Disney Posers


Well-Known Member
Wow! I love Disney as much as the next person but to let the fact that someone doesn't know the difference between Disneyland and Walt Disney World aggrevate you - good grief. Life is too short folks.

I agree. Who cares if they don't know what they are talking about and their info is wrong. Let them think what they want... To let this bother you is kind of ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was so obsessed that I had to correct everyone in my vicinity(family) when they would call MK 'Disney World' and mgm instead of the Disney MGM Studios. Things like that irritated me when I was 12 and 13. Now I could honestly careless if someone calls it Universal, Busch Gardens, whatever. I'm there to have fun and don't have time to sweat such small irrelevant stuff. The most I'll do is chuckle.


Active Member
I'm confused..."Wizard of Oz?"

And I thought you said you were a track coach?

I'm confused..."Wizard of Oz?"

And I thought you said you were a track coach?


Get it right I volunteer to be the cross country coach at a local high school here in Orlando practice starts at 5:30 am an lasts till 7:00 am I have to be at wk at 8am so I rush home to take a shower an then walk the dog am then I'm headed towards having a magical day....


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Get it right I volunteer to be the cross country coach at a local high school here in Orlando practice starts at 5:30 am an lasts till 7:00 am I have to be at wk at 8am so I rush home to take a shower an then walk the dog am then I'm headed towards having a magical day....

Get it right? All you said is that you were a cross-country coach? Where did you say previously that you were merely a "volunteer?" If you don't want people to be confused about your alleged professions, then be specific in your posts.....


Active Member
Get it right? All you said is that you were a cross-country coach? Where did you say previously that you were merely a "volunteer?" If you don't want people to be confused about your alleged professions, then be specific in your posts.....

Alleged what's your problem with me? Leave me alone. No one makes a profession out of being a coach in the hs level unless your in education an the FHSAA decides to allow you to get a stipened an honestly the $2,000 that I make for coaching gets directly put back into the athletic programs, I don't need the money I do it for the joy of seeing adolescents reach their goals physically an mentally!


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Alleged what's your problem with me? Leave me alone. No one makes a profession out of being a coach in the hs level unless your in education an the FHSAA decides to allow you to get a stipened an honestly the $2,000 that I make for coaching gets directly put back into the athletic programs, I don't need the money I do it for the joy of seeing adolescents reach their goals physically an mentally!

I have no idea what your profession is, or why you do it. But quite frankly, you've discussed two very different professions in various discussions. And I'm not the only one who was confused with your own statements. I don't care what you do for a living at the end of the day, but let's face it, saying you're a cross-country coach and a CM are at diametrically opposite ends of the spectrum....


Active Member
Uhhh I ran on a cross country scholarship at UNC??? In the beginning when I first started using this I used some of my discussions as tools an sort of as surveys...How is volunteering my time first thing at the crack of dawn an then heading to work odd?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Uhhh I ran on a cross country scholarship at UNC??? In the beginning when I first started using this I used some of my discussions as tools an sort of as surveys...How is volunteering my time first thing at the crack of dawn an then heading to work odd?


Again, where did YOU say any of that previously? And again, don't really care what you do, but with that simple line (that you wrote) of being both a supposed cross-country coach and (in other posts) a CM, confusion is practically inevitable.....


Active Member


Well-Known Member
I read the first few posts in this thread and then skipped to the end. LOL Wow, how a thread can change!! :D

Two tips for everyone:

#1 - If someone is quoting wrong information excitedly, leave it alone. They're excited about Disney. Let them keep that excitement. The moment you get on them and embarrassingly correct them they will have that horrible memory associated with Disney. You know the right answer so just let it go. The big golf ball is nothing to get so upset over. :confused:

#2 - Everyone hears things like this coming from Disney visitors so you're not unique. And if you've never heard this incorrect rambling from a Disney visitor... then maybe you're the incorrect visitor. LOL :eek:


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
So basically you can't be both? Do u have a life or do u just go through post through post dissecting everything???

Dissecting? No. Curious about what are basically two very different full-time professions? Yes, as were others. If you want things to be understood, be clear.....


Active Member
Dissecting? No. Curious about what are basically two very different full-time professions? Yes, as were others. If you want things to be understood, be clear.....

How is coaching a full time profession having practice at 5am an having to be at work at 8 is not that hard...... Who were the there everyone seems to understand that I work in Creative Entertainment. Why are you crucifying me to volunteer to help kids stay healthy an reach their goals an go to work for almost 11hrs a day?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I read the first few posts in this thread and then skipped to the end. LOL Wow, how a thread can change!! :D

Two tips for everyone:

#1 - If someone is quoting wrong information excitedly, leave it alone. They're excited about Disney. Let them keep that excitement. The moment you get on them and embarrassingly correct them they will have that horrible memory associated with Disney. You know the right answer so just let it go. The big golf ball is nothing to get so upset over. :confused:

#2 - Everyone hears things like this coming from Disney visitors so you're not unique. And if you've never heard this incorrect rambling from a Disney visitor... then maybe you're the incorrect visitor. LOL :eek:

I don't recall saying I was unique. I believe the question in the OP was "Anyone know people like this?"

Also, if you had read a little further, you would have seen that a lot of the issue is that this woman just rambles on without allowing other people to speak. I have never once corrected her. Even if I'd wanted to, there just wasn't time to get a word in.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
How is coaching a full time profession having practice at 5am an having to be at work at 8 is not that hard...... Who were the there everyone seems to understand that I work in Creative Entertainment. Why are you crucifying me to volunteer to help kids stay healthy an reach their goals an go to work for almost 11hrs a day?

Maybe my reading comprehension skills are off today, but I didn't see that he was "crucifying" you. I could definitely see how what you said was confusing. If you said in another thread that you were a coach and then in this thread that you were a CM, I don't see an issue with someone asking you to clarify. You're the one that came in with an attitude... But like I said, maybe I'm not reading something correctly.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
How is coaching a full time profession having practice at 5am an having to be at work at 8 is not that hard...... Who were the there everyone seems to understand that I work in Creative Entertainment. Why are you crucifying me to volunteer to help kids stay healthy an reach their goals an go to work for almost 11hrs a day?

Yes, I'm crucifying you. By asking you to simply clear up one of your posts (here it is again, in case you missed it: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/espnhs-closing-effects-on-disney.840070/#post-5007422) where you said you were a cross-country coach (nothing else mind you about schedules, UNC, helping kids, etc., just that one line), while you've also been spouting "hints" throughout other threads because you simultaneously claim to be a CM. I'm crucifying you because your own abbreviated statement confused myself and others. Again, (and for the last time), if you want to be taken as a source of information, perhaps being more lucid in what you write would be a good place to start.


Well-Known Member
I don't recall saying I was unique. I believe the question in the OP was "Anyone know people like this?"

Also, if you had read a little further, you would have seen that a lot of the issue is that this woman just rambles on without allowing other people to speak. I have never once corrected her. Even if I'd wanted to, there just wasn't time to get a word in.

LOLOLOLOLOL Thanks. That just made my day! LOLOLOLOL What on Earth made you think I was referring to you?? LOL :D

Here's another tip....

Get off of the SS Narcissism at the next available stop. Not everything in the world is about you. ;)

My God that was funny. You actually took my comments as a gesture toward you. LOL


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Maybe my reading comprehension skills are off today, but I didn't see that he was "crucifying" you. I could definitely see how what you said was confusing. If you said in another thread that you were a coach and then in this thread that you were a CM, I don't see an issue with someone asking you to clarify. You're the one that came in with an attitude... But like I said, maybe I'm not reading something correctly.

No, you're reading it correctly. As have others....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
LOLOLOLOLOL Thanks. That just made my day! LOLOLOLOL What on Earth made you think I was referring to you?? LOL :D

I just assumed since I started the thread and your comment pertained to what I was talking about. Silly me...


Well-Known Member
Maybe my reading comprehension skills are off today, but I didn't see that he was "crucifying" you. I could definitely see how what you said was confusing. If you said in another thread that you were a coach and then in this thread that you were a CM, I don't see an issue with someone asking you to clarify. You're the one that came in with an attitude... But like I said, maybe I'm not reading something correctly.
Yes, I'm crucifying you. By asking you to simply clear up one of your posts (here it is again, in case you missed it: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/espnhs-closing-effects-on-disney.840070/#post-5007422) where you said you were a cross-country coach (nothing else mind you about schedules, UNC, helping kids, etc., just that one line), while you've also been spouting "hints" throughout other threads because you simultaneously claim to be a CM. I'm crucifying you because your own abbreviated statement confused myself and others. Again, (and for the last time), if you want to be taken as a source of information, perhaps being more lucid in what you write would be a good place to start.


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