Well-Known Member
I mean, he wouldn't say something like that if the rubes... I mean, guests... were noticing the faster-than-inflation ticket price increases, AA's that don't work, paying more and more for lower quality food, stale parades, unkempt queues and resort grounds, reduced operating hours for the monorail, lack of new attractions/investment in 3 of the 4 Florida parks... would he?
Another great point. The cost for an AP this year is about $650 (with tax) My first AP (back in 2004) was about $425. Suffice it to say there are not 50% more attractions, 50% better upkeep ,etc, since 2004 to justify a 50% increase in price.
Even the Fantasyland "expansion" equals out (or is it one more?) over the # of attractions that were in Mickey's Toontown Fair and FL previously. I commented to this fact on the DPB the other day, announcing the dates for the FLE opening. I sandwiched it between average fangirl rants (eg Can't wait to see the new Fantasyland - so exciting!) to see if it would get through their filter, and it actually did, lol. Here's my comment:
I’m very excited to see Fantasyland after it’s been “unveiled!” Thinking about what used to be in Mickey’s Toontown Fair and Fantasyland prior to the expansion, I’m trying to determine how many new rides are going to be in the “New” Fantasyland. It seems that we’re actually breaking even (or maybe one new ride, after the Snow White coaster opens in a few years) with the expansion – is that right?
From the artwork and what we’ve seen so far of the Storybook Circus, I know that the remaining areas are going to look fantastic!
I'm not trying to heckle them at all; I am a marketing and PR professional myself. But, I'm not a fan of the smoke and mirrors they are using on social media. At times, it genuinely feels like manipulation instead of conversation. This is not the fault of their staff, who are just doing their jobs, but it warrants people speaking up at the right times and in the right way.
I'm officially ranting now, but there are so many interesting things in this thread that bear discussion. One of the best threads I've read on this site in a long time. Excellent criticisms and discussion (well, for the most part ).