Static i must say that this thread is pretty darn cool. i've always have beena fan of ghosts, paranormal, etc. (dates back to my love of "Ghostbusters" and yes i know that is just a movie and what REALLY happens when ghost huting)
i've never felt any weird sensations, espcially the mansion since i'm happy there 99.9999% of the time lol
wish i could say the same for my house. most of my life i lived here and nothing freaky started up until 4 years ago. no one's died here that i can tell besides pets but there's something else here. not always here but it's here. example, my dad was carving a pumpkin for halloween with one of those do-it-yourself kits. well, he put the carving knife down, used a different tool (no longer than 5 secodns) reached for the knife again and it was gone. he looked all over our porch couldn't find it. for those wondering it's a metal knife with a bright orange handle. it was sitting on top of newspapers and my dad picked those up. so, he went inside got a regular knife came back out and there was the carving knife, on top of the newspapers.
i myself experienced something once. i always left my high school ring in one spot on my computer desk because i'd get up, check e-mail and put my watch and ring on. well, one morning i woke up put my watch on but couldn't find my ring. so i decided to wait until after work to look for it. effort was fruitless, no where to be found. later that night, i took my headphones off and placed them on my desk...and right over my ring!!! my silver colored ring and a black desk top stood out like a sore thumb saying "here i am!!!" but it wasn't there all day.
kinda creepy sorry for th elong post. i'm going to Magic Kingdom on April 29th i'm gonna try and check some of it out but seeing as it'll only be an hour or two i doubt it (doing the disney cruise the enxt day-my 21st b-day butt hat's off topic)