Disney(World) vs. Disney(land)?


Well-Known Member
The $1 billion number for "Nextgen" seems to get thrown around a lot, but I don't think anyone outside of Disney really knows exactly how that money is being spent, of it that is even an accurate number. I highly doubt the ability to book your fastpasses ahead of time would cost $1 billion to implement, so what else is included in that number?

Just speculating here.... But if they need to add brand new RFID hardware to every cash register in every store and restaurant at every theme park and resort, every entry turnstyle, most attractions, (and every hotel room door?), you're looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars right off the bat. Throw in the R&D, installation manpower, queue reconstruction, employee training, and simple bureaucracy costs, and it's easy to see where a bulk of that $1 billion is going.


Beta Return
Just speculating here.... But if they need to add brand new RFID hardware to every cash register in every store and restaurant at every theme park and resort, every entry turnstyle, most attractions, (and every hotel room door?), you're looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars right off the bat. Throw in the R&D, installation manpower, queue reconstruction, employee training, and simple bureaucracy costs, and it's easy to see where a bulk of that $1 billion is going.

And the new office facility in downtown Orlando to house all the number crunchers and data servers.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I HAD to quote this single post. In 74 pages it is the one post that sums up todays resort.

To those who doubted those who had said this for months - NOW do you understand?

Ain't it funny that you picked a post on page 74 (albeit not authored by him)?

Funny or fitting?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This is a great summation of what our insiders have been saying. I will always believe this is only one side of the story.

I will contend until the end that this was essentially the plan for years. Basically to finish capital intensive projects in the pipeline such as DCA and the ships and then turn attention to WDW. Once Uni and SW committed to their projects for the next decade Disney was able to formulate their game plan. Staggs delivered the playbook at the DAK meeting.

So, Disney had to wait until UNI and SW vastly improved their products and their investments in O-Town and then get positive results (that actually harmed Disney) in order for Disney (and Staggs, who has always had a large amount of input into P&R spending as CFO) to then decide to spend money and reinvest in its flagship resort?

Am I getting that straight?


Well-Known Member
So, Disney had to wait until UNI and SW vastly improved their products and their investments in O-Town and then get positive results (that actually harmed Disney) in order for Disney (and Staggs, who has always had a large amount of input into P&R spending as CFO) to then decide to spend money and reinvest in its flagship resort?

Am I getting that straight?
Some nonsense theory about a pendulum.


Well-Known Member
So, Disney had to wait until UNI and SW vastly improved their products and their investments in O-Town and then get positive results (that actually harmed Disney) in order for Disney (and Staggs, who has always had a large amount of input into P&R spending as CFO) to then decide to spend money and reinvest in its flagship resort?

Am I getting that straight?

I contend that Disney is not overly concerned with Universal and Sea World and Legoland being successful. They were more concerned with what would have happened had DCA not been fixed first. Or that they did not have near enough supply to meet demand on the Disney Cruise Lines. The mouse was more concerned with incorporating Pixar successfully into the fold than Potterville grabbing a bit of market share. They were more concerned with making aquisitions like Marvel to shore up a content deficit.

I read an article a couple years ago from the Orlando Business Journal that talked about the advantages of larger and more varied content of the central Florida tourism portfolio. There is a possibility of creating so much content that central Florida is ensured of remaining the number 1 tourist destination in the world for decades. Rest assured there are very wealthy interests that want that title. From the middle-east to the far-east, there are real threats to Orlando's crown.

That does not mean Disney will not need to compete against Universal etc, but I do not think they mind the idea of a rising tide lifting all boats. And they do not mind being reactive rather than proactive. The relatively flat numbers of the last couple years are not that major a problem compared to the other issues they faced in other divisions.

The FLE begins the turnaround. It will suprise people and is only a first step to begin to regain numbers. I know you deperately need to believe TDO really screwed up due to all your theories of greed and short-sightedness and incompetence. To admit you are wrong would mean all your postings of the last several years here were completely misguided. You will just disappear from the on-line community before you will ever admit you were wrong all along. But you have been wrong. You have completely missed the big picture. Your dislike of TDO has blinded you to the reality and truth of the situation, along with your followers. Not arguing here. That is just my perception. Have a good evening.


Premium Member
WDW1974 -

Is your tag line about "~Change is coming. BIG, SPIRITED change!~" a sign all along for the past several months that you expected something good to happen at WDW? or was it something different?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I'm confused, because for the longest time Jt, you insisted (against the word of everyone here, including Steve) that the FLE was a response to Legoland. So now "Disney is not overly concerned with Universal and Sea World and Legoland being successful?"

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I contend that Disney is not overly concerned with Universal and Sea World and Legoland being successful. They were more concerned with what would have happened had DCA not been fixed first. Or that they did not have near enough supply to meet demand on the Disney Cruise Lines. The mouse was more concerned with incorporating Pixar successfully into the fold than Potterville grabbing a bit of market share. They were more concerned with making aquisitions like Marvel to shore up a content deficit.

See, I knew I shouldn't have unblocked this wasteful content... But, I need to answer this.... So now you contend Disney is not concerned with Universal, Sea World, and Legoland... But didn't you say, and I already know the answer YOU DID, that FLE is being done as an answer to Legoland??? That Disney was more concerned with Legoland than Universal, that is why they are doing FLE??? You did, so can't deny... Your words are once again biting you in the backside, so don't deny... One little search on here is all that needs to be done to use your own words against you, again... Give it up.. Your schtick is over, it isn't working anymore... You have been outted as a fraud... It is time to put your computer away and move on to something else....

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I'm confused, because for the longest time Jt, you insisted (against the word of everyone here, including Steve) that the FLE was a response to Legoland. So now "Disney is not overly concerned with Universal and Sea World and Legoland being successful?"
LoL, great minds think alike, you beat me by a few seconds LOL...


Well-Known Member
As a Universal AP holder and DVC member, I like to think I enjoy Universal and WDW equally. Having recently returned from a combined Universal/WDW vacation, IMHO Universal felt like it was 90% the same park that it was in 2009 before the opening of WWOHP. The difference was that, with the addition of WWOHP (which fundamentally is one great new ride plus a bunch of stores) and, to a lesser extent, RRR and Despicable Me, Universal had all the "buzz", felt more crowded, and seemed more exciting. WDW felt like another day at the beach.

Disney executives better be very concerned at what's happening at Universal. Their "charge more for less" mentality is not going to continue to sell and consumers will start to grow tired of "Free Dining". They got "Free Dining" last year and the year before that. All they see this year is that another trip to WDW, even with "Free Dining", is going to cost them another 10%. Meanwhile something exciting is happening at Universal. Disney executives better get their act together really soon or WDW is going to become just another vacation destination, and no one wants to pay premium prices for that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
But those mommy blogger posts, etc all add to the positive news those customers get to. Not only that, those are more potential things to get linked on facebook, etc and spread through social graphs. It's impressions all around.. for dirt cheap. A url linked by a friend is far more 'valuable' than a banner ad... and far cheaper and far more 'replay' value then direct mailers, radio spots, and even TV to a degree.

That is why the carpet bombing has value.. and not only focusing on established media. You question their use and embrace of D-tier 'media' - I say its not about their power individually, but their power added together. And as you said prior, their standards are different so they are much easier to manipulate :)

Yes, exactly so. Social media as a REAL thing is in its infancy and so-called 'experts' are making up metrics as they go along (loved watching FB fall more this week!) The 'what's it all mean?' line moves. It's not as simple as the weekly Nielsen ratings (which aren't what they were now with DVR and delayed viewing) or monthly subscribership for a magazine. And that makes it much more open to interpretation and manipulation.

Come on - you and others have been FAR more critical of the Parks blog in the past.. arguing its to put others out of business, to control the fans, people complaining about controlled content, etc. Some people were delusional in thinking it must be like an open door, company hosted discussion format. No, it's a outward facing propaganda bazooka. It's not even an outlet for operational type stuff.. purely marketing messages.

I think you tend to want to hyperbolize hyperbole a bit. Oh, and D23 did put Tales From the Laughing Place (a much superior publication owned by one of their own contractors) out of business after 'borrowing' the idea/concept. The Blog also exists to absolutely control the message as much as possible. When do you ever see many 'negative' comments. They're out there to in essence shout down free speech in forums like this in favor of Pixie Dust 24/7. I think you agree with this, but am really not sure. ... I do like the term 'propoganda bazooka' though, and, yes, it's pure marketing. But it didn't have to be, and many believe that it is something more. Hence, some of those folks tweeting up fanbois, but never actually ever saying anything of substance about anything.

I have the feeling I'm wasting time in a back and forth with you here. And don't take that to mean I don't respect your views. Just you have a very different opinion on things like Twitter than I do and neither of us is going to change the other's mind. If it weren't for some comments below, I probably would have just let it go and let you have the last word.

I can only say what I know to be true and that is Disney could have approached their whole D23/Disney Parks Blog/social media initiative differently.

I won't go much further here since this is really diverging OT now.. but I'd suggest a mirror check :) You want the credit.. you want the recognition.. you want to be the source. But you aren't willing to give up your public anonymity so this balance of the discussion forum where you can drop hints or bombs at will is more to your liking. You want to be the guy in the shadow manipulating the guy up front.. because the guy up front can take the bullet if it comes, leaving you free to shift somewhere else if needed. I just haven't decided if your lack of publishing your own blog/site is because a) lack of technical prowess and no desire to learn it (oldschool) or b) you need the energy of the baited responses to keep going. Maybe both :)

Yes, it's veering very off-topic (and not on my part) to discuss ... what else? Me.

Again, I don't want any credit (well, I'd like an AmEx Black but that a whole other subject) or recognition beyond people reading what I post here and discussing it. This is getting into my whole 'agenda' subject that comes up with 2-3 regulars here and every troll that passes through. I often wonder if its flat out jealousy by some. Not everyone can start a thread that is (mostly) intelligent discuussion and goes on for 75 pages.

I choose to be anonymous because that is my right. I don't know who you are and I don't care. There are people here who know who I am and know where my insider 'status' comes from. I call them friends. Everyone else only needs to know what my words state. And no one is taking any bullets for me. I am very proud that I have never led to one source losing a job.

My lack of having a blog isn't having to do with anything you say above. It's I don't want one. Here I am engaged in discussion and it isn't added 'work' and work that I won't be paid for. I'm assuming you have a job and get paid. I'm not looking to add to my workload for free when I can post here like anyone else. I'll take it as a compliment, though, that you think I could have a following ... I've heard that a lot. When someone in 'new media' offers me a real salary to write about Disney and the entertainment industry than I'll be more than willing to think about attempting a Nikki Finke (VERY SCARY!!!) deal. ... I'd rather not quit what I am doing and start getting government payments and make $9,000 a year (that I try and convince the world is $90,000!) blogging about the evils of NEXT GEN.

Interest in the company function and how things get done? Sure - but you instead are trying to make things personal by dragging people in by name, not to question their business practices, but to question their integrity and classless topics like talking about compensation, etc. It's not about business practice, influencers, and strategy when you repeatedly try to call people to the carpet and paint them negatively because they won't 'come and face you..' in the anonymous discussion forums. Come on.. that's just juvenile, unprofessional, and you (I believe) can be way above that. In this current evolution.. you have been far more than not.

No, I am not. I am asking very fair questions that deserve answering. Again, I do know some Disney consultants (not in social media, though). I know what Disney pays people. There is nothing wrong with being honest about things and letting people decide for themselves. ... And if these people are truly trying to use Social Media to improve a company's relationship with its most fervent fans, why exactly is it wrong to ask these folks (who live online) to join in a discussion about that topic, even in generalities?

Although I am trying to see where in this thread I did that. I don't recall doing any such thing because we both know they have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Now ... the question I'd be asking is why is that?

But I really am not looking to turn a discussion on upcoming WDW projects into yet another social media thread. I've said my piece on it.

If I take over the department, then I may have more to say!

In this latest run back on WDWMagic you have generally been much 'cleaner' then in previous stints on other sites.. that generally have lead to you being run off. Even going back to that LP thread of just a year ago.. you were much more focused on the soap opera stuff and unprofessional tactics then you were on actual meat and substance. The opening post of this thread (and actually most of your posts in this thread) show how effective your message can be when you leave the baiting out of it. I hope you stick more to this tact, and leave the backhanded comments, baiting, etc to aspiring shock jocks like Lutz. You don't need that type of 'look at me.. I know personal stuff.. I name drop..' junk to be effective and credible.

Not a sermon.. just a thought.. :)

Honestly. whether you intended it to be or not, it did come off a s sermon. I don't take well to them ,which I'm sure you've figured out.

I don't know what you mean by being 'cleaner' ... I try to not use dirty words (although sometimes they are quite appropriate, social media would be one). And I've never been run off from any Disney forum. I left one last year because I was asked to change my posting style, which I took to mean 'lay off Disney and the meaty topics', if I wanted to stay. I didn't. There were other things going on behind the scenes between Disney and the site's co-owner that I don't feel belong here.

You've sorta of left me a 'can't win' situation here, which I don't appreciate by bringing up my social media thread on LP.com because The Mom asked that we not talk about other discussion sites. But you called my tactics 'unprofessional' and what am I supposed to do? What I will do is simply say you are entitled to your opinion, but if you'd like to discuss it, send me a private note so I can be brutally honest. Not so I have to sorta go 75 miles out of the way to get to a destination I can arrive at in 5 miles by going directly.

So, please, if you want to discuss further, send me a note and we can talk. I don't wish to talk about something I posted on another site over a year ago that is of no moment to the topic at hand.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not sure if you know this - how far into the $1billion is TDO with Nextgen? Could the purpose of all these meeting be about scaling back on NexGen and reallocating that money? - or has the $billion already been spent?

Not sure, but NEXTGEN has been happening since 2009 now (mostly back of the house).

I have no idea how much has been spent, but Disney likes spending money like an OCD fan with a government disability check!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
hold on, I need to grab another popcorn bucket...movie theater sized...should last a week or two

Not on my part, Chris.

I don't have the time or the desire right now.

And there's only so many times you can repeat the exact same things before you need to give it a rest ...

... besides, I've heard WDW has never been better!

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