But he ran the price up before.......
Now he spent the piggy so maybe trading cash/stock for companies he valued at x does not equate to investors valuing the total worth of the company as much as before the spend so we wait until he can rev up the circus and pump it back up. All the market chatter about what a value it is this week when institutions are pouring money back into the market seems like running ads at tax refund time to get people to buy your stuff and very Disney
Wall Street ran the price up on pure tripe about streaming. The Bob's just told them what they wanted to hear at the time. They are all still playing catch-up to Netflix and dancing to whatever tune they play. Netflix announces sub numbers, so the rest have to announce sub numbers. Netflix announces profits and revenue, the rest have to announce profits and revenue. It's rather funny, when you think about it.
The stock is still overpriced at $90/share. Bring it to $50/share and you're probably about where it should be. Brand erosion right now is real, despite what the ardent defenders would have you think. $lappie brought a world of hurt to the brand, but it started under Iger. Disney used to stand for quality merchandise, decent prices, quality entertainment, and head-and-shoulders above others when it came to theme parks (and they were priced so that you didn't feel ripped off or take to the cleaners). 2 decades of Bob's farming have sown some really bad seeds which they have to harvest now. $lappie's "squeeze them for everything we can" pricing schemes are being exposed, people are complaining more and more. How is any of that going to bring prestige back to the word, "Disney"? Iger doesn't have a plan, but if he does, anytime he wants to let us know would be appreciated. Disney feels more and more like it's adrift without a captain.