Disney Posers


Active Member
Yes, I'm crucifying you. By asking you to simply clear up one of your posts (here it is again, in case you missed it: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/threads/espnhs-closing-effects-on-disney.840070/#post-5007422) where you said you were a cross-country coach (nothing else mind you about schedules, UNC, helping kids, etc., just that one line), while you've also been spouting "hints" throughout other threads because you simultaneously claim to be a CM. I'm crucifying you because your own abbreviated statement confused myself and others. Again, (and for the last time), if you want to be taken as a source of information, perhaps being more lucid in what you write would be a good place to start.

All of my hints have been correct...... I don't someone that I've never meet whose prob been to Disney 3-4 times all upset that they can't work their getting in my face telling me where an what I do. Grow up an leave me alone. The be our guest resteraunt hints I've given we're all correct the night before Jennifer posted her article. Jesus would you like me to write a biography on my book excuse me now I have to go to the bathroom oh by the way I'm a partime cross country coach for a high school an work full time in creative entertainment


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
All of my hints have been correct...... I don't someone that I've never meet whose prob been to Disney 3-4 times all upset that they can't work their getting in my face telling me where an what I do. Grow up an leave me alone. The be our guest resteraunt hints I've given we're all correct the night before Jennifer posted her article. Jesus would you like me to write a biography on my book excuse me now I have to go to the bathroom oh by the way I'm a partime cross country coach for a high school an work full time in creative entertainment

Seriously though, what's with the attitude? His original question was harmless. You're the one that jumped in with "get it right," as if he should somehow psychically know what it is you do for a living.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
All of my hints have been correct...... I don't someone that I've never meet whose prob been to Disney 3-4 times all upset that they can't work their getting in my face telling me where an what I do. Grow up an leave me alone. The be our guest resteraunt hints I've given we're all correct the night before Jennifer posted her article. Jesus would you like me to write a biography on my book excuse me now I have to go to the bathroom oh by the way I'm a partime cross country coach for a high school an work full time in creative entertainment

And no one here debated the accuracy of your hints, now did they? All anyone has asked is that you clear up what appear to be (whether you like it or not), two contradictory statements provided by you because there wasn't more information. No need for swearing or the like, but if you want to be taken seriously, be clearer in the future.


Well-Known Member
OK back on topic:

To the people who say to "just let it go," it depends on who the person is in relation to you that has incorrect information. If the person is a total random person and they say something silly, then yes, we should just smile and move on. If the person is someone you love or care about, then I think it's ok to try and correct them. For my example that I posted earlier, I care about my friend, which is why I tried to give him the correct information so that he didn't go around making himself look like a fool. But later on, I realized that he has a bit of a superiority issue, so that's when I decided to stop debating with him about Disney things. I actually brought this weird complex of his up with him, but that's besides the point. Bottom line is: it's ok to have a passion for something and politely correct the people that you care about with the right information. People who love sports do it all the time. Also, I see people in various professions do it too, like chefs, artists, and musicians.


New Member
Disney posers are just like real posers. Super excited about something they're new to. You were exactly the same when you first discovered Disney. If it really bothered you, you'd tell her to shut up and get lost. You continue to sit there. No one says you have to listen.
And for the record, it's not just people who are "posers" who mess up info. What most Disney proffesionals still call "Disney MGM Studios" is actually Hollywood Studios now. She might know it by a different name.
Cut her some slack and let her get her sea legs. No one ever learns everything about Disney. Introduce her to WDWMagic! She'll have somewhere to rant, won't bother you as much, and might learn something.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Uhhh I ran on a cross country scholarship at UNC??? In the beginning when I first started using this I used some of my discussions as tools an sort of as surveys...How is volunteering my time first thing at the crack of dawn an then heading to work odd?

Which campus?
I have meet a few posers! the most memorable moment fo me came when i put a group in their place (on a rented boat from the contemporary) boat ride on the seven seas lagoon, the group of "experts" were chatting about the formation of disney and how Walt was a genious for building the magic kingdom right on a lake and how Walt would visit WDW frequently. Now my family looked at me and were like "dont please dont" I said let me correct you most of the seven seas lagoon is man made and there was origionaly a wave machine by the Poly (which is there to this day but not operational because of erosion) I then told them that unfortunatly Walt died before the park opened so how could he frequent the park!? auckward moment no doubt one of them said what are you some kind of Disney historian? I hate people that cant get the facts straight! I never claim to be an expert but because there are a lot of things i do not knOw(kinda like it that way keeps the magic fresh!) the rest of time this group hung out and asked questions the rest of their stay. :)


Active Member
I'm by no means a Disney expert, but I can hold my own in a conversation. I don't get upset by it, but it is a little annoying when people get the basics wrong and insist they're right. For instance, calling Magic Kingdom, "Disney World". Now I realize for a lot of older people when they were first introduced to Disney, thats all it was, so I understand that mistake. Same with hollywood studios calling it "MGM". I remember my mom taking me and cousin as kids and we're walking around thinking we're in universal. But there is a guy at my job that goes to Orlando every year and he swears that spiderman is the best ride at Disney World. And that he loves Treasure Island. The Treasure Island thing stumped me for a while until I figured out he was talking about islands of adventure, but got the name mixed up with pleasure island. Also, every time we talk about Disney at work, another guy always tells me I must eat at Victor and Victorias next time, it's the best! I just laugh, cause it is kinda funny. I'd rather have them get the names wrong then hate on Disney.


Active Member
And no one here debated the accuracy of your hints, now did they? All anyone has asked is that you clear up what appear to be (whether you like it or not), two contradictory statements provided by you because there wasn't more information. No need for swearing or the like, but if you want to be taken seriously, be clearer in the future.

Okay Im sorry Ive been exhausted with the recent closing of my house an having them backout an thank god having it go through with people who were intrested in the house previously. Pods brought a new pod to the house an quite frankly im stressed with the move so im sorry if ive been rude to anyone....


Beta Return
Okay Im sorry Ive been exhausted with the recent closing of my house an having them backout an thank god having it go through with people who were intrested in the house previously. Pods brought a new pod to the house an quite frankly im stressed with the move so im sorry if ive been rude to anyone....

You're actively moving to a new house and you still have time to post on here this much?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
My cousin who was a WDW fan before I was, but only visits every few years for 3-4 days at a time, was talking to me the other day and mentioned some ride that's at UNI (never been there), I believe it was The Simpsons, but was talking about how he loves doing it when he goes to WDW and how long the lines are at DHS for this ride...

Then, a friend of mine was super excited because I'm getting her and her boyfriend tickets to MK on the day of our wedding, because she would finally get to go on the "Harry Potter Ride," which is, apparently at MK.

I didn't correct either of these people, just laughed about it later.


Active Member
Not so much of a poser, but on my last big trip there was this kid who thought he knew everything about the current state of the parks.

I would have loved to see his face when found out that Test Track was closed, but I was too busy being on Soarin' before the massive early day exodus.


Ok. Let's hope this person doesn't read the boards.

I've been visiting WDW regularly since I was 6 months old. I've taken at least 25-30 trips by now. I also live near Disneyland and have been to Disneyland about 100 times. Add in the fact that I've been an active member of WDWMagic for 8 years, and I'm pretty confident in saying I know a thing or 2 about the parks.

Took a trip to Orlando a few days ago with my BF, who has probably been to WDW 200 times, has been a forum member here for about a decade, and knows more about the parks than I do (which is saying a lot). My BF brought his friend along with us to the parks, and his friend brought a girl with him.

This girl he brought along (who we'd never met before) is a CM. However, my BF's knowledge and my knowledge of the parks exceeded hers 20 fold. Regardless, she was a complete know-it-all the entire trip. Handed out trivia to us incessantly, and the things she told us we had already known for years (common knowledge stuff). She was "leading" us around, as if it was our first time there. Dragging us from point A to point B in supposedly "the fastest ways" which were not direct or fast routes. Telling us all about attractions that we'd been on 30 times as much as she had. She treated us like we had never stepped foot in a Disney park before and that she was our all-knowing tour guide.

The worst part was half the stuff she went on about wasn't even true. For example, she was saying that one of the singing busts in the Haunted Mansion was actually Walt Disney o_O (ummm...try Thurl Ravenscroft?). She also said that she'd heard that Disneyland had a longer Pirates, but Magic Kingdom's version "at least had Johnny Depp" (so does Disneyland's!). She went on all night about how if you go on the Jungle Cruise just before closing you can ask for a secret "Keys Tour version" of the ride. None of us wanted to ride Jungle Cruise, and half our group had already done the Keys Tour years ago and weren't interested. But she dragged us over to Jungle Cruise anyway, and acted all "in the know" when she asked the skipper if we could have a private boat and have the "Keys Tour version". I about died of humiliation. And of course the skipper said no and put us on the boat with everyone else. :rolleyes:

I did a decent job of holding my tongue, but really would have enjoyed myself a lot more had I been able to see what I wanted to see during my limited time in the parks instead of being dragged around by a self-appointed tour guide.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Ok. Let's hope this person doesn't read the boards.

I've been visiting WDW regularly since I was 6 months old. I've taken at least 25-30 trips by now. I also live near Disneyland and have been to Disneyland about 100 times. Add in the fact that I've been an active member of WDWMagic for 8 years, and I'm pretty confident in saying I know a thing or 2 about the parks.

Took a trip to Orlando a few days ago with my BF, who has probably been to WDW 200 times, has been a forum member here for about a decade, and knows more about the parks than I do (which is saying a lot). My BF brought his friend along with us to the parks, and his friend brought a girl with him.

This girl he brought along (who we'd never met before) is a CM. However, my BF's knowledge and my knowledge of the parks exceeded hers 20 fold. Regardless, she was a complete know-it-all the entire trip. Handed out trivia to us incessantly, and the things she told us we had already known for years (common knowledge stuff). She was "leading" us around, as if it was our first time there. Dragging us from point A to point B in supposedly "the fastest ways" which were not direct or fast routes. Telling us all about attractions that we'd been on 30 times as much as she had. She treated us like we had never stepped foot in a Disney park before and that she was our all-knowing tour guide.

The worst part was half the stuff she went on about wasn't even true. For example, she was saying that one of the singing busts in the Haunted Mansion was actually Walt Disney o_O (ummm...try Thurl Ravenscroft?). She also said that she'd heard that Disneyland had a longer Pirates, but Magic Kingdom's version "at least had Johnny Depp" (so does Disneyland's!). She went on all night about how if you go on the Jungle Cruise just before closing you can ask for a secret "Keys Tour version" of the ride. None of us wanted to ride Jungle Cruise, and half our group had already done the Keys Tour years ago and weren't interested. But she dragged us over to Jungle Cruise anyway, and acted all "in the know" when she asked the skipper if we could have a private boat and have the "Keys Tour version". I about died of humiliation. And of course the skipper said no and put us on the boat with everyone else. :rolleyes:

I did a decent job of holding my tongue, but really would have enjoyed myself a lot more had I been able to see what I wanted to see during my limited time in the parks instead of being dragged around by a self-appointed tour guide.
Surely that squelched her incessant babbling.


Beta Return
Ok. Let's hope this person doesn't read the boards.

I've been visiting WDW regularly since I was 6 months old. I've taken at least 25-30 trips by now. I also live near Disneyland and have been to Disneyland about 100 times. Add in the fact that I've been an active member of WDWMagic for 8 years, and I'm pretty confident in saying I know a thing or 2 about the parks.

Took a trip to Orlando a few days ago with my BF, who has probably been to WDW 200 times, has been a forum member here for about a decade, and knows more about the parks than I do (which is saying a lot). My BF brought his friend along with us to the parks, and his friend brought a girl with him.

This girl he brought along (who we'd never met before) is a CM. However, my BF's knowledge and my knowledge of the parks exceeded hers 20 fold. Regardless, she was a complete know-it-all the entire trip. Handed out trivia to us incessantly, and the things she told us we had already known for years (common knowledge stuff). She was "leading" us around, as if it was our first time there. Dragging us from point A to point B in supposedly "the fastest ways" which were not direct or fast routes. Telling us all about attractions that we'd been on 30 times as much as she had. She treated us like we had never stepped foot in a Disney park before and that she was our all-knowing tour guide.

The worst part was half the stuff she went on about wasn't even true. For example, she was saying that one of the singing busts in the Haunted Mansion was actually Walt Disney o_O (ummm...try Thurl Ravenscroft?). She also said that she'd heard that Disneyland had a longer Pirates, but Magic Kingdom's version "at least had Johnny Depp" (so does Disneyland's!). She went on all night about how if you go on the Jungle Cruise just before closing you can ask for a secret "Keys Tour version" of the ride. None of us wanted to ride Jungle Cruise, and half our group had already done the Keys Tour years ago and weren't interested. But she dragged us over to Jungle Cruise anyway, and acted all "in the know" when she asked the skipper if we could have a private boat and have the "Keys Tour version". I about died of humiliation. And of course the skipper said no and put us on the boat with everyone else. :rolleyes:

I did a decent job of holding my tongue, but really would have enjoyed myself a lot more had I been able to see what I wanted to see during my limited time in the parks instead of being dragged around by a self-appointed tour guide.

OMG! What is she? A line cook at some quick service location? Or maybe she receives inventory down in the tunnels.

I hope you were able to visit parks without her during your trip too.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
My former roommate is like this. He's (until very recently) was a lifeguard at the resorts that claimed to know anything and everything. Two days ago we were at Epcot at night and, since Captain EO was closed, he informed us that it was closed for good since they were changing it. Obviously not true.
My favorite, though, is when he would try to let me know news in the realm of Entertainment. Despite what you may hear from him, not all friends of Belle's are automatically friends with Jasmine and there are NO plans on putting fans or misters in characters' hats. There are plenty of other lies he likes to try to sell, but I simply don't care to figure out a way to phrase them appropriately. :p


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
My former roommate is like this. He's (until very recently) was a lifeguard at the resorts that claimed to know anything and everything. Two days ago we were at Epcot at night and, since Captain EO was closed, he informed us that it was closed for good since they were changing it. Obviously not true.
My favorite, though, is when he would try to let me know news in the realm of Entertainment. Despite what you may hear from him, not all friends of Belle's are automatically friends with Jasmine and there are NO plans on putting fans or misters in characters' hats. There are plenty of other lies he likes to try to sell, but I simply don't care to figure out a way to phrase them appropriately. :p
You know what they say....a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

Some people like to try to impress with the little knowledge of any subject that they may be privy to in the hopes that they will be considered an informed source.

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