Disney Posers

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I was watching a Fantasyland trivia video on YouTube and there were a couple of things in there that were totally false. Had to correct the poster on those things. I used to hate it when people would try and tell me Disneyland came second but now I just laugh at the ignorance, but still correct them.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
You know what they say....a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

Some people like to try to impress with the little knowledge of any subject that they may be privy to in the hopes that they will be considered an informed source.
Yeah, but first he's got to gain that little knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I can understand that a lot of people don't want to put much thought into the parks one way or another and just want to shut off their mind and escape.

But one thing that really grinds my gears [petergriffin.jpg] is when people can't bother to get the correct names of things. Or bother to learn the very basic storylines of attractions which are laid out for you in plain English. For example, countless people call Test Track "Fast Track", and that is annoying as heck, but even worse, I've seen many grown adults call it a "race track", and actually think the story is about racing. Like, really? You're so dense and self absorbed that you were able to walk through that queue, watch that video, and SIT IN A VEHICLE as tests are performed to it, and you STILL THINK IT WAS A RACE????


Sorry, ranting.

I always try and look at the common denominator, and I'm inclined to think that if "so many people" get the names of attractions incorrect, or they cannot follow the storyline of an attraction, then maybe it's not the fault of those individuals, but rather maybe Disney needs to do a better job of conveying those things. Just something to consider.


Well-Known Member
I can't say I know 'A' person as you have described but I do over hear them all the time in the parks! You know them and I'm certain you have run into them those Little Miss/Mr. Know It Alls! I overhear them giving strange if not completly wrong information wandering around the parks! Is it just me or do these Know It Alls just make up information as they go just to make themselves feel special ? (you just have to laugh)

I have been to the world more times than I can count, spent endless hours researching it and planning my trips, but by no means do I consider myself an expert or more "In the Know" and special. Usually when I am in the parks with my friends & family if they have a question I try to answer it. If I don't know the answer then we will ask or try to find the answers.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Two days ago we were at Epcot at night and, since Captain EO was closed, he informed us that it was closed for good since they were changing it. Obviously not true.

I was told this during my last trip (can't remember who said it). I was so upset because I thought it was leaving! But obviously it hasn't and I haven't seen anything about it anywhere reputable.


Do the people in those bootleg Disney character costumes that hang around Midtown Manhattan count as posers?
maybe... in fact... I work in Times Square and it doesn't even bother me that Mickey and Minnie (and sometimes Woody) are walking around taking pictures with people.. it bothers me that they are charging for it and SPEAKING through their mask!! lol how annoying! :)


Well-Known Member
OMg this reminds me of someonew i know here at home ,she's been to Disney twice in her life(which is fine not everyone can go as much as some of us)But she insists she knows better than I do_Once we were having a conversation with a mutual friend who was thinking of making the trip so I was telling her about the free dining,and the "know it all" said nothing infront of me but then later in another room to the side was quietly telling her that I had no idea what I was talking about because there was no way Disney would ever give away free food for a whole week LOL ,as if I'd make that up .Some people just make me laugh this is the same person who thinks Barbie Rapunzel and Tangled are the same character lol.
it's annoying but kinda funny at the same time,what can ya do eh?


Well-Known Member
I haven't met somebody like this, but I have met the complete opposite. There was one girl that I was acquaintances with in high school that quite literally lived and breathed everything Disney... it was almost like a trigger word for her or something. Her greatest hero was Walt Disney, all of her favorite songs were Disney, and every project she did for Digital Design, the class we took, were about Disney.

Don't get me wrong, she was a very nice girl and gifted when it came to digital artwork, but... wow, she could talk up a storm about it. I always thought that I was a huge Disney fan and knew everything there was to know for the most part (up until that point, I was always teased for my great interest in Disney), but she certainly proved me wrong. She actually spent an entire class period talking about all of the ghostly characters featured in The Haunted Mansion and, much like you, I wasn't able to get a word in about the subject.

Anyway, all she ever seemed to talk about at school was Disney, and all I ever saw on her facebook would be links to Disney songs, clips, or statuses about Disney. She told me that she wanted to work for Disney, and I asked, "Oh, as an animator or something?" "No, I want to be a cast member!" "Oh, cool!" All I can really say is that she must be super dedicated if that's what she wants to do for a living, as I've heard a lot of unpleasant stories about being a cast member at one of the parks. o_O

I'm not trying to be condescending in any way, I actually think it's amazing that she's this into Disney, but in my opinion, she seemed like the kind of person who's really into Disney... maybe just a little too much. :eek:


Well-Known Member
I haven't met somebody like this, but I have met the complete opposite. There was one girl that I was acquaintances with in high school that quite literally lived and breathed everything Disney... it was almost like a trigger word for her or something. Her greatest hero was Walt Disney, all of her favorite songs were Disney, and every project she did for Digital Design, the class we took, were about Disney.

Don't get me wrong, she was a very nice girl and gifted when it came to digital artwork, but... wow, she could talk up a storm about it. I always thought that I was a huge Disney fan and knew everything there was to know for the most part (up until that point, I was always teased for my great interest in Disney), but she certainly proved me wrong. She actually spent an entire class period talking about all of the ghostly characters featured in The Haunted Mansion and, much like you, I wasn't able to get a word in about the subject.

Anyway, all she ever seemed to talk about at school was Disney, and all I ever saw on her facebook would be links to Disney songs, clips, or statuses about Disney. She told me that she wanted to work for Disney, and I asked, "Oh, as an animator or something?" "No, I want to be a cast member!" "Oh, cool!" All I can really say is that she must be super dedicated if that's what she wants to do for a living, as I've heard a lot of unpleasant stories about being a cast member at one of the parks. o_O

I'm not trying to be condescending in any way, I actually think it's amazing that she's this into Disney, but in my opinion, she seemed like the kind of person who's really into Disney... maybe just a little too much. :eek:

I know a couple of college girls like that... people who dress up as Belle to formal dances, wear Wendy Darling PJs and post Disney song lyrics as every facebook status. One of my friends kept trying to set me up with one of them and I had to convince him that I really wasn't that fanatical.


Well-Known Member
I'm with you, vitani88. There are casual visitors who make a mistake. No big deal.

Then there are the know-it-alls who don't actually know anything. I hate it when they try to correct me, but their information is incorrect.


Active Member
My little brother told me there was a girl in his school who claims to have been to Disney World every year, but when he mentioned Walt Disney, she had absolutely not one clue as to who that was, dead serious. Those people bug me to no end. You don't even have to go to Disney ONCE to at least KNOW who Walt Disney is


Well-Known Member
I will and have admit I am not a Disney expert . I hate when i hear some idot at the park spouting off some well known "secret" or some fact that is just plain wrong or has been dubunked for decades. The other thing that gets me is someone that does have alittle knowledge about the parks and ruins other peoples magic.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Let's hope this person doesn't read the boards.

I've been visiting WDW regularly since I was 6 months old. I've taken at least 25-30 trips by now. I also live near Disneyland and have been to Disneyland about 100 times. Add in the fact that I've been an active member of WDWMagic for 8 years, and I'm pretty confident in saying I know a thing or 2 about the parks.

Took a trip to Orlando a few days ago with my BF, who has probably been to WDW 200 times, has been a forum member here for about a decade, and knows more about the parks than I do (which is saying a lot). My BF brought his friend along with us to the parks, and his friend brought a girl with him.

This girl he brought along (who we'd never met before) is a CM. However, my BF's knowledge and my knowledge of the parks exceeded hers 20 fold. Regardless, she was a complete know-it-all the entire trip. Handed out trivia to us incessantly, and the things she told us we had already known for years (common knowledge stuff). She was "leading" us around, as if it was our first time there. Dragging us from point A to point B in supposedly "the fastest ways" which were not direct or fast routes. Telling us all about attractions that we'd been on 30 times as much as she had. She treated us like we had never stepped foot in a Disney park before and that she was our all-knowing tour guide.

The worst part was half the stuff she went on about wasn't even true. For example, she was saying that one of the singing busts in the Haunted Mansion was actually Walt Disney o_O (ummm...try Thurl Ravenscroft?). She also said that she'd heard that Disneyland had a longer Pirates, but Magic Kingdom's version "at least had Johnny Depp" (so does Disneyland's!). She went on all night about how if you go on the Jungle Cruise just before closing you can ask for a secret "Keys Tour version" of the ride. None of us wanted to ride Jungle Cruise, and half our group had already done the Keys Tour years ago and weren't interested. But she dragged us over to Jungle Cruise anyway, and acted all "in the know" when she asked the skipper if we could have a private boat and have the "Keys Tour version". I about died of humiliation. And of course the skipper said no and put us on the boat with everyone else. :rolleyes:

I did a decent job of holding my tongue, but really would have enjoyed myself a lot more had I been able to see what I wanted to see during my limited time in the parks instead of being dragged around by a self-appointed tour guide.

What is "key tour"?

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