AliciaLuvzDizne said:
this thread has really peaked my interest. I wonder why I never noticed it before. Ive never sensed anything around wdw, but ive been thinking that maybe its because i dont pay close enough attention. or possibly that its been 2 years since ive been and i just dont remember.
My senses are a little different. I have dreams when im sleeping, or day dreams (sort of visions) of terrible events that usually actually happen within the next two weeks. They are always things that involve people i know personally (the only example i feel comfortable with sharing today is i had a dream the day before 2 of my cousins were involved in a terrible car accident. they both survived.)
I also have a connection with time. when i was 11 or 12, i had an urgent feeling that i NEEDED to know what time it was and i went into another room of the house i was at (my neighbors) to see that it was 2PM. it happened to be the exact minute my grandfather passed away. I have more of these stories, but its too soon after my latest for me to want to talk about it.
does anyone else every have these kinds of events happen to them? Im going to wdw in March and i want to see if i notice anything this time so i'm going to try to keep it in the back of my mind. Im not going to bring the list, because I dont want to "force it" you know?
I wasn't going to bring this up, but your post brought it out . . .
Yes. All of it. All the time. It's kind of frightening. I forsaw the death of a few family members and it really freaked me out. But most of the time it's just mundane, silly stuff. And, I never know when it's going to happen.
Now, this is going to sound weird, but I can leave my body while I sleep. I've heard it called astro-projecting. Most of the informatioin that I get comes while I'm astro-projecting. Again, most of the stuff I get is mundane, boring and useless.
I've tried to work with this skill with results that I would rather not discuss. I'm to the point now, that when it happens great, but I'm no longer seeking these night-time trips.
Also, we're not alone in our house. We have at least one ghost or "spirit" that visits occassionally. (It's almost embarissing to discuss this publically). I hear voices. Not the kind that says, Hey your nuts. And, I have witnesses to the voices (plus knocks, items that move, doors that fly open and occassionaly glimpses of a woman upstairs and a man in my basement). The woman is fine. The man terrfies me -- but he's only around at night.
My sister-in-law and her son lived with my husband and I for 4 years. Most of the voices centered around my sister-in-law and I. My husband occassionally heard them but would laugh it off and ignore it. Then one day, my nephew came running to me, telling me he heard a woman talking to him and there was no one there. He was about 13 at the time and terrified. It was the one and only time I ever lied to him. I had too, I coundn't have him terrfied to be in his own home. So, I told the standard, it's only your imagination, let's go look to make sure and calm your nerves, etc.
A few years ago, my sister-in-law and my nephew moved out. The voices have mainly stopped. But has been replaced by a man in my basement. My husband laughs because once the sun sets, I refuse to go in there because I know that I'll see him out of the corner of my eye. Dusty looking cowboyishy, he's entirerly brown (his clothes and hands are the same shade muddy, dirty brown). I can't see his face because his cowboy hat is pulled down. He also has a cigarette in one hand. But I can neither smell smoke nor see it. And he's just sitting there on a few boxes staring at me. OK. Enough. I'm freaked. I've never actually thought about his description before let alone wrote it down.
As far as Disney . . . I have never "felt" anything. Although, i don't consider myself psyhic. Wait, that's not true. I did have a sense of complete dispair and almost a huge crying fit the first time I saw that 20K was gone. I was so excited to get on it. I even saw the Nautilus sitting there, hatch up and loading with no line. Poof. It was gone and a meet and greet was there.