Disney's Hollywood Studios: What's Next


Well-Known Member
Um, another website has a pretty amazing rumor section right now.
I know there are some sites we're not supposed to talk about, not sure if that is one.
I don't understand that, anyway.

But, wow . . . .for DHS:

CARTHAY CIRCLE replaces Chinese Theatre/includes new dining
refurb to Great Movie ride
Monsters, Inc
NEW ROAD WITH Trolley cars
New Theatre.
New Dining
New Jedi Training Academy.
Oh, and new Muppets eating place


Well-Known Member
Um, another website has a pretty amazing rumor section right now.
I know there are some sites we're not supposed to talk about, not sure if that is one.
I don't understand that, anyway.

But, wow . . . .for DHS:

CARTHAY CIRCLE replaces Chinese Theatre/includes new dining
refurb to Great Movie ride
Monsters, Inc
NEW ROAD WITH Trolley cars
New Theatre.
New Dining
New Jedi Training Academy.
Oh, and new Muppets eating place

I would quite happily take just about all of those... (and possibly all of them with a bit more information - not that I'm expecting that information to be readily available yet...)

Some questions from the top of my head... (probably hypothetical for now until more information would be released/an actual announcement)

  • Carthay Circle - is that any better than the Chinese Theater? Will it matter unless the hat is taken down? Is there room for new dining? Where would it go? Where ABC Commissary is? Sci-Fi Dine In? The HISTK Playground? A new area in front of the current theatre? (There doesn't seem to be a lot of spare space around the current building unless all of the current building is not in use...) Also, according to http://www.yesterland.com/carthay.html , there is already a (many) representation(s) of Carthay Circle at DHS - will that have to be removed?
  • Great Movie Ride - will all the scenes be kept, or will some be replaced? If so, which ones?
  • Monsters, Inc. - door coaster? Ride & Go Seek? Mike & Sulley to the Rescue? Laugh Floor? Something else?
  • Mos Eisley Cantina - will we get an animatronic band?
  • Trolley Cars - can't argue at all
  • New Theatre - Where? Why do we need a new theatre when we have the Premier Theatre that seems to be unused for most of the year? Or is the Premier Theatre/one of the other theatres being demolished?
  • New Dining - can't argue with that
  • New Jedi Training Academy - would that be going in the Sounds Dangerous building?
  • Muppets Restaurant - Animatonic Swedish Chef?

El Grupo

Well-Known Member
If I knew, then I'd tell you. I just don't.

But for all the talk you hear on Disney fan forums and I know some Imagineer types that would LOVE to do more in the SW UNIverse, the reality is no one seems to push it.

The idea of a Star Wars mini-land may come up daily (it seems!) places like this, but I know of no serious concepts to do so ... the Muppets got more of a shot. Again, I'm not sure why ... and it is crazy.

'74, do you think that this could change when one or more top executives in Burbank depart TWDC?


Well-Known Member
I just need to correct a little mis-statement ... there is no way Avatar can compete with either Potter or Star Wars. NONE. It isn't in the public consciousness and didn't affect the psyche of the masses like those two did.

I'm not saying that you can't have a nice and successful Avatar-based theme park product, but it will never have the relevance to the masses that Star Wars or Harry Potter both do.
I'm fairly certain you're right, but there is still a substantial unknown about Avatar in the form of two additional movies. I don't anticipate it Avatar to compete with Potter or Star Wars, but it's the only one of the three franchises that still has substantial movies in the works.

"Another Site" has posted an article about potential expansion to DHS and in it he included the Mos Eisley Cantina. He did reference that this info came to him from multiple sources over the last few months but I viewed this article as a thorough collection of the many rumors/fan boy speculation that currently exists around DHS.

choco choco

Well-Known Member
Um, another website has a pretty amazing rumor section right now.
I know there are some sites we're not supposed to talk about, not sure if that is one.
I don't understand that, anyway.

But, wow . . . .for DHS:

CARTHAY CIRCLE replaces Chinese Theatre/includes new dining
refurb to Great Movie ride
Monsters, Inc
NEW ROAD WITH Trolley cars
New Theatre.
New Dining
New Jedi Training Academy.
Oh, and new Muppets eating place

Disappointing....if true. Two thousand Imagineers, sixty years worth of concepts hidden in their vaults, a long history of technological innovation, and yet all they propose for DHS is stuff they poach from other parks. By this point, they've scraped clean through the bottom of the barrel.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the sentiments here. I'd be excited if additions were being made to DHS, but it seems that if this list is true, the core of it would be replicating the efforts of DCA. It would cheapen the 1.2 billion invested there, and immediately draw comparisons between the two parks. I would much prefer a Pixar expansion that included things like the Monster's Inc Coaster and the $350-600 million budget for Carsland be allocated for original Pixar attractions.

DHS has an existing Carthay Circle facade on Sunset Boulevard which would be easy to remove, but putting in these components would be enhancing the area of the park that isn't really a problem. Hollywood Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard are the lone areas of cohesion in that park. All they need to do to "fix" that area is remove/relocate the hat and perhaps address Rock 'n' Roller Coaster (which is far from a top priority).

I would welcome these changes, but ultimately I believe that original attractions would be preferred over Carsland, keep it unique to DCA and make both parks must see experiences for different unique reasons.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that you can't have a nice and successful Avatar-based theme park product, but it will never have the relevance to the masses that Star Wars or Harry Potter both do.

I think, as you noted, that the Avatar addition might be a successful theme park 'land'-and I'm looking forward to it coming to fruition-but nothing like Star Wars, unless the next 2 movies are epic.

Also, maybe it's because Star Wars came out when I was in middle school so I've been a fan for 35 years, but I don't even put Harry Potter in the same category as Star Wars. I'll be curious to see where the Harry Potter mania stands in 10 years. I think the WWoHP will still be a wonderful theme park section, but I feel much of the enthusiasm will have faded significantly.


Well-Known Member
I think, as you noted, that the Avatar addition might be a successful theme park 'land'-and I'm looking forward to it coming to fruition-but nothing like Star Wars, unless the next 2 movies are epic.

Also, maybe it's because Star Wars came out when I was in middle school so I've been a fan for 35 years, but I don't even put Harry Potter in the same category as Star Wars. I'll be curious to see where the Harry Potter mania stands in 10 years. I think the WWoHP will still be a wonderful theme park section, but I feel much of the enthusiasm will have faded significantly.

Don't worry. All they have to do is redo special versions of Harry Potter where Harry shoots first. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm fairly certain you're right, but there is still a substantial unknown about Avatar in the form of two additional movies. I don't anticipate it Avatar to compete with Potter or Star Wars, but it's the only one of the three franchises that still has substantial movies in the works.

"Another Site" has posted an article about potential expansion to DHS and in it he included the Mos Eisley Cantina. He did reference that this info came to him from multiple sources over the last few months but I viewed this article as a thorough collection of the many rumors/fan boy speculation that currently exists around DHS.

With Cameron, I'll believe those movies will all reach the screen when I see them. Much like the theme park land. And do you really think the sequels will somehow have heart and resonance the original lacked?

People enjoyed Star Wars for the characters as much as anything. They got involved and felt deeply for Luke and Han and Leia etc ... who do you care about in Avatar? Jake? (I say that because that is the only character I know a name for)

That Cantina idea has been fanboi fantasy since the days of RADP newsgroups and no FB and people using dial-up! I was told well over a dozen possibilities for the Studios 'makeover' ... that wasn't one of them.

And what site are we talking about?


Well-Known Member
Suppose it could, yeah.

I just have never grasped why Disney hasn't been aggressive in pushing Lucas ... or why he wouldn't want more of a presence anyway. Seems like win-win-win.

There is one thing, Lucas can be notoriously hard to deal with at times in a Douglas Adams kind of way. Kind of hard to predict what he wants sometimes. He can come up with some really great stuff and then come up with a clunker like Crystal Skulls.


Well-Known Member
I think, as you noted, that the Avatar addition might be a successful theme park 'land'-and I'm looking forward to it coming to fruition-but nothing like Star Wars, unless the next 2 movies are epic.

Also, maybe it's because Star Wars came out when I was in middle school so I've been a fan for 35 years, but I don't even put Harry Potter in the same category as Star Wars. I'll be curious to see where the Harry Potter mania stands in 10 years. I think the WWoHP will still be a wonderful theme park section, but I feel much of the enthusiasm will have faded significantly.

A lot of people, most older, don't.

It took a lot for me to buy into the Potter phenomenon. I recall a dozen years ago when friends with young kids were touting the books and I had no interest in them. Same with the films. Wasn't until Continental Airlines forced me to watch the first film that I was suprised how good it was (and that's before any of the kids could actually ... well ... um ... act!) and it wasn't simply the wine after a delayed Newark-LA flight either.

Potter is going to last.

FWIW, while I 'enjoy' Star Wars, it will never come close to me of having the relevance and deeper plotlines of Star Trek and its many incarnations.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people, most older, don't.

It took a lot for me to buy into the Potter phenomenon. I recall a dozen years ago when friends with young kids were touting the books and I had no interest in them. Same with the films. Wasn't until Continental Airlines forced me to watch the first film that I was suprised how good it was (and that's before any of the kids could actually ... well ... um ... act!) and it wasn't simply the wine after a delayed Newark-LA flight either.

Potter is going to last.

FWIW, while I 'enjoy' Star Wars, it will never come close to me of having the relevance and deeper plotlines of Star Trek and its many incarnations.
Time will tell with Potter five years ago I thought HP was just going to be a decade long obsession without a future( like Twilight and Hunger games are going to be) but when WWHOP opened it hit me this will be popular forever and is a perfect way to gain new fans, Avatar lets wait and see. And Star Trek is awesome and compelling but there is Deep Space Nine(sucked)


Well-Known Member
I would welcome these changes, but ultimately I believe that original attractions would be preferred over Carsland, keep it unique to DCA and make both parks must see experiences for different unique reasons.

Thing is, that's to Disney Park fans who come to sites like this.

To the general public :

1) Most of them will never step foot in more than one Disney resort to know that an attraction is duplicated,

and even if so,

2) more people would think it odd that they DID NOT have the same attractions, than if they did.

This "all parks are/should be unique" thing is wholly a fan invention. The only people who don't like "clones" and use it as a naughty word are on boards like this. Most people don't care either way as they will never step foot in more than one Disney location (although I have no official basis, I can't imagine it would be more than say 5% of the guests at WDW on any given day have ever been or ever will go to Disneyland, much less a non-US park).

Clones are good business - and they make sense. The "clones are bad" stuff is only on message boards, kind of like the "Disney Parks Are Museums" folk.


Well-Known Member
CARTHAY CIRCLE replaces Chinese Theatre/includes new dining
refurb to Great Movie ride

I'm all for a GMR refurb, but replacing the Chinese Theatre with Carthay doesn't make very much sense to me. Grauman's is as iconic as the Hollywood hills...Carthay is no longer standing.
Why waste money changing what is already wonderful centerpiece (then again, these are the same people who had a giant hat built in front of that centerpiece.)
I can't imagine there's any truth to that aspect of this rumor. I sure hope there isn't anyway.


Well-Known Member
Apparently, the right to have the Chinese Theatre as the park icon is expired or something. Doesn't make sense to me, maybe someone else knows better.

The other site is . Hope I don't get in trouble for referring to another site, no harm intended.


Well-Known Member
Apparently, the right to have the Chinese Theatre as the park icon is expired or something. Doesn't make sense to me, maybe someone else knows better.

The other site is . Hope I don't get in trouble for referring to another site, no harm intended.
I guess the Chinese theatre was tired of seeing the hat to:)


Well-Known Member
Apparently, the right to have the Chinese Theatre as the park icon is expired or something. Doesn't make sense to me, maybe someone else knows better.

I always thought that was a bus driver/Internet rumor. If Disney didn't have the rights to the theatre I can't imagine theyd be allowed to keep it in the park, hat or no hat. It's not like guests can't see the theatre after buying their pins...

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