Disney or the rest of the world?


New Member
I choose Disney...AND WHAT?!?!

It's not like the OP gave us an ultimatum.

Everyone's arguing with each other like it's a life altering decision we're making.:lol:


Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Valawen9 said:
It's not like the OP gave us an ultimatum.

Everyone's arguing with each other like it's a life altering decision we're making.:lol:

You mean this isn't for real??? :eek:

(Well, now I just feel silly...) :lookaroun


Active Member
TchaikovskyVCID said:
Munchen* (with two dots over the U)

My uncle and Oma (German for grandmother) were born in Germany.

Thats it. I always confuse the two different spellings.:hammer:

My Grossmama and Grosspapa were both born in Germany as well. Sadly, my great grandfater died before I was born, and my great grandmom passed on last Easter. I always found it funny that what we called them literally translated into "Big Papa" and "Big Mama.":lol:


New Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?

Snap back to reality people. I adore Disney, but trading it for REALITY is not going to happen in my books. From Italy to Bolivia- there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance than a Disney theme park. I'd much rather be able to build houses in Costa Rica and see relatives in Spain than spend a week at an playful city built to entertain you - life lessons do not come to you in Disney.

The original question was see the world and never go to a Disney park again...never, ever....never.

I think anyone who's a serious Disney fan would have a problem with never going to a Disney park again.

BTW...I don't go to Disney to get life lessons...I get enough of that everyday. I go to Disney parks to escape reality not deal with it.


New Member
EDIT: Whoops I accidently put a snore face here, which I'm positive would of made you guys rage - you'd assume I was thinking that your posts were boring or something.

:wave: Glad to see you guys kept up the thread and the Christina-bashing. Aww it's okay, I expected it when I posted.

First of all, let me say that no where in my original post (or the second one) did I say I hated Americans. I like you guys just fine. You're nice, nationalistic people for the most parts, but your not perfect people. Perhaps I am generalizing, but then again it's hard to answer a question like this without generalizations.

Let me sum up what I was trying to say the best I can at 12:34 am: If you think that your backyard is the best place in the world, then by all means stay. Maybe the rest of the world will be better off with you staying.

TiggerRPh said:
I think anyone who's a serious Disney fan would have a problem with never going to a Disney park again.

I love Disney. But I go to Disneyworld to have FUN. And to be honest with you, I can have the same amount of fun and laughter sitting on the porch blowing bubbles with my dog! I go to Disney to eat Dole Whip and Zebra Domes and to ride the rides, but when I go home, the minute I'm plunged back into my day-by-day routine, I tend to forget about Disney and have the same amount of fun at parties and movies. However, I daydream about Europe and Latin America EVERY single DAY. There's not a DAY that goes by that I'm not thinking about backpacking through Spain or sleeping under the stars in Italy or visiting the black sea. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about the utter sweetness and joy of the people (The natives are so, incredibly, sweet and dear and they are much nicer than ANYONE in North America heh). I remember specific moments in Europe, while when I think of my Disneyworld trip, it's just one giant trip. I just feel that many of you haven't had the experiences, and (the scariest thing is) you don't seem to WANT to experience these things, which seems to me ignorant. Sorry, there's no nice way to say it.

Well, I'm done my paper on weather or not Facism or Nazism is better (ahh), and now I'm done having writers direaeah on the boards, so I might as well return to my hotel and sleep. Have fun with the Christina-bashing and twisting my words way out of proportion and context, guys, and I'll check back on you tomorrow! :sohappy: :wave:


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
First of all, let me say that no where in my original post (or the second one) did I say I hated Americans. I like you guys just fine. You're nice, nationalistic people for the most parts, but your not perfect people. Perhaps I am generalizing, but then again it's hard to answer a question like this without generalizations.

You are too kind. :lol: :lol: :wave:

Christina said:
I love Disney. But I go to Disneyworld to have FUN. And to be honest with you, I can have the same amount of fun and laughter sitting on the porch blowing bubbles with my dog! I go to Disney to eat Dole Whip and Zebra Domes and to ride the rides, but when I go home, the minute I'm plunged back into my day-by-day routine, I tend to forget about Disney and have the same amount of fun at parties and movies. However, I daydream about Europe and Latin America EVERY single DAY. There's not a DAY that goes by that I'm not thinking about backpacking through Spain or sleeping under the stars in Italy or visiting the black sea. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about the utter sweetness and joy of the people (The natives are so, incredibly, sweet and dear and they are much nicer than ANYONE in North America heh). I remember specific moments in Europe, while when I think of my Disneyworld trip, it's just one giant trip. I just feel that many of you haven't had the experiences, and (the scariest thing is) you don't seem to WANT to experience these things, which seems to me ignorant. Sorry, there's no nice way to say it.

I have to wonder then why you devote any money or more importantly time at all to WDW. If my passion and love were those other things you mentioned, while Disney was something that I could equate with blowing bubbles with a dog on the porch, I'd certainly not devote a second more of my time to Florida.



Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I have to wonder then why you devote any money or more importantly time at all to WDW. If my passion and love were those other things you mentioned, while Disney was something that I could equate with blowing bubbles with a dog on the porch, I'd certainly not devote a second more of my time to Florida.


And one has to wonder why someone like that would spend time on forums dedicated to WDW and everything Disney in the first place.

Oh, and how does one blow bubbles with a dog, exactly? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
objr said:
And one has to wonder why someone like that would spend time on forums dedicated to WDW and everything Disney in the first place.

Oh, and how does one blow bubbles with a dog, exactly? :lookaroun
And lists Islands of Adventure as her favorite park? Ah well didn't we all know everything there was to know at 18 years old?? Belle


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
Let me sum up what I was trying to say the best I can at 12:34 am: If you think that your backyard is the best place in the world, then by all means stay. Maybe the rest of the world will be better off with you staying.

I love Disney. But I go to Disneyworld to have FUN. And to be honest with you, I can have the same amount of fun and laughter sitting on the porch blowing bubbles with my dog! I go to Disney to eat Dole Whip and Zebra Domes and to ride the rides, but when I go home, the minute I'm plunged back into my day-by-day routine, I tend to forget about Disney and have the same amount of fun at parties and movies. However, I daydream about Europe and Latin America EVERY single DAY. There's not a DAY that goes by that I'm not thinking about backpacking through Spain or sleeping under the stars in Italy or visiting the black sea. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about the utter sweetness and joy of the people (The natives are so, incredibly, sweet and dear and they are much nicer than ANYONE in North America heh). I remember specific moments in Europe, while when I think of my Disneyworld trip, it's just one giant trip. I just feel that many of you haven't had the experiences, and (the scariest thing is) you don't seem to WANT to experience these things, which seems to me ignorant. Sorry, there's no nice way to say it.

Individuality is a great thing. What's one person's favorite vacation spot might be a place in which another wouldn't care to visit at all. That doesn't make one right and one wrong. It makes them individuals. The above bold faced words are your preferences. That's great and wonderful for you, but perhaps not for someone else.

Whether or not you are intending them to, your post are coming across as being "better than thou". This board has many "world travelers" on it. Please don't assume that someone who states they'd rather go to WDW than anywhere else (if they had to make that choice) isn't making an "educated decision". It is their decision. No need to "knock" them for their choices. It's not even a "real" decision anyway. Just a hypothetical question on a message board. :rolleyes:

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
pinkrose said:
Individuality is a great thing. What's one person's favorite vacation spot might be a place in which another wouldn't care to visit at all. That doesn't make one right and one wrong. It makes them individuals. The above bold faced words are your preferences. That's great and wonderful for you, but perhaps not for someone else.

Whether or not you are intending them to, your post are coming across as being "better than thou". This board has many "world travelers" on it. Please don't assume that someone who states they'd rather go to WDW than anywhere else (if they had to make that choice) isn't making an "educated decision". It is their decision. No need to "knock" them for their choices. It's not even a "real" decision anyway. Just a hypothetical question on a message board. :rolleyes:
I love this post :sohappy: :sohappy: :wave: That is all.


Not a "what if" for me.

Let's see . . . Walt Disney World or the World? Aren't I getting both? Walt Disney + World vs. just World?

No, really. I AM making that choice. For what I spend going, being, at, and planning to go back again I could go other places in the World.

As an art major and geography minor I know a lot about the other cultures, histories, etc. Some how I don't feel cheated by not going to the real locations. That's not to say there isn't a profound difference. There IS a difference is viewing an actual work of art vs. looking at a plate in an art history book. Like watching the videos of my Disney vacation and being in the park.

The question was which do you choose? I choose Disney.


Active Member
Christina said:
EDIT: Whoops I accidently put a snore face here, which I'm positive would of made you guys rage - you'd assume I was thinking that your posts were boring or something.

:wave: Glad to see you guys kept up the thread and the Christina-bashing. Aww it's okay, I expected it when I posted.

First of all, let me say that no where in my original post (or the second one) did I say I hated Americans. I like you guys just fine. You're nice, nationalistic people for the most parts, but your not perfect people. Perhaps I am generalizing, but then again it's hard to answer a question like this without generalizations.

Let me sum up what I was trying to say the best I can at 12:34 am: If you think that your backyard is the best place in the world, then by all means stay. Maybe the rest of the world will be better off with you staying.

I love Disney. But I go to Disneyworld to have FUN. And to be honest with you, I can have the same amount of fun and laughter sitting on the porch blowing bubbles with my dog! I go to Disney to eat Dole Whip and Zebra Domes and to ride the rides, but when I go home, the minute I'm plunged back into my day-by-day routine, I tend to forget about Disney and have the same amount of fun at parties and movies. However, I daydream about Europe and Latin America EVERY single DAY. There's not a DAY that goes by that I'm not thinking about backpacking through Spain or sleeping under the stars in Italy or visiting the black sea. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about the utter sweetness and joy of the people (The natives are so, incredibly, sweet and dear and they are much nicer than ANYONE in North America heh). I remember specific moments in Europe, while when I think of my Disneyworld trip, it's just one giant trip. I just feel that many of you haven't had the experiences, and (the scariest thing is) you don't seem to WANT to experience these things, which seems to me ignorant. Sorry, there's no nice way to say it.

Well, I'm done my paper on weather or not Facism or Nazism is better (ahh), and now I'm done having writers direaeah on the boards, so I might as well return to my hotel and sleep. Have fun with the Christina-bashing and twisting my words way out of proportion and context, guys, and I'll check back on you tomorrow! :sohappy: :wave:

You know what? Thats great for you.
I've been to Paris.
I've stood on the Eiffle Tower with the entire city at my feet.
I've toured the backstreets of Minich.
I've gone to the small towns and met long-lost relatives.
I've I've swam in Lake Constantine.
I've hiked up to the top of a Mt. [I forget the name:eek: ]
I've seen the touristy spots and the off-the-beaten-path treasures.
I've done all that and so much more, but do you know something? I don't know if I would give up Disney forever just to do it again. So don't call me ignorant, I think I'm anything but. I like Disney from my own choice.


Active Member
Christina said:
You're nice, nationalistic people for the most parts, but your not perfect people. Perhaps I am generalizing.

Maybe the rest of the world will be better off with you staying.

I love Disney. But I go to Disneyworld to have FUN.

I just feel that many of you haven't had the experiences, and (the scariest thing is) you don't seem to WANT to experience these things, which seems to me ignorant. Sorry, there's no nice way to say it.
So I read your profile and you are only 18 and claim to be very opinionated. You should add that you apparently know what is best for everyone as well since you apparently feel you know what is best for people to do with their time and money.

Americans never have claimed to be perfect. If you do think Americans think they are perfect, then your perception is flawed and is not coming from your average everyday American citizen but rather what you might see of our politicians and CEO's. I've yet to see anyone on this board claim they are perfect.

If you're as self righteous as you are on these boards when you visit other countries, I'd venture to say that the world is better off with you staying home as well.

So now that's the smartest thing you've said so far but for some reason, you feel people on this board are going to Disney for some other reason than to just have fun. Why is that? Why is it if someone's made a statement about thier preference for how they spend their time and money, you are willign to judge them for it as being ignorant or stupid or some other ridiculous insult? Some people seem to have problems with the "what if" portion of this question. No one is ever going to be faced with an ultimatum of being able to travel only to Disney or to the rest of the world, it's a "what if" excercise. As it is, most of the people on this board travel to WDW much more than anywhere else, but that does not mean people on here have never traveled outside of the US and it does not mean they have no desire to or never will. It only means that they know what they enjoy, and have made a decision based on that to use their free time and disposable income to do it. Why do you feel that makes you superior? Why is it that there's been bashing from the people who feel it's stupid to choose Disney when none of the people who have chosen Disney are calling the people who have chosen to be world travelers names like ignorant, uneducated, pathetic, etc?

And as for your final point, you're just being judgmental. There are tons of people, not only Americans, who never travel outside of their own country. It sounds like you are fortunate to have parents with the means to allow you to travel the world and that's great for you. I never made it out of my homestate of Texas til I was 16 and the only other country I've visited is Mexico. I do hope to see more of the world someday and for me Disneyworld is a fun trip. It's not a vacation about fantasy, it's a vacation about relaxing and doing something I enjoy. I am not trying to escape reality by going there as it seems you might think people who chose Disney are.

One final thing, since are you so busy learning life lessons on all your worldly travels, I hope you manage to learn two major lessons. First off, I hope you learn to be less judgemental and more accepting of other peoples opinions. Secondly, I hope you figure out that you really don't know everything about the world, that one is usually inevitable for people your age. You've taken a topic that was meant to be all in fun and managed to insult most of the people on this board by calling us pathetic and managed to generalize most Americans as pretty ugly people. I hope you're proud of yourself.


Well-Known Member
objr said:
Oh, and how does one blow bubbles with a dog, exactly? :lookaroun

This I can't comment on because I sing songs to my cat. :eek:

What? It's just too easy... "Skittle" rhymes so well with "little' and "Pretty" with "Kitty"

:lol: :hammer: :lookaroun


New Member
As much as I like traveling aboard, I have to say there is no place like home. Disney definitly gives me that feeling. Disney all the way.


Well-Known Member
Christina said:
First of all, let me say that no where in my original post (or the second one) did I say I hated Americans. I like you guys just fine. You're nice, nationalistic people for the most parts, but your not perfect people. Perhaps I am generalizing, but then again it's hard to answer a question like this without generalizations.
Thanks, but we already know that we're not perfect. If you haven't figured it out yet, there's no such thing as a perfect human being. By the way, how can you say it's hard to answer the question without generalizations? The OP asked a simple fun question for everyone and you've seemed to steer it completely off of the intentions.
Christina said:
I love Disney. But I go to Disneyworld to have FUN. And to be honest with you, I can have the same amount of fun and laughter sitting on the porch blowing bubbles with my dog! I go to Disney to eat Dole Whip and Zebra Domes and to ride the rides, but when I go home, the minute I'm plunged back into my day-by-day routine, I tend to forget about Disney and have the same amount of fun at parties and movies. However, I daydream about Europe and Latin America EVERY single DAY. There's not a DAY that goes by that I'm not thinking about backpacking through Spain or sleeping under the stars in Italy or visiting the black sea. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about the utter sweetness and joy of the people (The natives are so, incredibly, sweet and dear and they are much nicer than ANYONE in North America heh). I remember specific moments in Europe, while when I think of my Disneyworld trip, it's just one giant trip. I just feel that many of you haven't had the experiences, and (the scariest thing is) you don't seem to WANT to experience these things, which seems to me ignorant. Sorry, there's no nice way to say it.
That's all nice for you, but what you don't seem to understand is that for some people there's not a DAY that goes by that their not thinking about their next trip to Disney World, their kids faces when they enter the gates, and the whole magical atmosphere. You're pretty lucky to have been able to travel that much, especially at your age. Most people wouldn't be able to spend thousands of dollars on something that would compare to blowing bubbles on the back porch with their dog.


Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
I have to wonder then why you devote any money or more importantly time at all to WDW. If my passion and love were those other things you mentioned, while Disney was something that I could equate with blowing bubbles with a dog on the porch, I'd certainly not devote a second more of my time to Florida.

No Kidding. A trip to Disney World, especially from a different coutry, would be thousands of dollars. While I can buy bubbles for about 79 cents. Tough choice. :rolleyes:

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