think it weird that I do this...but when you are planning your trips to WDW, do you plan your outfits for you and who you are traveling with? i.e. one day you might be in blue and yellow, another red and black? Not matching, but wearing like colors so you don't clash in the photos?? Everyone is like "what does your DH think?" And he doesn't care b/c then he doesn't have to pack! hee hee :lol: I love my lists and planning and preparing for a vacation! Just wanted to know your thoughts!! Thanks!!!! :wave:

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Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
If we're going for eight days, I pack 8 outfits, plus 2 extras, 1 pair socks and 1 undies for each day. As we go in the winter, I take half and half (jeans and shorts). We've had many many photos done in the parks and never noticed our clothes clashing with one another...After all were on vacation!!!! :ROFLOL:


Next Trip - January 2009

It's like coming home again......
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Well-Known Member
What are these "socks" things you speak of? It's hot Florida weather...Sandals, baby...Sandals.

I don't coordinate with my DW, but I do have some set things I do wear. An example is to AK. I have a Khaki colored Linen button down that I wear with Green Cargo shorts...ya know so I look kinda safari-ish. Other than that it's just button down shirts and shorts the whole time. I do bring 2 pair of sandals in case I have a blowout on one pair(it happened one year).
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If I got too picky about what my DH wore I'd have to do his packing for him and I think that a man of his age is capable of doing his own packing. I can't say all by himself because I still end up helping count shirts and pants and telling him what quantities to pack, and I have a hard enough time getting him to pack shirts and pants that match for himself, much less coordinate with what I'm wearing, along with the kids. Although my daughter wouldn't be difficult, just have to coordinate with black, grey, or purple!:lol:
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Active Member
From the day we decide to set a date for the trip, we start packing. I don't usually have to coordinate our colors, but I do start putting outfits together and pack them away. I have lists for each of us for clothes, a miscellaneous list that includes toiletries, snacks, etc., a packing list, the itinerary, the meals, reservation info, and anything else I can think of. And that's usually a year out. Now that I'm down to 200 days, I go back through our clothes to see what I've left out, or still need to pick up, go back through our itinerary to see which outfit should be worn to which park (woodsy for Animal Kingdom.....). As I go through the grocery store, I know which snacks we'll want & I check expiration dates to see when I can start picking those up.

So, I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one to go to extremes when it comes to packing!!! I can tell my friends that I have a support group!!!
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As a proud, card carrying member of the man club, I can tell you that most guys I know can pack for a trip blindfolded while waiting for their wives to pack for every possible eventuality. :king:
I'd love to see that someday (and I'm not being sarcastic!!). DH has NEVER packed a suitcase for himself--not even for business trips. I can only imagine what he might bring...That alone could be a week's worth of entertainment!:lol:
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Original Poster
it's not that level of planning that makes you OCD, it's whether or not you can roll with the punches if the plan has to change.

Significant other stains the color coordinated shirt, so he swaps with one that no longer matches.

Does the mere thought of it send a shiver down your spine? Then seek help. :D

And i'm breaking into a cold sweat as you say these dreadful words!!!! ha ha ha :ROFLOL::lol:
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Original Poster
I definitely do. And I even went so far as to wear matching colors on a few days.

AND I overpack as well.
This past trip, we stayed (just two of us)at Pop Century.
All 6 (I think 6) drawers were full of clothes... as was the one between beds... as were the three shelves in the entertainment center next to the T.V... and the suitcases weren't completely empty :brick:

We stayed for a week; I think we had enough outfits for 2 more weeks.
And socks to last a month!

But I honestly decided this would be the LAST trip for that to happen :lol:

Welcome to the OCD Over packing Over coordinating Club!! Woo Hoo!! :sohappy:
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Original Poster
OMG I am LOL here cause I do that...and I do that way way in advance to, I also have a running lists of things to bring with me too. I can not tell you in the past when I didn't make a list how many times I wish I had this or that. Sometimes I don't plan the outfit for the days and then I wished I did. THe last few times I have gone to Disney I have planned it all. I put all my stuff in my suitcase preplanned too so no thinking required when I am getting dressed too.
Hey you gotta look cute in your Photo Pass pictures and pics you take around the park right?
Hehehe. :wave:

Yippeee!!! Welcome to the Club!!! My DH is LHAO right now at me! I'm so excited I found people who understand!

BTW....the granimals comment was hilarious!!
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Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Original Poster
From the day we decide to set a date for the trip, we start packing. I don't usually have to coordinate our colors, but I do start putting outfits together and pack them away. I have lists for each of us for clothes, a miscellaneous list that includes toiletries, snacks, etc., a packing list, the itinerary, the meals, reservation info, and anything else I can think of. And that's usually a year out. Now that I'm down to 200 days, I go back through our clothes to see what I've left out, or still need to pick up, go back through our itinerary to see which outfit should be worn to which park (woodsy for Animal Kingdom.....). As I go through the grocery store, I know which snacks we'll want & I check expiration dates to see when I can start picking those up.

So, I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one to go to extremes when it comes to packing!!! I can tell my friends that I have a support group!!!

Yeah! You are not alone!!! :sohappy:

PS - sorry for not doing the multiple quote reply...haven't quite figured that out yet!
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Well-Known Member
I don't pack so that we all match, but I do pack matching, bright colored shirts for the boys. We have three sons, and it is easier to keep track of them when they're all in the same shirt.

You want to talk obsessive planner/packer? I created a spreadsheet to plan for our trips, and one tab is for packing. Each item to be packed is listed under the specific piece of luggage it will be packed in.
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Well-Known Member
I do pack some "cute" outfits for myself, but I don't colour coordinate or anything. And I usually take less than what is needed, since I plan on bringing back more than I came with. :)

On the other hand, I tinker with my planning spreadsheets, lists, etc., so ... somewhere in the middle?
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New Member
Hey Disneygirl 76, you are not alone. One year I even went so far as getting actual matching outfits for my DH, DS and myself for the entire four day trip. Since DS was young I thought it would be easier to keep up with him. Getting off the trolley in World Showcase (that many years ago) a woman made the comment, "Look they all have matching outfits". That was the last year my DH allowed me to do that. He did however let me go with matching colors. Glad to know there are a bunch of us.:ROFLOL:
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Well-Known Member
I'd love to see that someday (and I'm not being sarcastic!!). DH has NEVER packed a suitcase for himself--not even for business trips. I can only imagine what he might bring...That alone could be a week's worth of entertainment!:lol:

On business trips I do pack a little more carefully (that whole brown shoes, blue socks, black belt, issue) I try to make it so I only need one color of shoes/socks/belt

However, when I comes to WDW. Tan cargo short (multiple pairs) and a bunch of Hawaiian-ish shirts and low athletic socks.

Maybe, maybe some long pants, but there has to be a heck of a cold snap comming though to get me to wear pants in WDW.

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Well-Known Member
What are these "socks" things you speak of? It's hot Florida weather...Sandals, baby...Sandals. .

Sandals = destroyed feet. Maybe at the beach or on a boat, but not at WDW.

For some reason I tend to kick things, drop things on my feel, get stepped on, etc etc. Same with my shins. My shins are all scarred up from hiking, bushwacking, and other assorted adventures.

Socks and sneakers. Keeps the lacerations down :)

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