Reprinted from JHM:
Hey Jim, Why not pop over to WDWMagic and have a "Spirited" discussion about this article?
EDITOR'S NOTE: Sorry, but no, Unkadug. From what I saw earlier this evening, they've already boiling the tar & plucking the feathers for me over at WDWMagic.
Someday I might be willing to come on by and then try to have an adult conversation with the folks there about this rather complex issue. But given that I've already been called fat, pathetic, an online and a sell-out by WDW1974 at that site ... Well, what's the point of going on over to the WDWMagic discussion boards when I'd then just be forced to get down in the mud with someone like that? A person who seems to take such obvious pleasure in smearing other people's reputation but then isn't brave enough to actually back up what he says/writes by posting any of those deliberately inflammatory comments under his real name?
More to the point, I have a rather complex history when it comes to WDWMagic. You see, JHM used to have this webmaster, Cory Mitchell, who delighted in regularly going over to that website and then deliberately stirring up trouble. Cory would go out of his way to off the people who posted on the WDWMagic discussion boards, all the while talking up the fact that he was JHM's webmaster.
Mind you, I didn't condone or encourage Mr. Mitchell's bad behavior. But I have certainly paid for it on WDWMagic's discussion boards ever since then. So even though Cory hasn't worked for JHM for over eight years now, there are still people who post at that website who even today hold a grudge when it comes to myself or JimHillMedia. Which is why -- on WDWMagic -- I have been accused of everything short of kidnapping the Lindbergh baby.
Look. I get it. When you run a website, that then makes you a public figure. Which means that you have to develop a very thick skin. Which is why you then have to learn to let insults slide off your back.
But on the other hand, just because you run a website doesn't mean that you then have an obligation to deliberately put yourself in harm's way. Enter into situations where you know that people -- particularly posters who won't ever use their real names -- are then going to go out of their way to attack & insult you.
Unkadug, it's not like I have to have my butt kissed / have to be promised to be treated with kid gloves before I'll then agree to go on someone else's website or take part in someone else's podcast. Just ask the WDWFanboys. I'm on their podcast every couple of months. And I can promise you that Brett, Tim and Paul never treat me with anything even approaching respect. That's honestly half the fun of going on their podcast. The challenging questions they toss my ways, the way that the WDWFanboys will deliberately cut me off in mid-sentence if they think my answer is getting too long or is just too boring.
But honestly, life is just too short to deal with people like WDW1974. Who -- while they may offer great insights / have terrific inside information about the way The Walt Disney Company actually operates -- use the anonymity of the Web as an excuse to personally attack those that they don't know & have never met with an excessive amount of venom.
So if you want to put WDW1974 on a short leash and/or insist that this guy start posting all of his over-the-top, unnecessarily nasty comments about me & the stuff that I write under his real name ... THEN I might consider coming on by WDWMagic's discussion boards and having a chat with all of the nice folks over there. But given how WDW1974 seems to bully & bait all those who dare to disagree with him ... Somehow I just don't see that happening anytime soon.
Thanks for the invite, though ...