Disney Posers


Well-Known Member
Ok. Let's hope this person doesn't read the boards.

I've been visiting WDW regularly since I was 6 months old. I've taken at least 25-30 trips by now. I also live near Disneyland and have been to Disneyland about 100 times. Add in the fact that I've been an active member of WDWMagic for 8 years, and I'm pretty confident in saying I know a thing or 2 about the parks.

Took a trip to Orlando a few days ago with my BF, who has probably been to WDW 200 times, has been a forum member here for about a decade, and knows more about the parks than I do (which is saying a lot). My BF brought his friend along with us to the parks, and his friend brought a girl with him.

This girl he brought along (who we'd never met before) is a CM. However, my BF's knowledge and my knowledge of the parks exceeded hers 20 fold. Regardless, she was a complete know-it-all the entire trip. Handed out trivia to us incessantly, and the things she told us we had already known for years (common knowledge stuff). She was "leading" us around, as if it was our first time there. Dragging us from point A to point B in supposedly "the fastest ways" which were not direct or fast routes. Telling us all about attractions that we'd been on 30 times as much as she had. She treated us like we had never stepped foot in a Disney park before and that she was our all-knowing tour guide.

The worst part was half the stuff she went on about wasn't even true. For example, she was saying that one of the singing busts in the Haunted Mansion was actually Walt Disney o_O (ummm...try Thurl Ravenscroft?). She also said that she'd heard that Disneyland had a longer Pirates, but Magic Kingdom's version "at least had Johnny Depp" (so does Disneyland's!). She went on all night about how if you go on the Jungle Cruise just before closing you can ask for a secret "Keys Tour version" of the ride. None of us wanted to ride Jungle Cruise, and half our group had already done the Keys Tour years ago and weren't interested. But she dragged us over to Jungle Cruise anyway, and acted all "in the know" when she asked the skipper if we could have a private boat and have the "Keys Tour version". I about died of humiliation. And of course the skipper said no and put us on the boat with everyone else. :rolleyes:

I did a decent job of holding my tongue, but really would have enjoyed myself a lot more had I been able to see what I wanted to see during my limited time in the parks instead of being dragged around by a self-appointed tour guide.


Active Member
i drives me up a wall when people call WDW, Disneyland - but I usually keep it to myself or i get looked at like im being snobby haha.

i have 3 friends who love disney - one, who really just loves them but doesnt know anything about anything (but doesnt claim she does either), the other who is my cousin who knows LEAPS and BOUNDS more than me, she knows all these inside tips and tricks, it makes my brain hurt.

But my favorite is this guy who always says he knows the inside scoop, or he can get into a park for FREE...and anytime i find out something new (even if it was JUST released) he ALWAYS says "i knew that already" and chuckles....BUT HE CLEARLY IS LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH! IT CRACKS ME UP, and makes me sick - all at once! :p once he told me he won a trip to WDW, and he was gonna take me and my husband - and then the next day said "whoops it was a scam!" really dude? lol


Well-Known Member
I feel a little silly saying this, but anyone ever encountered a hard-core Disney poser?

I work with a girl who has talked the talk since I met her. She talked for weeks about how excited she was and how much planning she was doing for Disney World. She just got back from a five day trip. She called me when they got back to tell me all about it for 30 minutes without letting me get a word in. She mentioned the parade at MK and I asked if it was Spectromagic or the Electrical Parade. She responded with "It was the Electrical Parade because there were a lot of lights!" I didn't mention that both had lights... She has made many statements like this over the months that I've known her. Bragging about her WDW knowledge and making some completely ridiculous statement.

I am not trying to deny her right to enjoy WDW or be a jerk about it. She just aggravates me a little with the constant bragging of her vast knowledge and about how she's been a fan for sooooooo long! Today she showed me a picture of Aurora and called her Arial *cringe*

Anyone know people like this?

oh god YES, me, my best friend, and a former friend were going on a trip to WDW together. Mind you this was after my 2 cp's, my former friend tried to convince me that he should drive the rental car because he knew the area better than me despite the fact I'd lived in Orlando a total of 11 months, i didn't even get mad at that one, i just laughed right in his face lol


Well-Known Member
plus during my first cp, I had a guest who swore the ToT was in epcot, he was 100% sure up and down that it had been in epcot during his last visit, finally, I just said, "ok, well if you find it in Epcot, be sure to let me know"


New Member
OH...me me me I have one too, maybe not a parks related one, but I work with a woman who when she found out I worked at WDW and love all things Disney thought she would impress me by telling me her friend taught Walt Disney's sons how to ski in Park City...I politely told her Walt did not have any sons and she told me point blank I wasn't a fan cause of course he did who else would her friend have taught to ski. I mentioned that walt had brother's who had sons and even explained the three Roys and how it could have been one of them. Again, she insisted I was dead wrong cause his last name was Disney and that her friend wouldn't make it up...head slap. I just let her win, much easier that way.

I tend to not mind ignorance in general I love sharing my love of the parks and history when asked, but flat out telling me I am wrong and "obviously" not that big of a fan if I didn't know something boils my blood a little...good thread fun to read thanks.


Well-Known Member
this happens in all walks of life. anything you're passionate about, you'll always find someone to know as much as you do, or be a team's "biggest fan." i run into it all the time in my line of work. especially when someone doesn't know what i do and starts talking to be about the sport i work in. it's exhausting. but you just sort of have to know some people are like that. it's one of those little life battles you win in the back of your head.


Well-Known Member
But one thing that really grinds my gears [petergriffin.jpg] is when people can't bother to get the correct names of things. Or bother to learn the very basic storylines of attractions which are laid out for you in plain English For example, countless people call Test Track "Fast Track".

This is funny. One thing I do with my kids on the busses is talk about rides but use wrong names (e.g. Ford Fast Track, Tower of Fear, etc). and watch people who know the correct names almost have fits dying to correct us. My wife accidentally came up with one a few weeks ago when she asked about the time we ate at Dineosaurus Rex (as opposed to Restaurantosauraus).


Active Member
I hate when people think they know everything about the parks but then I have to correct them.

"Oh,that huge hat at that movie park has a ride in it!"
"...It's called Hollywood Studios and no it doesn't."


Well-Known Member
My room mate in college this year. One of my close friends who is a true disney geek went to D23 and Disneyland last year and brought me back a postcard of FLE along with tagging me in tons of pictures of facebook. My room mate who claimed to be such a big disney geek thought the pictures were from WDW, asked me where FLE was, and also didn't know what DHS was....She referred to it as "the one with the hat" on multiple occasions. -.-

When she asked what the picture of FLE was, my 12 year old sister was in my dorm with me and said "That's Fantasyland expansion, it's going to be in Magic kingdom and they are building new stuff from Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid and making two dumbos!" My room mates response was "oh". lol
I know not everyone doesn't know disney like we do but don't claim to be a disney geek when you aren't:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I get where you are coming from but, not having anyone but my husband (on a MUCH smaller scale) to talk all things Disney, I wish I had a friend or co-worker that shared my love for WDW even if they didn't always get it quite right.
Boo to You Pooh, you can talk to me, anytime you want to talk Disney :)

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