I’m of the opinion that the shareholder monster has become so big and hungry it is now impacting the ability of the core business of companies to function effectively. Which has a negative impact on shareholders. My new poster child for this is Southwest Airlines and the Christmas debacle. Which was only one of the multiple times in the last few years that they couldn’t even get their planes in the air. Shareholders may have got their 26% dividend growth in the 5 years pre-Covid, but now the company is facing an immediate and therefore more expensive replacement of technology that should have been done years ago, pilot issues and a trashed reputation. They were my go-to but until these issues are solved, I won't trust them, so our next flights are on United. Not my favorite, but we have the credit card and points for international travel.
We all know about Disney’s “invest in the core business” failures and deficiencies. And these are two companies with traditionally positive, conscientious business reputations. I don't believe they are the only ones.