Well-Known Member
Let me guess you didn't notice the decline until you came to this site and read the, "Disney is awful and does nothing right" threads? Good thing you are swayed by group speak and don't use your own mind.
Um, actually I grew up in Orlando. I've been going to WDW since before I can even remember the scenes in pictures of me in the MK. I've seen and experienced WDW from before Epcot, thru the 80s. I left after MGM opened. I returned with my husband in 99 then brought my own family in 2004 where we magically transformed into the tacky tourists we made fun of when I was a kid. Since 04 I've been to WDW 10 or 11 times, stayed in a lot of their resorts, eaten a loooot of their grub, and logged a lot of time in the parks. What I note as a declining quality experience comes from a lot of time and money spent making my own observations. I have never ever been a follow the flock girl. Ever. I was always the oddball, did my time as the black sheep, and to this day make it a point to make a stand against the FBs & Twits because I do NOT follow the flock. Those are some mighty snarky character accusations to wield upon someone you know nothing about. That, my friend, speaks volumes. If you're going to get personal, best to know the person first lest you make a fool of yourself.